A Tribute to Dad

Dad and I sharing a laugh at my wedding. We always laughed together.

Dad and I sharing a laugh at my wedding. We always laughed and enjoyed sharing stories together.

My father Mel Burchard was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia on Mother’s Day, May 10th, 2009. It was out of the blue. The week before he was golfing and playing racquetball. The doctors gave him a 5% chance of making it. Both doctors said it was the worst they’d seen in their career.

Dad was a remarkable man. Funny, supportive, strong, loving. His message to us kids throughout life said everything you needed to know about the man: “Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Treat people with respect. Follow your dreams.”

His dedication to others spoke for itself, too. 20 years in the Marines with three tours in Vietnam. 20 years with the State of Montana. 34 years, it would have been next week, with Mom. 69 years as a very good man.

The day after Father’s Day we found out his second course of chemo therapy was ineffective. The cancer had taken his body. He understood the outcome and he was at peace with it. He would only have a few weeks to live. Dad chose to be at home, in hospice care, surrounded by and cared for by his family.

All the nurses cried when he left the hospital, because they had all come to love his humor and his stories about life. Everywhere he went, he respected others and shared a good joke and story. He set roots of friendship everywhere. Everyone loved him.

In his short time at home, Dad left nothing unsaid and nothing undone. Our immediate family was there: Mom, my two brothers Bryan and David, my sister Helen and her husband Adam, my wife Denise.

We were blessed to have this time with him. We got to tell him how proud we were of him, that he lived a good life, that Mom would always be taken care of, that his values and spirit would live on forever within each of us. These things were important to him. Until he lost his ability to speak in the final two days, he always asked that we take care of Mom. We will.

It’s hard to see your Dad fade away. But Dad did it with grace and strength even as the after effects of chemo made him terribly sick. He was so appreciative and loving as we cared for him. He knew his time was short and it was amazing to see him so loving with us, so at peace with what it was.

Dad died just before midnight. By 12:30am July 9th the nurse gave the official pronouncement. He faded peacefully, without pain, with just a few breathes spread further and further apart until he was gone. Dad died as I held his right hand, my brother Bryan held his left, and Mom and my sister by his side caressing him. At home with family surrounding him. Exactly as he would have wanted.

It’s impossible to write something like this; trying to keep it short, trying to express what a remarkable man Dad was, trying to share the news with you.

But I must and this is the best I have within me now. As you probably know in these days after losing a loved one, there’s no real time to think, only to feel, to cope, to be with family.

My family and I wanted to write this post because there are so many people we have to tell. And so many of you, my friends and readers and clients and seminar alumni, have been so kind in writing and sending your love and prayers.

My family and I want to thank you for all the support you’ve given to us – all the cards, emails, phone messages, gifts, flowers, and words of encouragement. My Dad passed knowing so many people were praying for him and thankful for having known him.

There’s no need to send any condolence cards. If you’d like, you can just write your supportive messages by leaving a reply on this blog. (Just go to the bottom of this post and click “Leave a Reply”). As odd as leaving comments on a blog might sound, it gives my family a chance to see all the comments in one place at one time. It also makes it easier on our inboxes all-around.

As a family, we will be making contributions to the following organizations, which Dad supported: Disabled American Veteran’s, Alzheimer’s Association, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and The Lady of the Rockies.

If you would like to contribute to our family and our contributions to these organizations, you can do so by clicking here.

Dad always supported vets, as he was one, and he taught us all to be very thankful for their service to our country. He was a true patriot.

Thank you again for your love and prayers.

Be present for your loved ones. You never know when your blessed time together will end.

With love,

Brendon Burchard
Author, Life’s Golden Ticket

Photos of Mel Burchard and family, followed by a video on the purpose of life.

Dad, Mom and Me at my wedding. He usually looks like a tough guy in pictures (that's the Marine in him) but how jolly is he here?!

Dad, Mom and Me at my wedding. They danced the night away.

Our immediate family at my first big seminar in Orlando. Left: Bryan, me, David, Dad, Helen and Mom

Our immediate family at my first big seminar in Orlando. Left: Bryan, me, David, Dad, Helen and Mom

Honoring Dad and Mom at my Life's Golden Ticket Under the Big Top event. Thanked them for their love and influence and the crowd went CRAZY!:)

Honoring Dad and Mom at my Life’s Golden Ticket Under the Big Top event. Thanked them for their love and influence and the crowd went CRAZY!:)

Dad and Mom. They LOVED helping out and volunteering at my seminars. Dad worked harder than I did and everyone loved him.

Dad and Mom. They LOVED helping out and volunteering at my seminars. Dad worked harder than I did and everyone loved him.

Dad with Denise and immediate family at my wedding. (Helen was home pregnant and couldn't be there).

Dad with Denise and immediate family at my wedding. (Helen was home pregnant and couldn\’t be there).

Dad holding grandson Connor for the first time! He's so proud of Helen and Adam!

Dad holding grandson Connor for the first time! He\’s so proud of Helen and Adam!


585 Responses

  1. Brendon,
    Maira and I will have your family in our thoughts. I know your dad will be up in heaven watching over everyone. We just finished watching the video you posted. It was wonderful and very moving. Be strong like I know you are.
    Your Friend Simo.

  2. Mel was one of the best father in-law’s that anyone could ask for. He made me feel like I was part of the family from day one. I loved sitting on the couch with him and listen to all the awsome tales about his life as a young Montana farm boy and as an American hero who faught for his country with pride. He was a nice gentle man until it came down to playing racquetball; he would mop up the floor with me, but I sure learned a lot and loved every minute. Mel you will be missed; but you will always be loved. Semper Fi!

  3. Brendon & Denise,
    My thoughts are with you and your family… much love to you both.

  4. Everyone that knew Mr. Burchard is better off than they were before. I think that says tons about the man he was and the family that he had to leave behind. We love you all. I know that this is a very trying time for everyone, but this is when the true beauty and power of family will shine through. I will try to be as good of a father to my children as I saw he was to his.

  5. Dear Brendon & Family –

    What a beautiful tribute and graceful, hopeful passing from here into eternity, where there is no more suffering, no more pain, no more tears and no more dying.

    He is now waiting for you all.

    My former wife – mother of my five children – chose to be at home as well when we all knew there was nothing else we could do but wait. That is the way it ought to be, surrounded by those we love.

    Thank you Brendon for all you give – your father obviously imparted his heart to you and he will live on in your own legacy of servant leadership.

    Con Mucho amor y carino’s, (much love and affection)


  6. Dear Burchard Family and Friends,

    I was so saddened to hear about your loss. Even though I never met Mel, I felt as if I knew him from everytime I heard Brendon speak of him, glowing with pride and love.

    Jackie Robinson said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” It sure sounds to me like Mel borrowed a page from Jackie’s playbook, in his own life and, by extension, the impact that he has had on everyone who was lucky enough to be inspired by him to make bigger impacts just by modeling themselves after him.

    So, in this regard, Mel will live on forever. I, personally know that he lives on in Brendon and with the wonderful work Brendon does, he lives on in each of Brendon’s students who then take Mel to the people in their lives and one can clearly see that Mel is making making a difference in the world eternally.

    Thank you, Mel. Thank you, Brendon.

  7. B-
    I am so sorry to hear about your father. I have been keeping him, and the rest of the family, in my thoughts and prayers. You will all remain close to my heart at this difficult time.

    Although I only got to meet him twice, I so enjoyed hearing the wonderful stories about your family all through college. When I picture your dad, I picture a very jolly, proud father with a huge smile across his face and a kind word for anyone and everyone he met.

    Your father was obviously so proud of you, and the rest of the family, and you gave him every reason to feel that way. He must have felt so sincerely grateful and accomplished to have raised such strong, caring people.

    I know that you will all rally to support each other now, as I am sure you have always done during tough times. This time, please know that you have the love and concern of so many friends and family members to help you, if you should need anything at all. Just say the word, and I’m on a plane tomorrow.
    Love to all,
    Jessy (& Brian)

  8. Brendon & Family

    Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves and your love for your Father. It moves us and allows us to really understand “Did I love, did I live, did I matter?”
    He continues to work his magic through all of you…what a gift he has given us all…

  9. As i read Brendon’s tribute to his father Mel tears flow freely with the knowingness of what extraordinary father and son bond they shared. I first met Mel at “Life Golden Ticket” event and remember vividly his warm, endearing handshake as well as the pride he had in his son’s accomplishments. Brendon is more than a speaker, he is a extraordinary teacher and Mel’s spirit lives on in his son whom he clearly had profound impact on. Mel leaves this world having made a awesome contribution…instilling a father’s wisdom in his son who in turn is touching many lives…including my own. In heartfelt gratitude and honoring his memory, Robert

  10. Brendon-
    I just finished watching your video- and reading your blog. I am so sorry buddy. He loved you and nothing was left un-said. I held my father’s hand and he passed- and it is something that changes you forever. I am so proud of you Brendon- You are an amazing man. Please pass my prayers to your family.

  11. From Ryan and Sue:

    Our heart goes out to you all for the loss of such a great man as Mel, and the pain you all must feel. I just returned from Montana yesterday where our family gathered in remembrance of my grandmother Esther, who passed last November. While we all still miss her very much, it was uplifting to hear and share stories of the great woman she was, and look at a slideshow and see how many lives she touched.

    When I picture your dad, I have a strong memory of him dancing (to hip-hop) after your first seminar, a big smile on his face, proud of you and happy to be surrounded by family and friends. We don’t get to choose how or when we go, but he must have felt truly blessed to have had the time, company and unconditional love of his family by his side.

    As time passes the tears for his suffering will dry, but the memories, lessons and love will always be there.

    …as we will always be there for you.

    Much love to you all,

    -Ryan & Sue

  12. From Vicki Rackner:

    Your dad lived, he loved and he mattered. He mattered even to people like me who never met him in person; we met him through your stories.

    One day you told me the story of the moment you became a man. You said that you and your dad had gone to a Vietnam memorial. As you wordlessly returned to the car, you hear the car keys jingling in his trembling hand. You looked into his face and saw the profound impact this visit had on your dad. Your father allowed you to take the keys and drive him home. You knew you were a man.

    It’s hard to imagine the gaping hole in your heart as you say goodbye to the man who gave you life, your sense of family and your manhood. I send you and your family my deep condolences.

    You father lived a full life. The love he gave is eternal, and it will continue to be passed around the world and down through the generations. He will continue to matter through the stories that you will continue to tell.

    I hold you and your family in thoughts and prayers of healing light. I honor your father’s life.


    • Dear Brendon and Denise,

      I’m so sorry to hear the sad news, our prayers are with you and your family. I can still see Mel running around helping at the events. The last one I shared with you guys in California. He was the most exemplar man in the world, full of love and empathy sharing his thoughts and listening to our troubles. It is hard to imagine that he is gone today but he will always be in our memory.

      My love to your mom, she is also the most caring person in the world.

      Love to all,

      Patti Pizzi

  13. From Jessy Falk:

    I am so sorry to hear about your father. I have been keeping him, and the rest of the family, in my thoughts and prayers. You will all remain close to my heart at this difficult time.

    Although I only got to meet him twice, I so enjoyed hearing the wonderful stories about your family all through college. When I picture your dad, I picture a very jolly, proud father with a huge smile across his face and a kind word for anyone and everyone he met.

    Your father was obviously so proud of you, and the rest of the family, and you gave him every reason to feel that way. He must have felt so sincerely grateful and accomplished to have raised such strong, caring people.

    I know that you will all rally to support each other now, as I am sure you have always done during tough times. This time, please know that you have the love and concern of so many friends and family members to help you, if you should need anything at all. Just say the word, and I’m on a plane tomorrow.
    Love to all,
    Jessy (& Brian)

  14. From Margaret Good:

    Wednesday night your father’s address changed,
    His leaving will at first feel very strange,
    And though your cell phone is out of range
    His pain for God’s home you would not exchange.

    He lived his life with no regrets,
    His cheerful personality you will never forget,
    He alwasy told you not to fret,
    For God is holding our safety net.

    His words were always comforting and wise,
    All things are not for us to continually analyze,
    To enjoy the journey and life’s butterfiles,
    He encouraged you to act on what you visualized.

    He encouraged you to follow your dreams,
    To keep up your spirits and your self-esteem,
    To treat each day like a new sunbeam,
    To remember God’s love is always pristine.

    Though he never spoke to hundreds on a podium,
    He said all things you could overcome,
    To stumbling blocks never succomb,
    For through God all things can be done.

    Though lonely for the rest of us,
    At least Dad is home with Christ Jesus,
    If he were here you know he would say,
    Be happy for me and you know will will meet again some day.

    (My heart is with you. Though I wrote this for my Dad last Sept., I know it would apply to your’s as well, Hugs, MG)

  15. From Steve Banick:


    I see so clearly where so much of your passion, drive and exuberance came from. I wish I had known your Dad – he sounds like a tremendous role model for all of us, one who knew how to enjoy life while living it responsibly.

    May the fire in his life and the courage of his passing bless you all, and those of us who have been – at least indirectly through you – a recipient of his gentle wisdom.

    Yours in the Center Ring – of Life….

    S. Banick

  16. I am so sorry fot your loss. Thank you for sharing this with me.

  17. Brendon,

    My thoughts and prayers for comfort and strength go out to you and your family. I enjoyed meeting you in San Francisco earlier this year – you are such an inspiration.

    Warm regards,
    Evelyn Brooks
    Los Angeles

  18. I lost my father in early 2007, very soon after my husband and I came to America on an expat contract. He thought it was a wonderful opportunity for us but I know it broke his heart to see us go.

    I loved my father, and he knew it, I told him every day so I don’t have anything left unsaid to him which makes his passing somewhat easier to bear – although I miss him terribly. I am sure that your father knew how much you loved him too. He loved you too. You can see how proud he was of you in your photographs.

    I feel so sad for you and your family but hopefully the comments you read here will brighten your day and help you celebrate the wonderful man that was your father.

    Best regards


  19. Brendon,

    I am sorry to hear the sad news and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.

    Lourdes Hernandez

  20. Brendon,

    My heartfelt condolances to you and your family.

    May you keep his love burning inside you and continue to inspire you as you inspire others.

    God Bless,
    Jeff Moore

  21. Mel was a wonderful and caring man. I can see why Brendon turned out the way he did. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. He made me laugh at the Big Tent event. I know he will be missed. At least you have an angel looking over you now. Love to you and your famiy. Christy Whtiman

  22. Brendon,

    I don’t think there’s anything that I can say that will ease the pain and burden you are feeling, so I won’t even try, other than to express my deepest thoughts and well wishes to you and yours in this time of remembrance.

    I am eternally grateful to you for all that you have done for me personally, and just wanted to say thank you, and that I am sending positive energy your way.

    With deepest thoughts,

  23. Brendon:

    Although we have mutual Friends, Lynn Rose for one, Jairek Robbins for another, we have never had the opportunity to meet. However, we have something else in common…the loss of a parent. My only known parent , my mom, died when I was in high school. I share this to say I understand a loss like the one you are feeling. 10 years ago I lost my 3 year old daughter. There is nothing I can say to help ease the pain of loss. I would like you to know that I have admired you from afar, respected you from a distance and now I am with you in your grief and missing of your father. From what I can see and know about you, he must have been an incredible man to have raised such and incredible young man!

    I look forward to our eventual meeting. May the God of all peach and compassion be with you and hold you and yours in His mighty hand today and forever!

    Your Friend in waiting,
    Bob Donnell

  24. My heartfelt condolensces Brendon. This is truly one of the most lovely tributes I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing it. Best wishes and warmest regards to you and your entire family.


  25. Hi Brendon,

    I am so sorry to know about your dad.
    From your heartfelt sharing of your dad’s life, I know he was a very loving person and father. You are blessed.

    God needed him very much and so he is inducted into special angels heaven. He is with you and your family wherever you are and whatever you do.

    Thanks for sharing your most private life with us.

    Big Blessings,
    Dr. Anna Maria Prezio

  26. Dear Brendon and The Burchard Family,

    I am sending my true thoughts of prayers to be with you and your family right now.
    I can relate to all.
    Your father was an awesome man in your life who made you who you are today. So never forget that.
    Although he has passed… he will always be in your heart and memories are priceless jewels we all take for granted.
    Take all the photos and keep them, share them and write about him, as he will never leave your heart.
    I am sending you this because, from the bottom of my heart I believe the spirt lives on.
    You will be in my thoughts Brendon… take care of yourself.

    Your friend… and if you ever need someone to talk to please let me know,

    Charlotte Tersigni

  27. Dear Brendon,
    Morty and I are deeply saddened by your loss and thrilled that you had such a wonderful farther. So many people don’t. I know that he will live on in your memories.

    My dad will be 90 in December. I feel very much the way you do. I guess we just have to stay present to all the we have had.

    May your family and friends provide the support you need during this sad time.

    Love, Shelly & Morty (from TLC)

  28. What an amazing tribute to your father. Our thoughts are with you. Robert & Bonnie

  29. Hey Brendon,

    I’m truly sorrry to hear about the loss of your father. He seemed to be a great man and you guys seemed to share a very special relationship. I’m sure he’ll be in heaven pushing you and guiding you to even bigger and better things. You are an inspiration for all of us to follow!

  30. Brendon,

    I know your dad is a great man, and I say is —- because of how he influenced you and what you are.

    Liz Cosline

  31. My condolences to you and your family!

    God’s blessings,


  32. He must be very proud of you. The best gift you can give a parent is to live your life well.

  33. Brendan I know how it feels to lose someone close to you. I have learned that the love you share with a love one who passes away gets stronger and they begin to bound with you in ways unexpected. The way I dealt with it best was to finish anything that was left undone by that family member and continue the dream they may have had. God bless your family and may your dad live forever in your heart.

  34. What great advice Mel Burchard has
    “Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Treat people
    with respect. Follow your dreams.”

    I will remember this advice always. You are blessed to have had him in your life.

  35. Dear Brendon & Family:

    My warmest condolences for your loss.
    I want to dedicate Psalm 23 to you and your family.


    Camilo A. Silva
    Florida International University

  36. You are the man your father hoped you would be and more!
    I don’t even know you, but your words and deeds tell the story.

    You are you- a great gift
    You take care of your family and friends – it shows
    You give – your heart is full

    I’m sure your father is so very proud of you as he continues to follow your journey
    Stay true to your dreams and live your best life!

  37. Brendon,

    My Thoughts & Prayer are with you & your family at this time. You Father AWESOME Spirit lives on thru you & each member of the family, friends, colleagues & even the people he just touched briefly in this life in person & far away.

    You & Your Family will continue to be blessed with memories and great values that will pass to many generations!!

    Love & Blessings,


  38. Brendon,

    I am so sorry to hear what happened to your father. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

    Always know, that your father will live on through the positive impact that you make in kids and adults around the world.

    I send you love you love and prayers always!

    -Kristen Reed

  39. It was my great pleasure to meet Mel last year under the big top. I’ll never forget his beaming smile and heartfelt hug. He not only shares the same first name as my father, but embodied the same spirit and dedication in his life, making them both part of the greatest generation. Your family is in my prayers.
    FALA (Friends And Love Always)
    Hal Levin

  40. Hi Brendon,

    My condolences to you, your family and your mother. While I didn’t know your father, I could see his profound influence on you.

    Your tribute is touching and your views on the purpose of life are much needed in our world.

    Last year I posted a tribute to fathers everywhere, perhaps this will be of some help.

    Blessings to you and your family,
    Terri Marie

  41. Brendon,
    Our thoughts and prayers are sent to you and your family. Your dad is with you, guiding and protecting you and those he loves along their earthly path.
    Embrace your moments and always –
    Keep the faith,

  42. Brendon,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I ask that God look upon you and your family with favor in this difficult time. I also ask that he bless you with the opportunity to help others with your tremendous testimony. Take good care, friend.

    Keep your light shining, for all of us, and for Dad.


  43. To the Burchard Family… how blessed you all are for a father that gave you the best example on living a full and rewarding life. And how fortunate for him to pass on to another dimension in peace, love, dignity and loved ones by his side … everyone’s dream … and for your father … a perfect passing … albeit too soon. Semper Fi

    With love and prayers,
    Pat Burns

  44. love you brother.

    I accidently wrote a really short poem about death last week. And wanted to share it with you, but was hesitant, not knowing how it might be received as this can be such a sensitive time.

    But I share it now and hope you’ll feel the love in it:

    Love to you, Denise and the whole family,


  45. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer.

  46. Brendon

    I’m so sorry for you loss brother. Knowing you has and is a blessing in my life and I’m sure so much of who you are and what you do comes through your Dad. I wish I had the chance to meet your Dad but knowing you, his life, legacy, and spirit lives on in your contribution and your being.

    Thanks for sharing with us even in this difficult time. You’re loved my friend and we’re here for you and your family always.


  47. Hi Brendon

    I was with you in the workshop when you shared about your Dad. I appreciated your sensitivity and your professionalism at the same time. That was truly moving for me. Things like that have a lot to do with family background and so your father will continue to be a positive influence through you.

    May God richly bless you and your family and provide you with comfort in this time of need.

  48. Brendon,

    You are a great man, undoubtedly due to your amazing fathers’ influence. Thanks for drinking him in, and sharing with all of us your passions. Greiving is a gift from God. May the Lord be glorified in this time for you.

    with love, a greatful alumnus,
    Erik Carlson

  49. Dear Brendon,

    My heart goes out to you. I lost my dad 3 years ago. There is no way to express in words what it is like. I celebrate you sharing the living legacy of your dad in you. Your willingness for excellence, sharing and always remembering what is most important has touched my life in deep and profound ways. I celebrate your dad for all the values, laughter and joy he has brought into this world and for leaving a legacy of joy.

    With heartfelt condolonces,


  50. Brendon and Denise,

    What a beautiful tribute, a true celebration of your fathers life. I lost my mom-in-law earlier this year to AML and chose to celebrate her life and honor others by completing the Rock n Roll Marathon to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I will think of your dad when I cross the finish line next year.

    Thank you for reminding all of us to honor those we love while they are here. I lost another loved one two weeks ago and being able to tell him what he meant to me while he was here made such a big difference for both of us.

    Thank you for sharing such a personal moment.

    With peace and love,


  51. Brendon,

    My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. May your path echo his in goodness and dedication, and may his life force provide peace for all who knew him.


    Claudia Suzanne

  52. From Alison Savitch

    Brendon –

    Having done your last seminar in SF – I have some idea of what you were going through – I spent almost two years with my mother in hospitals, chemo and Hospice ending about a year ago with her passing due to Pancreatic Cancer. It was truly the most meaningful and important thing I have ever done . They take the time to formulate and help to create this amazing being called “us”, and we have that chance to give back. There were many meaningful things I learned from your weekend, as I have with Tony, Forum etc… But the story I tell of your event — is, ” Did we make a difference…” And it is obvious you did. I am sorry to hear of the passing of you DAD. But you, as the great storyteller will certainly keep his memory alive.

    All my Best,


  53. Dear Brendon:
    What a shock when we find out that our parents are gone from our lives. My deepest heartfelt blessings to you and your family during this really sad time. No matter who we are, we feel great sorrow. Your dad sounds like an incredible man and you are honoring him in a special way. He lived a life of no regrets and that is living one’s destiny. He is your private angel now.
    All my thoughts and prayers for a celebration of his life.
    Continue your greatness and love to your family.
    Cynthia Brian

  54. Brendon, I was there in the audience attending that seminar. I remember that moment early Sunday morning when the young man collapsed. How such a situation is handled can make or break a career. You handled it wisely.

    You gently brought everyone’s focus to the front of the room, asking everyone to send positive, healing thoughts and prayers to the young man at the back of the room and those who were helping him rather than letting people get up and move back to see what was going on.

    Better to keep things calm and collected rather than creating panic and a seminar equivalent of a gaper’s block.

    You then gave the amazing impromptu speech recorded above and I was blown away by the depth of your words and the openess and honesty of what you shared.

    I believe your Father continues to live on in many ways and on many levels and look forward to hearing about how he makes his appearances in your life. Perhaps it will be his favorite song playing on the radio just when you need to hear it most, a dream about him that feels so real (because it is!) or just the unmistakable sense of his presence around you.

    He continues to love and support and protect and guide you but now he can do it free of any physical restrictions or limitations.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    In Joyful Service,


  55. Brandon –

    Sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers to the lord to bless your dad’s soul and to give your family the strength and courage to live through these difficult times.

    God bless…


  56. Brendon and Family,

    My sincerest and deepest condolensces go out to all of you. I met your father Mel during the College Success Bootcamp, and he was probably the friendliest, warmest human being I’ve met in my entire life! I was very moved when he presented me with a Mickey Mouse Club pin I’d admired him wearing – I never expected him to give it to me, but I count it among one of my most sentimental and prized possessions. He even sent me a lovely card and Montana magnet at Christmastime that year, which I have on my refrigerator today. It always makes me smile when I see it, because it reminds me of the remarkable man and his amazing family.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

    With Much Love and Friendship,
    Jenn Clark

  57. Hi Brendon,

    Thank you for sharing – it is often through our vulnerabilities that the deepest connections are made. I wish you and your family deep healing and peace in this time and always.

    With love,

    Sarah Maria

  58. Dear Brendon~

    My condolences to you and those whom were close to your dad.

    I attended your Golden Ticket Event, and ironically, I had some small talk with your dad…not knowing he was your father.

    I thought that I would share with you, at the end of our conversation, he informed me he was your dad!

    If you could hear the enthusiasm in his voice, you would know just how proud he was was when he said that!

    You and he were blessed to have such a great relationship!
    God Bless you and your family at this time….

    Warmest Regards,
    Chelle Corr

  59. Brendon,

    This news comes as such a shock. I had no idea he was even ill. While my heart truly hurts for you and your family’s loss, I feel incredibly honored at this very moment to have had the wonderful opportunity to not only meet your dad, but to enjoy his company at Life’s Golden Ticket event last September.

    I watched that man work his butt off, and was in “awww” by his energy, kindness to me (to everybody), his glowing personality, and most of all, his devotion to you, his dear son. You could just see and feel how proud he was of you and your accomplishment.

    I remember conversations with him, laughing, smiling the entire event. I even remember catching him taking a cat nap in the catering trailer. He looked so cute sleeping. Poor guy was so tired.

    I feel so filled up with love thinking of that time, and feel honored that I get to remember him that way. You are a lucky man to have such noble man for a father.

    My heartfelt condolences to your amazing mother, and your entire family. Your father will be dearly missed, but certainly not forgotten.

    So much love,

  60. Dear Brendon,
    We have never met, somehow you just seem to send me e-mails of your work. When this one came, and because of your honorable love for your father, I knew, that as God does move in mysterious ways…I, too, was blessed because your father lived and I was allowed the privilege of sharing in the glory of his life through you,,Brendon…..whose next e-mails I will not delete!
    With my prayers and blessings…
    Marcia Harp San Francisco, and Palm Desert, Ca.

  61. Brendon,

    I was blessed to spend some time with your Dad at your Life’s Golden Ticket Event. He was everything you mentioned and more.

    You can tell where you got the good stuff.

    There is no greater joy than to know that he lived, he loved, he made a difference.

    He was here in every way that was ever important.

    Fully alive. Fully blessing. Fully blessed.

    I know there is no person better suited to continue his legacy than his very special son. We spoke about you and I know how much he loved you.

    He’s alive, he’s present for every moment, he loves, he makes a difference.

    What an impact your Father made through every small kindness he gifted to the people around him.

    All the best,


  62. Brendon,

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart and this story with us all. While I didn’t meet your Dad in person, I met his spirit through you – and what a fine spirit it is. I respect and admire your courage and your heart to always step out over the edge with Generosity and Love, even now.

    PEACE and Blessings,

  63. Semper Fi! From one Marine to another! Heaven’s gates are in good hands! RIP! With my kindest respects!

  64. Brendon,

    I can’t even imagine how you and your family must feell during this time. I want you to know that You and your family are in my deepest thoughts and Prayers. I know that the God of Comfort will carry you and your family though this time. I wanted to give your a few scriptures that I found to be a great source of encouragement and comfort during times like these.

    “Blessed be . . . the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation.”—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.
    “He [God] has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.”—Acts 17:31.
    “The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life.”—John 5:28, 29.

    Again, please accept my deepest condolences and remember that you have the support of many others, namely our father in heaven, God, feeling yoour pain.

    Stay Strong my Brother
    Yoour Friend Duane Cruickshank

  65. I sincerely feel for your loss and know what you are going through to some extent. Not too long ago, cancer left a similar hole in our family with the passing of my mother. What I have come to know is that we allowed for her to receive her reward by going away and she did so with the same grace that she faced life. Because she lived her life the way she did, she taught me how to live and she ultimately taught me how to die with grace but with knowledge that she would meet her maker.
    May God bless you and yours of reminders of the importance of life and the knowledge that your father has reaped his reward and now is in the comfort of his Creator.

  66. Brendon,
    I’m so sorry for your loss. You are so much your father’s son. When I met Mel, I saw him in a crowd and knew he had to be your dad. I saw where you came from when I watched him.

    I know how proud he was of you and he knew how much you loved him. What else needs to be said between a father and son?

    My mom went in a very similar situation and at the same age, and I would ask you to be gentle with yourself during this time and take in all the love coming to you now. It will strengthen you.

    Who you have become is the best tribute you can pay to the man who inspired you, your dad.

    I love you and my heart goes out to your entire family.


  67. Dear Brendon & Family,

    Our deepest condolences.

    Audrone & Mark

  68. Brendon my name is Paul and we’ve never met, but I’ve followed you for a little while, I’m a speaker and author. I live in the Washington, DC area, I along with my wife and two young children extend our heartfelt sympathy to you and your beautiful family. I’m a retired lieutenant colonel from the United States Air Force and thus I’m writing you to say thank you to your dad for his honorably service to America, likewise for your mom and siblings because a member of the family serves in the military, the entire family serves. I was stationed at the Pentagon for 12 consecutive years and during that time I lost both of my parents, in addition to 11 other members of my family. There is one thing I know about life, is that your dad will always be with you, its hard to explain but he is as near to you now as he was before his passing. I know your dad is a great man and the fact he was from Montana speaks volumes of his great character, spirituality and morality. I’ve spoken in Great Falls, Montana and the people are wonderful and what a beautiful place. Shower your mother with all the Love you have to comfort her during this period. God is going to bless your family even more because he knows the worth and value of a father in the life of families. God bless you and your entire family and know that a fellow disabled veteran is praying for you. Your father is proud of you as well as his entire family, continue to make a difference in the lives of others, it counts. God bless you and keep you and yours, lieutenant colonel, USAF (Ret) Vann

  69. Brendon,

    Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Your dad had to be an extraordinary person to have had a son that turned out like you. We have all benefitted from him through you and are grateful.

    Blessings to you and your family.

    – Lorie Marrero

  70. Dear Brendon,

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your father.

    What a beautiful and eloquent testimony to your father.

    I lost my own father 19 months ago and I kind of know just what you are going through. It still seems like it was only yesterday.

    In the light of my own loss, I wrote about the lessons in compassion from my father and perhaps in time you can reflect on the lessons and love your father brought to you:-


    God bless you and your family during this time.

    Love and best wishes

    Arvind Devalia

  71. Dear Brendon and Family:

    I am so sorry to learn of your dad’s passing. Cherish your memories of your dad, consider developing a memory book! I know you will take on the energy of your dad’s soul, as you continue your journey. Brendon, the way you have honored your Dad again expresses what a beautiful person you truly are! How lucky are we all that your mother and father created you to make the world a better place.

    Sending hugs and love your way, Sheri

  72. Brendon,

    My heart goes out to your family. I send you peace, love, and light. You are so wise –all there is to do is feel and be with your family.

    I have lost both my parents in the last two years. It woke me up to life in a whole new huge way. When I was flying home to my mother’s funeral, I had to make a decision on attending a marketing seminar. My mother whispered in my ear to “go for it”. I flew from Philly to LA the morning after we buried her, and I saw you speak the very next day. I was completely devastated, yet I felt the pulse of God in my tears reminding me I was alive. You helped me to begin healing that day. As your Partnership seminar student, I know I am well equipped to assist others with their healing.

    Thank you for all you are. May you find comfort in your father’s amazing gift to the world and how you will find new inspiration for the question “Did I Live?”.

    Peace and love,
    Mary Jane Mahan

  73. To live with humor and heart, grow a beautiful family and leave a deep and permanent imprint of love…

    Does it get any better than that?!

    Thinking of you all.

  74. Brendon and family

    No matter what, your Dad will always live on in your heart and your memories. Nothing can ever take that away.
    Best wishes to you all at this very sad time.


  75. Dear Brendon,
    My thoughts and blessings are with you and your family at this time. You were inspiring in San Francisco, and I appreciate you reaching out to us in this way. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family, and father, and you let eveyone know that you know that.
    Blessings, Kim

  76. Brendon,
    What an extraordinary gift you have given the world. Your father-son story is an inspiration and an reminder.

    I hope I live as your father did. I have plenty of time to work towards that. I am inspired to really look at this precious gift of life.

    I am reminded to honor my father as you did yours.

    Thank you for the gift of your story telling. Thank you for the gift of sharing your life. Thank you for modeling being a great son and becoming a great man.

  77. Dear David and Brendon and family,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Your tears of sadness will, over time, turn to smiles for the memories you forever hold in your heart.

    His strength and grace surrounds you and he lives on through you.


  78. Brendon:

    On behalf of all your old buddies at the San Francisco Kiwanis Club, I send you and your family all our best wishes in the passing of a remarkable man, your dad. The love shines through…

  79. A great measure of people is their children. I didn’t know your father but if his light is shining in you, and I’m sure that it is, he was a hellava man.

    You have built an empire not just helping others, but helping others to help others. And how many people would want (and be able) to write such a moving and loving tribute about one of their parents?

    It’s touching to me that you were able to share so much with him while you still could, and that he was able to witness and experience your successes. He was a lucky man indeed, to be surrounded by so much love and caring and courage to help him through his final days.

    We should all be so lucky.


  80. Thank you, Brendon, for sharing your Dad, your family and yourself. These are gifts that keep on giving.

    Here’s a little gift for you- soulful sweetness as sung by recently deceased Kenny Rankin.

    May you share comfort in each other and in a lifetime chock-full of precious memories

    With love,

  81. Brendon and Family,

    I am so sorry for your loss, your father looked like such a lovely soul, his eyes smiled like yours.

    He and your mother did an amazing job raising you and your brothers and sisters, their kindness and loving spirits came through in all of you.

    My heart aches for all of you, I lost my mother to cancer and I know how hard it is to let them go.

    I wanted to share a poem with you that my mother wrote right before she passed away:

    In my dreams, I am a shadow dancing to and fro.
    Going through dimensions where mortals cannot go.

    I visit many mansions god has built for me.
    I live my time in another place and fulfill my destiny.

    I’ll weave myself a golden web reflecting in the night.
    I’ll walk up stairways to the moon and exalt in it’s glorious light.

    There are no boundaries in my dreams, I go where none have seen. I wake up in my daytime life, then sleep and go home again.

    There I am a youthful soul, time has ceased to be.
    The structure of the nether world molds itself to me.

    I will build myself a marble hall with fountains flowing free.
    I will move through different realms in time, there are no boundaries.

    ~Joyce Colvard

    The wise words of my mother before she left this world:
    “Don’t cry for me, I am waking up…you are still sleeping.

    Much love to you and your family Brendon,

    Jody Colvard

  82. Brandon and Family,

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Amidst your loss I can see how grateful you must also feel to have had a great Dad who had a wonderful and full life and for the time you were able to know and spend with him.

    Love and continued blessings.
    Yisel G.

  83. Brendon,

    Our condolences go out to you and your family for the loss of Mel. He was an amazing man and we were thankful to have known him. We can’t even begin to imagine what this time has been like for you, but we hope that is some consolation to know that he is at peace now and that he was incredibly lucky to be surrounded by his loving family right up until the end. Please know that we are always here for you, to love and support you through this difficult time. While it will take time to be able to begin to heal, we know that you will always remember all of the good times that you were fortunate enough to have shared with him.

    All our Love,

    Steve and Kim

  84. Brendon,

    I am keeping you and your family in my heart and songs during this very significant time. He must be very proud! And what a wonderful son he gave the world.

    From my heart,

  85. My heart goes out to you and your family with your loss. So sudden and shocking. I hope you can reflect on how proud he must be of you and I hope that brings comfort and smiles to you at this very difficult time. Much love to you and yours and Semper Fi for a man who served his country and fellow human beings well.

  86. Dearest Brendon,

    What a beautiful tribute to your dad, your confidante, your teacher, your mentor, your friend. He was obviously a dear, strong and special man–truly a gift to all those who met him and to all those who have met him through you.

    May you be warmed now with precious memories and may you continue to share his special legacy in the way you live your life and through your teaching and coaching.

    Be at peace, my friend, as you are loved! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    With love and respect,

  87. There may be one answer, or maybe it’s too complex for any one person to fully understand. I believe that from a human’s perspective the various journey’s we take test our ability to feel at peace, be inspired, to inspire and to respect and love all of those who are in our lives. The purpose of all life, the trees, animals, and sea creatures and man can possibly be to reach balance and appreciation of all that exists and to continue to improve upon all that exists.

  88. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I worked with Helen for awhile at the doctor’s office in Del Rio and sure miss her. I know now, by reading this, that your Dad was as wonderful as her.
    Carla Weaver

  89. Dear Brendon,

    May your dad rest in eternal peace!
    Every “passing away” is a chance for
    us to reflect the meaning and purpose
    of life. Your dad is really a good example
    for you. To meet our late family members,
    just practise their good deeds. When you
    are generous and helpful to your friends,
    family members, and business associates,
    you are already meeting up with your dad.

    May our Lord bless you, keep you and shine
    upon you and your family members!


  90. Dear Brendon,

    Thanks for sharing your sadness with me, along with your joy in your father’s life. I resonated a lot. My Dad died in 1980 under similar circumstances. They discovered an acute leukemia, and six months later he was gone. May God comfort you in the sure hope of Jesus’ resurrection.

  91. Brendon & family;
    My prayers are with you during this moment of loss.
    May the God of all heaing counsel come alongside of you and your family as you go through this phase.

    Tolu Adeleye

  92. Brendon: Seems like your father — and certainly you — know better than most what St. Irenaeus meant when he wrote, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” Please accept my condolences and prayers. Love to you, Eric

  93. Brendon,

    My condolences with you and your family. I am a new fan of your work. Remember we are a spiritual being living the human experience.

  94. My prayers for you and your family.

  95. Brendon,

    My heart goes out to you and your loved ones. Know this, because of you, your father’s life mattered! My prayers will be with you and your loved ones! Life does have purpose. Families can be eternal, or hence, life here has a relatively small purpose in time!

    Best Regards,

    Denny Pehrson

  96. Brendon,

    Blessings and peace to you and your family during this time. I’m sure you already know that he’s always going to be right by your side and in your heart and that you’ll soon be together again. He died a proud father knowing that he left the world with such a great son. Thank you for all that you do, and thank your father for blessing all of us with the gifts of life that he left here for us all to share in.



  97. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal tragedy with us. Sending condolences and good wishes to the family. It is so wonderful to see that despite the grief, you are able to remember the wonderful and good things that represented his life. And after all, it is those memories that keep him alive.

    Try to notice catching a whiff of his familiar smell, a glimpse in your dreams, or a shadow of movement out of the corner of your eye. He will never be far from you.

    I know that there is nothing I can say to ease the pain, but you are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you strength in this difficult time. Best wishes.

  98. Brendon –

    Words are always inadequate at times like this. Thank you for sharing the news about your dad. You spoke a little about his situation at the seminar in May.

    I am so very sorry for the loss you and your family are experiencing. It seems he has given all of you a tremendous gift during his life by sharing his life philosophies. It’s also clear you have given him a gift in return. He must have been incredibly proud of you and your accomplishments.

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and wishing you all peace in your hearts.

    Kris Anderson

  99. Dear Brendon and family,

    I felt sad when hearing the news about your dad. Even he passed away he will be always there with all of you.

    When I read this tribute Brendon I noticed you have a lot in common with your dad. Together with your mom, he did a great job in raising up his kids and teaching them the real values in life.

    He always will be there not only to listen to his family but he goes on living in you, your brothers and sister.

    You know Brendon there”s a life saying:

    When you get born you are crying and everyone around you is smiling… Live your life that way that when you die.. you can smile and everyone around you cries.

    My sincere condolences to the family Burchard and all the people who cared and loved your dear dad.

    Garry Vancauwenbergh
    Belgium, Europe

  100. Brendon, my prayers are with you and your family through this troubled time. Any father who would raise a son like you had to be pretty awesome, and I’m sure there is a lot to CELEBRATE about the life he lived. He lived, he loved, and he MADE A DIFFERENCE!

    Frank Sousa

  101. Brendon,

    We both know that there are no words that can make the pain go away. Moreover, the opening of your heart will give you more words to heal the “world of the living.” Although I’ve never met you, you have inspired me to be even more authentic, giving and to treasure the sensitive soul that I was gifted with. May you and your family feel your Dad’s smile in your hearts. That is what heaven really is!

    Deborah Weed

  102. On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know…

    ….that there is a family reunion awaiting you, and you will be more overjoyed than you can now begin to imagine.

    On the day you leave your body — what I like to call your Continuation Day — you will be greeted by everyone you have ever loved in any way for any reason…and, standing in front of the group, every person who has been so very dear to you. It will be a grand and glorious reunion, with joy and laughter and pure wonderment filling every heart and soul!

    This has also been experienced by everyone who has ever left here — all those who have gone before you — of course. So do not grieve for them. They are so very happy! I’m not sure why you were meant to hear this on this particular day…but I bet you are…

    Love, Your Friend….

    Written by author Niel Donald Walsch
    Note: this message was posted on July 9th, 2009 by Niel

  103. To Brendon and your family.

    I’ve met you only once and you’ve made an incredible impression on my life. Your dad is certain to know that he has lived, loved, and mattered because of you.

    -Tony Darrick Baker

  104. I remember watching your dad in the wings of your Big Top event in Long Beach, CA. I remember seeing your family working so hard and it somehow gave you “credibility,” as weird as that may sound. A guy who has family like that, I thought, he must be the real thing.

    My condolences and prayers to you and your family.

  105. What a beautiful tribute to your Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Coleen Link

  106. Brendon, what a wonderful tribute to your father. Putting your lifetime of love and respect in mere words is a challenge – and in your outstanding manner – you have done it so well. Would that we all who have lost our parents and siblings could do it so well – but we all know the pain and hope that sharing yours will get you through the trying times ahead. Blessing to you and yours.

  107. Brendon, you have touched many lives through your work, so your dad will live on through your legacy.

    You certainly can answer your three questions with a resounding, YES.

    My prayers are with you, my brother.

  108. From Susan Harrow:


    i’m so sorry to hear about your dad. sending you blessings and prayers, love and light. you are a wonderful son so your dad must have been (is still) really something special.

    big hugs and good feelings for you and your family,


  109. I always loved how positively you talked about your parents. It was obvious in South Carolina how much your dad had instilled his love of people and storytelling in you. Hearing more about him during your seminar in SF and in this blog made me appreciate his impact on your life even more.

    My prayers are with your whole family.

    I’ve asked my mom to add your dad’s name to her honoree list as she continues to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society via Team in Training.

  110. From Gary Smith:


    You and my family have my condolensces. I lost my father in 1995. He had a servant heart and I am the man I am today, because of his example. You and your family will be in my prayers.

    Be Blessed, and know that your loved one is in the arms of the LORD!

    Gary L. Smith

  111. From Elijah:


    My sadness for your loss—–I am crying after seeing the video of your dad. He was obviously a wonderful man.

    I want you to know that I just read your book after finishing a long year of teaching. I had ordered it for my mother, but her eyes are now so bad, she cannot read without undue effort. I took it home to store, but the title kept calling me to read it.

    I read it over a few short days. I was so touched and moved by the message. It became a very real journey for me. I am different now from reading it, and I am very thankful that I did.

    My best friend is reading the book now. When she last saw me, she said, “You seem so mellow.” I told her it was because I read your book and was deeply moved by its inspirational qualities. I cant wait to hear her reaction after reading it.

    THANK YOU for writing the book and sharing the video of your father. As a child of a quickly aging mother, it renews my vow to spend as much time with her as possible.

    Best wishes,
    Anaundda Elijah, San Luis Obispo, CA

  112. From Stuart Gustafson:

    Hi Brendon,

    I am truly sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost my father 45 years ago next Sunday (killed by a drunk driver along with my Grandpa). My first nationally published book was, in a way, a tribute to him — Questions to Bring You Closer to Dad. It would be my pleasure to send an autographed copy to you (or your family) if you would like one. If so, just send your mailing address to me and I will put one in the mail right away.

    Warm thoughts and best wishes,


    Stuart Gustafson, Author

  113. From Phil Brittain:

    Brendon, while I never had the privilege of meeting your father directly, I have had the privilege of meeting you. I am sure there is much of your father in you. I can imagine that, as a Vietnam vet, he was very proud of your matchless courage and faith, as well as your total commitment to making a difference in people’s lives. So few dads could have as much to be proud of as yours. There is no way to estimate exactly how many people “Life’s Golden Ticket” will touch; it has to be countless. But whoever your ticket will touch, your dad will touch him or her, as well.

    I share your faith in the life hereafter, and the resurrecting power of Christ’s love. We are all vulnerable to losing our loved ones. It is never easy. However, the conviction is growing in me that no one and nothing has ever been truly lost. All that was taken care of a long, long time ago by someone who was the supreme embodiment of love.

    Thank you for sharing your family with us. In a way, your family is becoming our family. Our prayers and well wishes continue with you, Denise and your extended family,

    Love in Him,

    Phil Brattain

  114. From Stephan Blendstrup:


    I just got the email that your father passed away last night. I am so deeply sorry for the pain that your family is going through right now. Your words and emails are making me look at my own situation and realize just how lucky we truly are. It is ironic that sometimes we feel closer to someone when we realize that life is so short. You are going through an experience that I hope not to have to face for many years to come, but my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I didn’t know your father, but I know you, and I can only imagine what a special man he was. If there is anything, anything, that you need from Mira and I, please don’t think twice about asking.

    All the best to you and your loved ones,


  115. From Darcy Nulph


    Your emails to me have always been inspirational to me and I know your Father must have been proud. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time. Wishing your Father peace on his journey.

    D’Arcy Nulph

  116. From Glenn Adamo:


    Our sympathy to your and your family as we pray for all of you on Dad’s passing…it’s interesting that your 3 questions about life…”Did I live? Did I Love? Did I matter? Really has been answered by both Dad’s passing and what he meant to you, your family and those that were lucky enough to meet, work and play with him…God Bless you and your family…Dad’s passing has left an indelible mark on all those around you and his family…Dad truly did LIVE, LOVE and REALLY Matter!!!

    Love to all…Glenn

    Glenn Adamo

  117. Hey, Brendon –
    Just wanted to send my condolences to you and your family over the loss of your father. Although I never met him, I have no doubt he was an amazing man, father, husband and soldier.

    Timely inspirations always come from untimely events, and I know you will hold him dear forever. Let me know if I can help in any way.

    God Bless,
    “DJ” Dave Bernstein

  118. Brandon,
    Just a quick note during this time of loss. It’s obvious of the power of the influence of a father in your story. It sounds as if your father was a wonderful person and a great influence on so many lives. You are one of those he touched and now you live on in his tradition making a positive impact on the world. You will continue to grow and be a better person from having him as a father.
    ***Ronny Diaz, New Mexico!

  119. From Dail Neely:

    Brendon I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my father a year ago. Next weekend I complete a year journey and tribute by riding 90 miles in his honor. Each one of the 10 riders will be carrying the names of special dads on that ride. If you send me your fathers name I will carry his name. http://www.90fordadbicycleride.com

  120. Brendon,

    I was so sorry to hear about your Dad’s passing, but I join you and your family in celebrating his life. From your wonderful description of him, I truly wish I could have met him in person and experienced the love and joy that characterized his life.

    You are truly blessed to have had a father like him, as so many people never had such a father in their own lives. It’s a great thing to see and hear about such a loving man, and to see how you have inherited the qualities you have described in him.

    Thank you so much for all that you have shared with so many that has made a lasting impact. Your Dad’s legacy will surely be carried on through the years through the work you do.

    Love and blessings,
    Sally Saxon

  121. From Paul Hoffman:

    So sorry to hear about your Dad
    I know he is looking down on you and smiling at just how awesome and loving a person you are
    If there is anything u need please let me know
    I am one of those that has been touched by you and your Dad having had the pleasure of meeting him in long beach
    Brendon life goes on forever and your Dad will live in the hearts of those he touched
    He truly raised a gem in you
    Sending u light and love

  122. From Bob Donnell:


    Although we have mutual Friends, Lynn Rose for one, Jairek Robbins for another, we have never had the opportunity to meet. However, we have something else in common…the loss of a parent. My only known parent , my mom, died when I was in high school. I share this to say I understand a loss like the one you are feeling. 10 years ago I lost my 3 year old daughter. There is nothing I can say to help ease the pain of loss. I would like you to know that I have admired you from afar, respected you from a distance and now I am with you in your grief and missing of your father. From what I can see and know about you, he must have been an incredible man to have raised such and incredible young man!

    I look forward to our eventual meeting. May the God of all peach and compassion be with you and hold you and yours in His mighty hand today and forever!

    Your Friend in waiting,
    Bob Donnell

  123. Thank you for reminding me to stay present in the Moment
    thanks to your father for being a true example to create you I am sure he is proud You will live on and your father is still here because you are part of him Congratulations! he is a success and so are you Thanks for reminding me that life is speial!
    Craig Richards

  124. Light is what happens when God and Angels breathe.

    Your Dad has just been part of an almighty breath. So, wherever there is light, there is your Dad.

    Oh look… there is all kinds of light shooting out of you, Brendan, your Mom and your siblings.

    I guess you are carrying your Dad with you everywhere you go. The more light you exude, the more you’ll have your Dad around you. Now, that my friend, is love. Everlasting love.

  125. Brendon My prayers are with you and your family losing a family member is so hard but there be comfort knowing that there is life agin in heaven.Your father gave his family the greatest of all gifts. The gift of love. God bless you all.

  126. My condolences Brendon,

    You were fortunate to have him so long. My dad died when I was two, but I know I’ll see him again one day.

    Steve Shaw

  127. Brendon,
    Thank you for sharing your extraordinary father with us.
    A vivid measure of a parent is their child. Your father can be proud that he got his job done and YOU are a brilliant demonstration of his efforts. Your father will continue to be proud of the incredible work you are doing as a reflection of him.

    I look foward to our continued connection and seeing what you will provide in the world in honor of your father.

    Thinking of you and your family.
    With deep respect and love.

  128. Brendon,
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    You were truly blessed to have your Dad, and he was blessed to have you.
    While I’ve never met him, your descriptions bring him to life for me.
    And knowing you – the person of integrity and inspiration that you are – I know that your father was an outstanding man.
    I was particularly happy to see that your father got to share your events with you. What a wonderful gift that you were able to share with each other.
    Be well. Take care of yourself and your family.
    My condolences.
    Kenny Handelman

  129. Brendon,

    I am so sorry to hear about you lost. Losing a love one is like having a hole in your chest but know that your dad is in a place without pain. My prays and sympathy goes out to you and your family.


  130. Brendon,
    I met your dad for the first time at your Life’s Golden Ticket event- I remember sitting on the grass outside the tent eating lunch with him, your mother and some of your friends.

    We had lunch a few days in a row together in the same spot, and it never failed…all attention ended up on him. He was our entertainment outside of your own! I remember falling over on the grass laughing from his stories- getting teary eyed- or being in total awe!

    I see where you get it from now!

    I remember how PROUD he was of you! He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face while he walked around the “circus!”

    Thank you for sharing this with everyone Brendon. It brings up SO many different emotions, but more importantly it’s a HUGE reminder to celebrate life.

    I watched your video talking about your father- and I’ve gotta tell ya, the whole thing inspires me to have a relationship with my father. It makes me want to know who he REALLY is! What he thinks life is all about! Record his voice! I can hardly even remember what it sounds like.

    Brendon- your an angel! Do you know that?! Your such a gift to this world!

    MUCH Love and always here for you!

  131. My condolences on the loss of your beloved father. I love the tribute to him that you shared with us. He is still smiling proudly I am sure to have such a great son.

  132. Brendon and family,
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dad. You have done him well with your moving post. My thoughts are with you.

  133. I am sending condolances your way. I have been in your spot with my inlaws. It is a hard trial, but just remember the good times. It is great for healing the soul. God Bless.

  134. I can really empathize with you Brendon. My husband passed away last year after 45 years of marriage. I miss him every day and no one has been able to touch his spirit or kindness. It sounds like your Dad was one of those people as well, and I want you to know my thoughts are with you and your family.

  135. I read your message and watched your video and was truly touched. Though your father’s physical presence will be missed, I hope you and your family will find peace in knowing that God is all and nothing and no one is ever lost in Him. We just simply change form. Your dad is now unlimited spirit and you’ll continue to “see” him all around you.

    Blessings & Love!

  136. Dear Brendon,

    you are the light that your father and your mother give to make the world more strong and happy,we say I,I am here to give the best way for your father,my prayers for your family…..Roger Loures and family/Brasil

  137. your dads message was a great one. You and your family have my deepest condolences for the loss of your dad. I lost my husband last year and although I miss him I am so happy and grateful that I had him for the time I did.
    Love kathy simpson

  138. To Brendon:
    My condolences to you and your family. Knowing what it means to lose a loving father, I wish you happiness in your future endeavors.

  139. Brendon,

    Your father was a great man, as is evident in the principles he taught you and the man that you are….
    It is a pleasure knowing you and I pray the grace of God over you and your family at this time.
    May more parents take on that baton of impacting their kids to truly care and make a difference in this world.


    Deidre Longe

  140. Brendon,

    We attended your terrific San Francisco event last month. Even in a professional setting your family love was obvious to all. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family story. Your dad and family are in our prayers.

    Joel and Helen Hein

  141. Dear Brendon,

    Mel will be remembered. I had the pleasure of meeting you and your father at the “Life’s Golden Ticket” event. During the show I was walking around a bit and was talking to Mel and I can still recall how welcome he made me feel. After your ran up to talk to him I could see some magic going on in front of me with the two amazing people that stood before my eyes. Thank you for being such a wonderful person in the world, Mel did a good job.

    Love & Light,

    TeJay Miers

    Insights Foundation, Inc.

  142. Dear Brendon,

    This is a beautiful tribute written with such love, emotion and wisdom. Your father is in your heart and soul eternally and will continue to shine down upon you and your family. Reading your tribute reminded me much of the similar experience my family has just shared with the loss of my Mother in December of 2007. The tears were flowing. Losing a loved one is devastating and painful, but getting the chance to be there for them to give them faith, hope and love is the most fulfilling feeling one could ever endure. Wanting them here with us is a wish we wish for, but knowing they are out of pain and in the arms of God as peaceful as can be is very calming to the soul. Knowing you will see him again is something great to look forward to, but you will feel him everywhere as he continues to shine his light.

    God Bless
    Our thoughts and Prayers are with you,
    Michelle and Marcello Rossi

  143. It’s easy to see that your Dad was an angel who along with your Mom begot an amazing family of angels – all of whom so willingly, joyously and powerfully gift this earth.
    What a blessing. What a legacy.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Brendon – along with my gratitude for your poignant sharing.
    Take heart in the fact that, as you know, often what appears to be an ending – even death – is really a wonderful, wonderful beginning.

    As I’ve heard it described, “death is like taking off a tight shoe.”

    I’m happy your dad is now absolutley free and basking in Love and Light!!

    Blessings and Love,

  144. Dear Brendon,

    I enclose your sorrow, knowing that soon the light will illuminate your heart and the hearts of your dear family,

    Receive Best regards,
    With blessings,


  145. Brandon,
    My Deepest sympathy

    I lost my father when I was 19, he was 10 days past 50. This year it was 20 years. As someone say – you will not get over it, you get though it.
    You Dad was an amazing human being and he raised an equally amazing son.
    With love

  146. Brendon:
    There are know words to convey the way that I know you’re feeling. I just want you to know that it was a pleasure to get the info on your incredibly close family. It speaks loud and clearly of the true foundation you’ve been given that was so insturmental in your lif’es choice to become a inspiration to so many through your passion. May God comfort you and your family through these extremely trying time.


    Gregory Griffith

  147. From Chris Attwood

    The power and magnificence of your father is seen in who he left behind–created by his intention, molded by his example, made richer by his living. If Brendon is the expression of what Mel Burchard was, then Mel was a truly great man.

    With all love to the precious Burchard family,


  148. Dear Brendon,
    When one looses a dad, it is a time to weep and understand fully what he meant to you. I have always thought that if we cannot say to the living what we felt inside for them and how we valued them, then to say it at their death, leaves one empty and unfulfilled.
    I am happy for you that you were able to say to your dad what was in your heart and that he supported you as he lived, along with supporting your family and his family. That alone is the best gift we can give to those who raised us.

    That is why I wrote poems for my mom and dad while they lived so they would know what was in side me. But most of all it is nothing that I said to them or wrote for them, but what I did for them out of love.

    Brendon the best poetry is not the one that is written, but the one that is lived. Your dad was a poet by his acts of integrity and dignity that he lived in his life. So as you recall the words he wrote in his life, may they continue in you as you live your life and create the living poem of your care.
    This I share with you in this time of hope, sadness, and completion, continue being the poet that does not write his words but lives his words and writes them on the hearts of others by your love for them. May the Father, the Holy one comfort you now and forever for the life he gave you and how he gave Himself to you. I am Your Friend Love Marco Dondero

  149. Dear Brendon, Family and Friends,

    I’m so sad to hear of your loss—I know at our training in June you were very concerned about your dad’s prospects. And yet, you also reminded us of our own mortality, and to express the love and appreciation for our loved ones while we can. How fortunate that you were able to bring your family together to be with your dad at this time!
    all best wishes,

  150. Brendon,

    Your Dad seems like a Prince among Men…
    Your Love for Him, and His Obvious Love for You and His Entire Family is Evident and Very Moving in a Skeptical and Jaded World…

    My Deepest Thoughts and Prayers are with You and Your Family in this Very Difficult Time…

    His Love Lives On In All of You…

    With Deep Sympathy and Respect,

    —Peter Riopelle

  151. Dearest Brendon and Family,

    My prayers, thoughts and spirit have been with you from the day I met you and the day I found out about your loving and wise DAD’s condition. I am so very happy that you were all by his side at the time of his passing.

    We may have lost the finest of men but remember “an angel was born”. One amazing angel who will continue in spirit to be present and look after us in every good way.

    May he look in on my mom, fiance, dad and daughter’s father who all passed away in my arms as did many people without loving families to surround them. I , too, volunteered in critical care and palliative care units so no one would have to be alone at this precious moment of parting. The gratitude and peace in their eyes was more than a million thanks.

    And yes, Brendon, you truly learn what is the most important to all of us human beings, LOVE, validation for a life well lived and to know that one has made a significant difference in the lives of others…a simple hug, a little reassurance and encouragement to take away the fears, the promise to care for all our loved ones, so that one can let go in peace.

    You Brendon, are very much alive and present. You have made a highly significant difference in the lives of many others and my own. I bless your parents for having created you and I love them for that. Your dad will certainly live on through you here on earth and through the wonderful memories he has created. He shall also live on in spirit doing the great works for God Our Father.

    You can rest assured he got a ” ” load of work to do when he arrived in the good place, but, that’s OK. He wouldn’t have wanted it any different and God doesn’t give us challenges we can not handle. In this case, GOD was the winner! I hope HE knows how lucky HE is…:-)

    Of course, I’m sure he does and that is why HE called your father. God bless you and all your loved ones and friends.

    I am grateful that your dad and mom had and have a son like you.

    The eulogy you expressed was and is very beautiful and deeply touching. Thank you for sharing not only with me but with all of us who deeply care.

    Sincerely and appreciatively,
    Yours in gratitude,

    Gabriele Grach

  152. My deepest thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing your story with us and bringing us into your life even more.

    I’ve been following your work for a bit now and can only imagine the strong, loving relationship and friendship you shared with Dad.

    My condolences to your entire family…


  153. Brendon; I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. I know he must have been an exceptional man because of who you are. I was at your partnership seminar in February and then as now, I was bowled over by how much of yourself you gave to all of us. You have been given many gifts, your family among them, and in turn I have received an amazing gift from you. Thank you.

    I remember like it was yesterday when I lost my beloved father 11 days after 9/11. I still miss him but what I want to tell you is that in time the pain is not as sharp. It mellows, but the good memories will be sharp forever.

    I send you and your family love, caring and compassion during this very sad time.

    With warmth and gratitude,
    Robin Siegerman
    Sieguzi Interior Designs

  154. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your entire family.

    Kimberly Keck

  155. Dearest Brendon,

    My thoughts are with you during this time. I’d love to reach out and give you a great big hug right now, but because we are cities apart I am sending you a virtual hug until I see you next. Although I was not fortunate enough to meet your Dad, it is evident by knowing you and your inspirational spirit that Mel is a truly remarkable mentor and father. Undoubtedly, his spirit will continue to touch us all through you and the curled up corners of your heartfelt smile.

    With love,




  157. Dearest Burchard Family,

    My heartfelt sympathies go out to all of the family as you try to navigate very painful and confusing emotions. The way in which your father passed immediately connected me to my grandmother’s passing. My grandfather and I were getting her cleaned up and ready for bed when I felt an overwhelming heaviness in the room. I told my grandfather that something was wrong; at that moment I looked into her eyes and said, “Are you okay?” She took three long breaths as I held her right hand and then she was gone. It was the single most beautiful moment of my life as I witnessed God taking the love of our lives.
    No more pain. No more medication. No more dis- ease. Just peace!

    May you find comfort and laughter in all the beautiful memories you shared with this remarkable man. Thank you Mr. Mel Burchard for your committed service to this country, and for raising a son with such honest and pure intentions. God Bless.

    ~ Lizette

  158. Brendon,

    Having ‘been there and done that’ – twice, I know where you are right now and my heart goes out to you, Denise and the rest of your family.

    It’s obvious how great a man your dad was as I’ve had the privilege of getting to know you. We are the manifestation of our father and mother and all I can say for your dad is…

    He did it right…

    God bless you and may God rest his soul.

    Your friend,


  159. DAD-
    You will always be remembered for:
    but most of all your LOVE!!
    I will miss you every moment of every day. You were my
    inspiration, and my strength.

  160. Dear Brendon,
    I have to admit, I didn’t even know who you were when I attended your phenomenal seminar in San Francisco. Your passion, integrity and love for your family was so heartfelt and so ‘real’- you gave such a gift to all who attended that weekend. My heart and prayers truly go out to you and your family during this painful time. Your father, I know is looking down on you with such joy, pride and love right now.

    Love and lots of hugs to you ..
    Susan Creal

  161. Dear Brendon-

    Our sincere thoughts, prayers and condolences are with you and your family in this period of mourning.

    While I didn’t personally know your father, I can tell that you are as proud of him as he was of you, and as a father myself, that’s all we can hope for! Remember him, take good care of your mother and make him even prouder than he already was!

    We are all here for such a short period of time, it seems as though your father understood this and made the most of his time. A great personal example and a good life lesson for his sons to follow…

    Michael E. Schmidlen

  162. Brendon:

    I was at your seminar in San Francisco and you and your family have been in my thoughts ever since. I’m glad you had the opportunity to be there for him — and that neither of you left anything unsaid. My sincere condolences.

    My best always,


  163. Brendon, At this point, I am an email fan with the goal of being an attendee of one of your seminars. So, while I do not know you and your family personally, I am thankful that I am on your list and received this message today. Thank you for your beautiful tribute to your father. I feel the words you spoke must bless you as much as those of us you addressed them to.

    Blessings, prayers and love to you and your family,
    Cheryl Coatsworth

  164. Brendon,

    What a privaledge I had to meet your Father at Lifes Golden Ticket.

    My prayers are with you and your family my friend.

    What an awesome tribute to an amazing man.

    Jeff Wellman

  165. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. My condolences to you and your family.

    – Catherine

  166. Brendon, I extend my sincerest condolences to you and your family and friends. Your father sounds like he was a great man, the kind of man anyone would wish to meet.

    He fought for your country, for your family’s freedoms, and for those of everyone in the US. He kept his family safe–and loved.

    From your post here, I think it’s very clear that your father lived life very well and helped others do so too by sharing his stories. It’s also obvious that he was loved by so many and loved so many in return. I can honestly say, “He mattered!”

    I wish you all peace and healing.

    Cheryl Kaye Tardif

  167. Hi Brendon,

    My uncle (GMichael) and I have you and your family in our prayers. I know that the Lord will keep your family strong as you go through this time of sorrow.

    I met Mel last year at your big tent event. He was an inspiration, had great work ethic, very helpful, approachable and fun. He was indeed a good man.

    We are sending our love to your family. Be encouraged and comforted knowing that God knows what’s best and He is watching over the family.


    Raquel & GMichael

  168. Brendon,

    Best wishes coming from Canada during this difficult time. Although I did not know your father, there is no doubt, that after spending time with you at Experts Academy, it is clear that he was an extraordinary soul to raise such a caring, giving and focused person such as yourself.

    May you and your family find peace with your wonderful memories of such a remarkable human being.

    Many Blessings to you all,

  169. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. Obviously your father brought temendous joy and wisdom to everyone he touched. He will be remembered!

  170. Dear Brendon,

    I offer you and your family our prayers. Continue to make your father proud by making this world a better place. I truly believe in my heart that you and the frameworks that you offer are foundations people can build upon to truly live their lives.


    Akili King

  171. Brendon,
    I’ve learned so much from you in the past and I think you’re such a authentic and wonderful person. My heart goes out to you and your family. My brother passed several years ago and I still feel the effects of his absence daily. Celebrate your father’s life and carry on his legacy.
    Take care & God Bless,

  172. Dear Burchard Family and Friends,

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you during this time of sadness and loss.

    Jackie S.

  173. What an impish grin on his face! You can just see his sense of humor. I bet your dad was a blast to have around. And the closeness of your family is a testament to all that he is.

    Brandon I am sorry to hear about your loss. My mother passed in the same way last summer — very quick and peaceful. It’s the most you can hope for such a loss.

    May all your wonderful memories with your dad give you and your family peace during this difficult time.

    Vickie Sullivan
    Sullivan Speaker Services Inc.

  174. ] am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  175. Dear Brendon,
    Sending you and your beloved family thoughts, prayers, condolences, love and light.
    All my best,

  176. Hi Brendon,

    I’m sorry about your loss, I know you’ll carry your father’s legacy in your heart and will share a lot of it with us in the moments to come. Be strong and be happy because he’s in a better place. I think that the biggest gift of all is remembering your Dad during the happiest moments.


  177. God has another angel today.Prayers are with your family,what a wonderful family so full of love and compassion.May the Lord wrap his arms around you and your fsmily at this most diffcult time God Bless

  178. Brendon,

    I can completely relate to your story. My mom was diagnosed with inoperable live cancer last May, given six months to live and she passed quietly and peacefully with me by her side, July 3, 2008. She was 68 years old.

    My reaction was different than most, in my opinion. You see, to me, nothing has changed. She is still in my heart, mind and soul. Just as I have family and friends that live else wear and I can experience them in mind and spirit anytime I choose. I can do the same with my beloved Mom.

    She was a beautiful, graceful, given and loving Mother. I couldn’t have asked for a better role model in my life. Death is the greatest reason to live one’s life to the fullest daily.

    My sincere condolences to you and your family. And, thank you for inviting us into your lives at this very personal time.

    James A. Murphy

  179. What an absolutely wonderful way to show your love – to honor your love for your father.

    See you in September

  180. Oh my Brendon. I’m so sorry to hear this. I truly empathize with your suffering at this time. My mother passed on 7/1/09 and it still doesn’t feel real to me. If there is anything I can do for you please don’t hesitate to ask. I know that right now you don’t really know what you might need but want you to know I’m here for you.

    All my best,

  181. Brandon and family…

    It’s always tough to lose a parent. I lost my mom last year and it sure takes a while to heal. I found great conmfort in remembering all the fun times we shared. I am guessing your dad was a lot like my mom. Wonderfully warm and funny, with an infectious personality.

    My partner Jane an I will keep you all in our prayers.

    Phil Basten
    JAN Mark

  182. Dear Brendon and Family,

    As I read your post, tears are streaming down my cheeks. I lost my most wonderful father five years ago and I still remember his final six weeks. That was the time from when we found out he had cancer to his last breath in my arms.

    There are no words that can express what profound loss one feels when a man so cherished, strong and loved departs. The only comfort is that he will live on in your and your families memories forever. Therefore he will not be forgotten but simply moved to a different realm.

    I wished I could send you a band aid for pain or some magic formula like spinning around three times while uttering certain words to ease what lies ahead of you.

    All I can wish for you, your family and especially your mother is the strength to take a step at a time.

    With much love and appreciation for what you do, the impact you have and the sweetness in which you share your final moments with your father.

    Much love,

    Beate Chelette

    “Women Who Want It All and Get It, Too.”

  183. Dear Brendan,

    My deepest and sincerest condolence on the loss of your father. Having lost my own father just a few years ago, I can only imagine the pain and sadness you must be feeling.

    Your love and admiration for your father shows through in everything you do and I know he must have been incredibly proud of you.

    That you had the chance to spend so many wonderful, final moments with him is a gift I know you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. I only wish I had that kind of goodbye as well.

    To share your father’s passing with us, the way you have, is a wonderful gift I will always appreciate you for.

    I wish you, Denise, and your entire family all the best as they move ahead, especially your mother, who’s fortunate to know she belongs to a family with so much love throughout it.

    Best Always,

    Steve Leon

  184. Brendon,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Dad’s untimely passing. Having lost a Mom a short time ago, it can be very difficult to deal with — just know he’s now in better care than he’ll get here on earth and that there’s no more tears and no more pain…

    My prayers for peace and comfort in your loss are sent from afar. I was really looking forward to riding with you to the airport from Lynn Pierce’s event last summer, so that we could build a relationship. Wasn’t the right timing somehow…

    God Bless you and your family!

    Scott Dennison

  185. Brendon —

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss and will keep you close in my thoughts and prayers. Your tribute, stories and photos are inspiring. Life truly is remarkable and your father made an impact on the world with his life and through yours. I wish you and your family peace and hope that the days to come bring you all closer together.

    Rebecca Frechette

  186. Brend0n and Family,

    My most sincere thoughts of sympathy on the passing of your father; I know that his influence, love and wisdom will continue to touch lives in a profound way as he lives on in your memories and stories, which will always be beautiful.

    Suzanne Colonna

  187. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time of your father’s transition. To live in the hearts of those we love is to never die.

    Blessings to you and your family.

  188. Dear Brendon,

    On behalf of my family, our deepest condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing today and in San Francisco. I was sitting right next to the gentleman who had the seizure and your calm demeanor, perspective and support for his care exemplified what you wrote in Life’s Golden Ticket. The memory of your father and his legacy will go on through you and your loved ones.

    I heard a story of Seeds in an Apple, Apples in a Seed. Any fool can count how many seeds there are in one apple but only the living God can count how many apples will come out of one seed. One never knows who will be impacted in our lives and go on to do great things. Whether it was a kind word, gesture or a sound perspective about life’s true meaning. Someone had to have a tremendous impact on Martin Luther King, or a Gandhi, and all the great man of character and conviction. Your father, in essence, has influenced all of us… through you.

    May the Lord’s blessing hold you, keep you and comfort you.

    Warm regards,

  189. B – Please accept my heartfelt condolances for the passing of your father. After reading your Tribute to Dad, he clearly was a remarkable man, but only after knowing you for a short time, I’m not surprised.

    They say that the apple does not fall far from the tree, and clearly your life is a reflection of the example that he set. You both posses courage, grace, compassion, humility and a passion to live life to the fullest.

    Thanks for this powerful reminder of the importance of people that we care about most and making sure that we take time every day to cherish those we love.

    God bless you and your family.

    – Chad

  190. To the Burchard Family & Friends,

    I am so, so sorry. May your pain be eased by the memories, rich and many of your father. He would be so happy knowing that you remembered the happy and joyous times.

    Be strong..as only a family can, at times like these.

    You will be in my prayers.

    Michelle in CA

  191. Hi Brendon
    My deepest well wishes and Prayers to you and your family from Australia Downunder.
    I was at your Sanfrancisco seminar. I was immensly inspired
    when you shared thoughts about your amazing father, his values of integrity, service, “give and you shall receive”and friendship reflecting in you.
    I share this with many of my clients, friends and family
    in Melbourne. Your Father’s legacy is influencing so many people here in Australia.
    With prayers, warmth, blessings and gratitude


  192. Brendon & Burchard Family,

    Though it is difficult to say goodbye (I know, my dad died of cancer 11 years ago this August), you can find rest in the truth that he did, in fact, live, love & matter. After all, he obviously impacted your lives tremendously. And Brendon, as Ken McArthur said, there is no person better suited to continue his legacy. Keep shining.

    Thank you for sharing with us and may the God of all comfort give you peace.

    Warm regards,
    Dave Webb

  193. Brendon,

    Wish you and all your family well!

  194. Hello Brenden –
    I heard about your incredibly sad loss today through Kenneth McArthur whom I respect very much.

    I know that ones Father is always a Pillar of Strength regardless of how old we are and how independent we are.

    I can see from your pictures that you are a close loving family.

    I loved that picture of your Dad with your son ! Reminded of my new Grandson of 5 months.

    God bless you all and my sincerest sympathies to your family while you are mourning his passing away.

    Take care


  195. Hello Brendon,

    Thank you for sharing the blessing of your father, and your relationship with him. Through you the gifts he gave you are passed along. In this way he is eternal…

    Loving and light to you and your family,

  196. Thank you for sharing and opening your inner thoughts about life. Deep inside we all know the importance of presence and family and friends and how it all comes together by giving of ourselves; but we seldom make it happen, as we get caught up with the moment and see life from a micro perspective.

    I can’t tell you how I’m going to be next week, but this weekend I will pay tribute to your father and mine (who was also a veteran and lived a simple life to the fullest) by being present and appreciating everything around me…baby steps to hopefully next week and the next.

    Thanks for putting yourself out there. Condolences to your family, and acknowledgment and respect to your fathers legacy.


  197. From Chris Elliot:

    I am very sorry for your loss Brendon! I lost my father a few years back, but our relationship was strained. He was an alcoholic and abuser who left us after my mother divorced him. My brothers and I made attempts to see him again unsuccessfully. Cherrish the time you had as many didn’t even get that. My 2 daughters and 3 sons will always know how much I love them!

    Much success to you!
    Chris Elliott

  198. Dear Brendon,

    I am sorry, We are also mourning the passing of my husbands dad so we know how you feel. I don’t know if this will help but I believe that when we die we graduate to the next level. Your dad will always be around to guide you. He will talk to you, and you will know it when you do something his way, because it will feel as if he is there making sure you do what he told you to do.

    When I wear my grand mothers slippers that she made and I go outside, I swear I can hear her in my head saying, ” Charisse, don’t go outside in your slippers.” I even answer back sometimes out loud. My Nana always told me to close the secretary, a piece of furniture she kept her bills in so that the desk part would not break if someone leaned on it. If I leave it open I hear her scolding me.

    Once some of the initial upset of your dads graduation is passed, listen for him to guide you.


    Charisse J. Rudolph

  199. Dear Brandon
    Thank you for this lovely tribute to your dad. This is such a great reminder how quickly things can change and how short and how uncertain life is. Your dad (and your family) are all great teachers in showing how to be present with what is, and to keep showing love.

  200. Brendon,
    I’m sorry for your loss. I want you to know that what you’ve become was your fathers gift to us.
    Your father was your gift from God. It’s a gift that never changes and will provide you with everlasting light and love.
    In both of your children’s eyes you will forever see his lasting legacy.
    When the challenges of life come and they always do. Look into their eyes and remember your everlasting gift from a father who will always love you.

  201. Dear Burchard Family,

    Dane and I send our love, prayers and warm wishes your way. We enjoyed meeting your folks – they are such lovely people.

    We view this experience of life as a transition. Your father’s love does not change; it evolves. It does not disappear; it is expressed with a little help from God.

    Notice little things and appreciate the joy in them. They are gifts from your Dad. That bluebird that just flew overhead was “I love you! Have a GREAT day!” from him. Smile and send a burst of love back his way. That’s what he wants for you.

    Your Dad is watching over you and sending you love and encouragement. He is so proud and happy to have created such a warm, loving, and talented family.

    Best wishes,

    Elaine and Dane Starling

  202. Love and Prayers to your family. Living the life you do is a tribute to your Dad.
    God Bless

  203. Hi Brendon:

    God Bless you and your family, be strong and be the best you can be at any given situation. Sorry about your loss but know that he will always live in your hearts.


  204. I was deeply moved by your letter and I’m so sorry for your loss. You were so blessed to have been able to share those last days and weeks with your father and family together. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. Love is eternal. Seek your father in your dreams.
    God Bless you all,
    Tammy Greer

  205. Brendon & Denise,

    Ever since Expert’s Academy, our thoughts and prayers have been with you daily.
    We continue to send supportive and loving energy to you both, your family and your mom.
    As you say, Brendon, each day – Did I live, Did I Love, Did I Matter, Yes, Yes, Yes, he did. What a blessing!
    A life LIVED! We celebrate him today!

    Love to you both,
    Stacey & Paul Martino

  206. Hey Brendon- heaven has just accepted another angel! What a blessing you are to us who strive to live a life of significance.

    God Bless You and your family!


  207. I haven’t met him, but if he help Brendon become who he is, it should have been a great man.

  208. Dear Brendon,

    Yes, life here on earth is short. Thank God the rest of eternal is that long.. Your Dad had lived a full life, and left a great legacy. Just looked at whom you became, someone very special ready to live and share his life to the fullest as well. Thank you!

    We are here to live our lives to the fullest potential as we share our purpose. Why are we even here? Yes! There’s a great reason why we should CELEBRATE your Dad’s life, and those whom he impact along the way!

    God loves you and your family, and for that He said to rejoice always! We appreciate you so much, Brendon. Our love and prayers for you and family.

    Leah & Family

  209. Dear Brendon,

    So sorry to hear about your father’s death but also glad to hear that he passed on surrounded by those he loved – what a tremendous strength and solace that must have been for him.

    You’ve said so many times that at the end of our lives what we ask of ourselves is:

    ~ Did I live?
    ~ Did I love?
    ~ Did I matter?

    Well no doubt about that with respect to your Dad. Despite the fact he life was abruptly cut short he most certainly lived.

    From what you’ve described here and the beautiful family photos you’ve shared he loved passionately.

    And he most certainly mattered – without him so many miracles would not have been possible – for is life itself not a miracle?

    My thoughts are with you at this time and while you and your family will mourn your Dad’s death I do hope that you’ll also celebrate his life and find comfort in all the wonderful memories that you’ve created over the years.

    Best wishes


  210. Dear Brendon and Family,

    I was so sorry to hear of your sad loss.



  211. Brenden and family,
    From my family to yours, our deepest sympathy for your loss. If it wasnt for your parents I wouldnt have had the pleasure of reading Lifes Golden Ticket.
    God Bless all of you.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Ed Ziemba

  212. Dear Brendan,

    I’m truly saddened by loss – especially to those who impact our lives in
    such wonderful ways. My heart goes out to you and your family at this
    most sad time in your lives.

    Your father leaves a legacy – that will shine for a long time to come.

    Warm regards,

    Kieran Revell

  213. Dear Brendon
    That is so touching! You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers at this difficult time.
    I lost my dad 15 years ago & not a day goes by that I don’t think of him or wish that I could talk to him. I wish he could have seen his grandchildren get married & to have met his great grandchildren.
    I want to thank you for sharing this with me.
    Please take care!
    Blessings, Nancy

  214. Hello Brendon,

    I wish you all the best and all the strength in the world. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. I am sure he is in a better place… Thank you very much for your writings on him, and on what he believed. Thank you very much for your inspirational video, you have truly inspired me. Thank you Brendon and may God be with you.


    Shawn Ool

  215. Brendon…. we don’t know each other.. at least not yet…

    Your words: “The world most desperately needs..” In my world, the world most desperately needs that we claim and stand strong in claiming our Soul Purpose. Thank you for your message stating your version of a similar message.

    Thank you for baring your Soul, your heart, your personal journey. In this, you have given us all permission to pause, feel, weigh the scales of what truly matters a bit more.

    Your video content depicts a man who hears the whispers within calling him Home while still in human form. Thank you for your path, purpose, and heart.

    God Bless,
    Sasha Sabbeth

  216. My thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks to all of you for sharing these moments and tributes – a great reminder of how to be here fully! I’m sure your Dad knew what that was all about!

  217. Dear Brendon and Denise,

    Our warmest thoughts and prayers go out to you both, your mom and entire family. It has been just over 10 years since I also held my father’s right hand at 1AM Christmas morning as he went Home. He fought cancer to the end, giving back until his last breath at a young 46 years old.

    I still miss him here with me, as I’m sure you will also, but I always draw comfort in my greatest challenges that he is now with me always, every step of every day.

    On the day we gathered to celebrated his life, I shared my father’s favorite Irish Blessing and song that says:
    “May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    May the rain fall soft upon your fields
    And until we meet again
    And until we meet again
    May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

    Thank you for sharing and celebrating the greatness of your father, a true hero and great man with us all. He is Home now and undoubtedly smiling down with love and pride at the great man his son has become, and the legacy of compassionate leadership, strength and helping others.

    May God hold you all in the palm of his hand, guide you and comfort you,

    Warmest regards,
    Mairs Family

  218. Dear Brendon and Family:

    When you lose someone close to you it is like part of your heart went with him. There is that piece that is missing, like a missing link.

    As time goes by you will feel your Dad around you and you will smile. Yes, the smiles do come back. When you think about your Dad, look at photos, you will laugh outloud. You will remember all the times that you spent with him.

    Remember, your Dad is not far from you. When you need him just let him know. This works like a charm. You will be able to feel him around you.

    Your Dad must be loving this great tribute to him.


    Kathleen Wensel – Author/Speaker

  219. Dear Brendon,

    I trust that God is with you and your family during this trying times. I believe He’s also with your dad for He has blessed him with a wonderful son like you. I can not begin to imagine how it would feel like to loose a loved one so quickly but I can sympathize deeply for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing your “Tribute to your Dad” to us. He was a wonderful man. Thank you for being who you are and for inspiring many on how to be alive and be HERE — grateful and present. Thank you for continuously sharing your “present” from God no matter what. May God always guide and keep you and your family safe, healthy, happy and abundant.

    With love and gratitude,

  220. Brendon –
    Thank you for sharing this with all of us. What a blessing you have had in your father!
    My thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.

  221. I am so sorry to hear of this terrible tragedy. We lost our father a couple of months ago, the pain is still so strong. Hold onto those memories & know he will visit you again.
    (((HUGS))) from http://www.StretchThatDollar.com

  222. Brendon and family,

    I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your father, and at the same time incredibly happy he was such a source of life and joy and you got to share so much with him. My thoughts are with you all.


  223. Dear Brendon,

    I am sorry to hear of your lose and I’m glad that you have a life full of memories to carry on his legacy forever in your heart.

    Sending you and your family light, love and prayer.


  224. Dear Brendon,

    May God comfort you and your family during your father’s
    homegoing. You have plenty of fond memories to think back
    on. Celebrate his life always with a thought, a smile, or when you just feel the desire to reflect on life. Know that
    he is at peace.

    Be Blessed,
    Marilyn, NYC

  225. My Dear Friend Brendon,

    I was fortunate in having the opportunity of meeting your Dad and speaking with him at length. He is a beautiful and loving soul and very, very proud of you, your mission and accomplishment. My Dad passed 9 years ago and this is the tribute I read at his funeral service. I would like to dedicate it to your Dad as well.

    “Death is something we all must do. When our soul is born into a physical body it comes with that gaurantee and none may avoid it.
    It is a part of Life.
    Death has two faces. For those who remain it can be one of sorrow and pain, for it takes from us a physical closeness to someone we love. It removes the ability to physically communicate and share with our loved one and that loss hurts.
    For those who die, however, it is the ultimate healing and can be a joyous release from the pain and suffering the body must sometimes endure as we grow old and infirm.
    But Death is only an ending for the Physical body,which is truly a brief moment of who we really are. Our Soul and Spirit never die, they just change to a finer unseen form.
    Of course that doesn’t remove the pain in the hearts of the loved ones who remain, though Time will aid in that healing.
    Rather than dwell on the loss and its painfulness,we should choose to focus on the joy of that Ultimate healing. We should choose to focus on the gift of being able to have shared with the Essence of that Soul for the brief moment it had physical form.
    His Body is no longer with us but the memory of his Love, Generosity, and Kindness can never be taken away, for it is only his body that has died. As long as we have breath he will always be alive in our Hearts. God Bless you and Keep you Dad.”

  226. To Brendon & All of the Burchard Family,

    My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to you all. The evidence of the truly wonderful man Mel was on this earth is amply evidenced by the quality and character of the woman he loved and the children he raised.

    He lived his life and did his job on earth well, and I am sure God has big plans for him up in heaven. Until we join him there, his Spirit will go on in the hearts and minds on earth of those who knew and loved him.

    Much Love To You All

    Mitchell Dahood
    (fellow Montanan)

  227. Hi Brendon,
    This Amit, from Seattle (We sat next to each other on the flight back from Big Seminar Atlanta).

    I never met your dad, but obviously had a positive impact on your life.

    I absolutely love the meaning you give to this sad time. We just had a baby and now I AM THE DAD. Your words really rang true for me.

    Thank you for reminding me, that I am HERE right now!

    Warm regards,


  228. Dear Brendon,

    Although you and I have not met in person (we will in SF in September), I already get more of a sense of who you are from your father. Mel sounds like he must have inspired your warmth, tenacity and connection to the divine as we live authentic, dynamic lives who empower each other.

    Condolences and Light,
    Larry Kay
    Los Angeles

  229. Brendon, so sorry to hear of your loss. I’m glad your father got to see you come into your glory, and share so many important teachings.

    It’s never easy. Our hearts are with you.

  230. Dear Brendon,

    I’m so sorry for your loss. May god walk with you in this painful journey, holding you and embracing you.

    God bless you, and your family

    Always in my prayers.


  231. To the Burchard family,

    Our prayers are with you all.

    With Love,
    The Chung Family

  232. Brendon & Family:

    My deepest sympathy for the loss of your Dad.

    Thank you for your loving words and moving tribute to your Dad. He is looking from heaven and is very proud of his sons, his daughter, his wife, and his extended family. He lives in you and your family and that is his greatest gift to all.

    God’s blessing on you and all your family as we mourn a great man, your Dad.

    “Receive his soul and present him to God the Most High.
    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.”

    I love you brother and always will. Brendon, you are a good man.


  233. Brendon … thanking Christ for the blessings you have had with your family. We were extremely lucky. I have a similar great family legacy. My Dad a high school teacher for 33 years died at home on Hospice Care in 2001 and mom, a Christian bookstore owner, amazon queen and writer (www.thebiblelady.com) was diagnosed with brain tumor March 26, 2009 and died Mother’s Day Weekend May 9, 2009. Our lives changed in a moment with that first seizure. Although we have lived together the last nine years I was able to stay with her basically 24/7 at the hospital for four weeks then two weeks at home on Hospice Care. I was holding her hand when God eased her home to heaven. Our blessing was she never had any pain even after brain surgery. She was prayed up! Those who BELIEVE have the sorrow but more importantly THE JOY and ANTICIPATION OF FUTURE REUNION. Thanks for sharing yourself with others. Keep up the great work. God willing…I look forward to seeing you in September…The Creative Cowgirl from Texas.

  234. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your Dad’s legacy will live on forever in your heart and in your deeds and through his family will influence and help many many more people for many years to come.

    Warmest regards,

  235. I feel some loss for you and yours, even though we’ve only met for a few minutes personally. I’m honored that you are thoughtful enough to share such personal insight. I valued the time I spent with you and Tony at the convention in the Meadowlands in March. Please keep me in the loop. Thanks so much, Newly Converted FireWalker

  236. Brendon, your tribute to your father is incredibly special and touching. Your experience you described is almost exactly what it was like for me when my mother passed away from Pancreatic Cancer. This is a strange thing to say, but her death was a gift to me – it changed my life forever – for the better.

    Knowing you, you’ll continue his legacy, his love and his passion.

    My thoughts are with you.

  237. ……

    In 2008 I lost my wife and for nine days I nursed and cared for Sylvia. An irreversible stroke the day prior to her 102ND birthday it left her speechless and we had both agreed not have to have machines to keep us alive. The experience was overwhelming for me, I was drained emotionally & physically.

    I prayed by her bedside and offered as much comfort and love I could give to her before Sylvia died in my arms.

    As Brendon and everyone encompasses this emotional backlash it tears at our very fibers but it also helps us to reach out and become aware of others who are feeling the same pain.

    Condolences Brendon to you and your family, remember all that dad achieved and never forget the bond you had with him.

  238. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope your sweet memories will give you smiles during this time of sadness. Many prayers that you and all your dad’s family and friends will be sustained and uplifted with God’s love and peace throughout the coming days, weeks, and beyond.

    Blessings to you all,

  239. My Man Brendon – you left me a hand written note 7 years back saying: “It’s all too rare for a Montanan to leave home and find the same incredible level of friendship and hospitality”. It is obvious to me where that Montana friendship came from – the love, friendship and respect your Dad shared with you in his life. I know he loved you and is SO obvious in your own life energy.

    As you know, my Dad passed away two year back and was called “The Sherriff of Makawao” (Maui, Hawaii) because of his Patriotism, commitment and devotion to his community.
    Right now, I bet your Dad and Mine are having a cold one, talking story and busting a gut with good jokes and story.
    Great people always find each other.

    You know I share your grief, you know you can count on me. Feel free to call anytime.


  240. Brendon’s description of his dad is very tender. The world needs more men like that. A patriot and an honorable man.

    May God bless the family and friends of Mel Burchard and strengthen them in this time of grief. Grief passes, true joy and love never dies.

  241. Thank you for the courage to share your wonderful family with us.

  242. What a wonderful tribute to your father. Your father lived in the space of being “fully alive”.

    You are a wonderful son to a very amazing father.

    My prayers are with you and your family.

    Kathleen Gage

  243. Brendon, my prayers go with you. Losing a father is never easy. I am certain your dad experienced great satisfaction in having a son so committed to making a difference and touching people’s lives, one-by-one. We can thank your father for fighting for freedom in the most challenging war America has even known. Certainly, he hasn’t lived in vain. His passion lives on in you.

    We share the dream of a family reunion beyond space and time. As I go on in life, the invisible is increasingly feeling more “real” than the visible. Thank you for sharing your immediate family with us, so that, in a sense, they can be our family, as well. We look forward to building a community with you around the world that will fulfill the ultimate mandate of divine love. Thanks for pointing us all in that direction.

    In the Prince of Peace,

    Phil Brattain

  244. Dear Brendon,

    My heartfelt condolences to you and your family for the loss of your Dad. I remember hearing you earlier this year in San Francisco,thinking ‘what a great Dad Brendon must have had!” And I can only imagine how deeply proud your Dad, Mom and family are of you and all you do to make the world a better place.

    Having lost my Dad years ago, I can tell you, during quiet moments, some of facing adversity, some of celebrating triumphs, my Dad is always with me and your Dad will always be with you. In fact, your Dad is getting ready to celebrate some of your greatest accomplishments that lie ahead for you!

    God Bless You and your wonderful family,
    My Best,
    Mary Z
    Dr Mary Zennett

  245. Brendon, Denise, Chris, Bryan, David, Helen, Adam and Conner,

    Though not related by blood, I’ve had the privilege of feeling like I’m a part of your family since Brendon began his journey in the seminar world in 2006. Since then, I’ve had the incredible fortune to cross paths with each you a number of times. Between Brendon’s events, random trips to In ‘N Out Burger with Bryan, dinners with Helen and Adam in Charleston, and email exchanges with Mel and Chris, I feel like I’ve been so lucky to know each of you over the past few years. Because I know stories can help heal as you spend time thinking about and missing your Dad, I want to share a few of my favorites with you.

    When I first met your Dad at the College Success Bootcamp in 2006, I was impressed by his willingness to do whatever it took to make the event successful. No task too big or too boring, he was ready to jump in whenever he was needed. I loved seeing him dancing in the back of the room—rocking out to the music, even if he and Brendon might share their less-than-perfect sense of rhythm. I remember thinking that if Brendon’s Dad had that much energy at that stage in his life, I had no idea what I was getting into working with Brendon himself!

    The second time your Dad crossed my path was through the US Mail. I was surprised and honored to receive a Christmas card from Mel and Chris in the holiday season after we did Brendon’s bootcamp. Even more special than the card and letter enclosed within, Mel and Chris also included a Montana magnet with a P.S. that said “in case you need a reminder of where we’re from.” I thought it was too cute—and so absolutely appropriate—that they demonstrate their pride for where they came from in that way. The magnet is still on my fridge.

    The third time I had the privilege to interact with your Dad was at Brendon and Denise’s wedding. In addition to feeling fortunate to be included in such a special day, I also felt an incredible feeling of family that surged through the crowd that day. I felt completely welcomed by all of you and felt like I was a “part of the action,” even though the day was not about me at all. Your Dad came up to me during the reception, with that big smile and twinkle in his eye, and said “We’re so glad you made it all this way today to celebrate with us!” A simple statement, but with so much heartfelt meaning. John and I were just talking about Mel and Chris dancing the night away under the stars during the reception—both looking like life just couldn’t get any better than it was at that moment.

    The fourth and last time I spent time with your Dad in person was during Brendon’s Life Golden Ticket event last September. Although there are a million good memories from that event, one of my absolute favorite involved your Dad. Your Dad (much to your Mom’s chagrin, I think) volunteered to be on the “5am crew” of staff who were first to arrive at the Big Tent each morning before the show. On the first day of the event, we arrived at our meeting place in the hotel lobby and had everyone other than your Dad. I looked around, and realized he was sitting across the lobby on a couch… drinking coffee and having a conversation with his newest best friend he had met minutes before. He arrived in the lobby so far ahead of all of us (and this is 5am, don’t forget) that he made a friend to keep him company and share stories with while he patiently waited for us to finally show up for work (that’s what he told me, at least!). He then proceeded to work harder than almost everyone else for the duration of the event… hauling chairs, handling security, and watching as the crowd soaked up every ounce of his son’s wisdom from inside the Center Ring of the Big Top. He smiled through every last bit of it, looking as proud as a father could be.

    What I know best about your Dad, however, is that his legacy and wisdom won’t stop crossing my path now that he’s left the earth.

    Because of each of you, the world will continue to know and love your Dad. They will learn from him as they learn from you; they will see his smile when they see you smile; they will know his love of life by how each of you live yours.

    So thank you, all of you. Thank you for sharing a small piece of your Dad with me… and for carrying on his legacy in the good work you all continue to do in his honor.

    With much love,


  246. Dear Brendan,
    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Father. I lost one of my 4 Son’s on June 14th. 2009. He was Sick for only 12Days. He had Renal Failure and Liver Disease and Pancreatitis. He was in Much Pain for 10 Days and when he got real bad ,they kept him full of Pain Killers. I can’t cope with his Death. I don’t know how I will get through it and keep my Sanity. I Pray a lot and I cry a lot too. I am just trying to get through it one day at a time. God Bless you and your Family Brendan.

  247. Hi Brendon,

    I was at a loss for words when I read that you father had passed.

    My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are for you and your family. Your father sounds like a great man, and as always great men leave a huge space in your life to fill.

    God bless you and your family.

    Warmest Regards,

    Sean Jacobs and Family

  248. Brendon…..

    My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I saw you speak last year at the Mega Book event in NYC and you really touched my life.
    It is obvious how deeply your dad touched your life and many others and all who knew him while he was here are better off for it. You are a tremendous example to all who have the opportunity to see and hear you.
    I look forward to attending your event in the future and again, my sympathies to you and your family.

    Peace and Love
    Bobby Hunter

  249. To all of the family,

    My prayers for peace and joy are send with my condolences for a long memory of all the presence this man was. When a blind man carries a lame man both go forward. Swedish proverb

  250. Dear Brendon:

    The entire team at the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance is sending our thoughts and prayers to you and your family. You were blessed to have a father that was such an amazing example for you to follow.

    Thank you for sharing your life and his message with us.

    Blessings and aloha,

    Nicki Keohohou
    CEO of the DSWA

  251. Hi Brendon,
    My family and I are so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. May your family be granted the fortitude and strength to bear the loss. He lived a good life and accomplished a lot. One only needs to look at the service you are rendering to humanity to realize the good job he did in raising his family. As he rests in the bossom of his Creator, his spirit continues to live through you and your siblings.
    May his soul rest in perfect peace.

  252. Warm regards to you and your family. May you all be blessed with love and light. Keep your focus on the wonderful memories you have to call upon, which will strengthen you in low times. Your dad was a gift to you in this life. Smile, and be happy for having him. That’s what I do with the memories of my mother and father. Lynda

  253. To the entire Burchard Clan,
    Wow, I’ve never seen so many entries to a blog of this nature so quickly. It is a true testament of the legacy he leaves behind–the value of family and friends.

    Warm Regards,

  254. Thankyou for sharing this experience of your father passing through transition from one state to another. It need not be a sad moment but a joyous one for you all. From the heart. Doug

  255. Brendon,

    I am sorry for your loss.

    I was mourning when my dad and my husband died one day apart so I know how you feel.

    Your dad’s foot print of love will never be forgotten.

    My thoughts and prayers goes with your family.

    God Bless you,

  256. Dear Brendon,

    Times like these make us realize how precious life really is. Moments are never reproduced again, but the true beauty of life is that we are able to keep them with us forever through our memory. My thoughts are with you and your family in this extremely hard time. I cannot imagine the pain of losing such a loved person, but what I can tell you is that your father will be in your heart throughout eternity, and is therefore immortal.

    I attended your seminar in San Francisco, and at the moment of the incident your words were truly inspiring and soothing. Attending your seminar as long as reading your book, has made me become a better person, and look at life through a different perspective. Your father is a blessed man, for being able to experience life with such joy and happiness. Rest assured that he is now united to the force that connects us all, he will always be among us, for in the end we are all one. May God give peace to your heart and continue to give strength and blessing to your family.

    Live Strong Brother.

    Rudy and Rogerio Rocha Loures, from Brazil

  257. Dear Brendon and family.
    In yours prayers, always try to imagine talking to him and saying: “Go toward the light, follow the light!” Especially in the first forty days after passage. I read it in Bardo Thodol or the Tibetan book of the dead.
    I hope that helps,

  258. Dear Brendon and Denise:
    We are saddened by the passing on of your father and send our condolences. Best to you, your father and your family.

    Peace and God bless.
    Laura and Jose.

  259. May his true essence, that spirit soul that gave him his spark of life in this material world find its destination and surround him in magnificence.

  260. Hello Brendon,
    I am deeply sorry for the loss of your father. But I know that he certainly lives through you.
    In fact, I lost my father 3 years ago. But he actually exists very close to me now – whenever I think of a comment he made, whenever I eat his favorite food, whenever I find myself doing the mannerisms I picked from him, whenever his love brings a smile on my lips. I wonder where has he gone, he lives so close in my heart.
    I am sure that you will keep your dad very close and dear in your heart.
    Wishing you all peace and comfort,

  261. Brendon-

    I’m celebrating the gift of you and your father. Your generosity in sharing your relationship and the essence of your father is a tribute like no other.

    My life is changed.


  262. Brendon,

    Your fatherAppears to have been a wonderful, caring loving husband, father and friend.

    Please accept my condolence to you all

  263. Hi Brendon,

    I deeply feel sorry for missing this great soul and pray god to shower his souls path to heaven with peace.

    More importantly I appreciate him and his contribution to this world by bringing you to this wonderful earth and making many positive differences in many people’s life.

    I truly want to share your sarrow and may god bless his soul.

    Best Regards,

  264. From Steve Brady:


    I am very sorry for your loss. I enjoyed talking with your parents at your College Success Boot Camp at DisneyWorld three years ago. I thought if was very nice that your dad remembered me and sent me a Montana Magnet that Christmas. He was a delightful man that I am sure will be missed.

    Steve Brady, M.A.

  265. From Mike Turner:


    I would like to express my deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    With warm regards, I remain.

    M. Turner
    Dean of Students
    NOVA – WO Campus

  266. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this warm, lovely tribute. You are sharing some very special skills with the world.

    B. Lynn Goodwin
    Auathor of You Want Me to Do What? Journaling for Caregivers

  267. From Mike Jay:

    My dearest friend, Brendon,

    My deepest love and sympathy go out to you and your families at this great time of loss. My thoughts and

    my prayers are now with you. During this time, think on these words:

    “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

    – Matthew 5:4

    “I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you.”

    – John 14:18

    These words are for you, Brendon, and they are “alive,” as well, and also for

    your loved ones, so share them privately, and contemplate upon them.

    Again, my deepest sympathies to you and your loved ones; also, your father is

    not “dead,” he is simply elsewhere, in spirit form, ‘moved on,’with the King of Kings, and

    you will see him again. He’s fine, you know.

    With my warmest regards,


  268. Brendon,
    Wow, what a shocker. Oh, such an aching heart, a collective aching heart.

    My colleague, Jay Aaron, and I always enjoyed speaking with Mel throughout the Circus event and in San Francisco. He was delightful, open and sharing, and happy, — clearly loving of your mom and all you kids.

    He was obviously so confident in his skin that he was confortable watching you soar, cheering you, and giving you a last minute boast or two. Not every parent has attained that much sense of self so that they can pass it on so smoothly to their children. For sure, he came from abundance, not from scarcity. How lucky for you all.

    My deepest condolences to you, Denise, and your entire family,

    Merle Singer

  269. Dear Brendon and family,
    What a wonderful tribute. We are truly sorry about the loss of your beloved dad.
    During the time we spent with Mel, it was obvious he didn’t need any reminders that “Today’s the day!” His zest for life, friendly outgoing demeanor and pride in his family came shinning through.
    We are sorry there wasn’t more time to get to know him better.
    You are fortunate to have a lifetime of happy memories. He will live on through the values that he taught you and your siblings.
    Denise has shared with us how welcome he made her feel as a member of your family. We appreciate that.
    We will keep you and your family in our thoughts.
    With Love,
    Marty and Sandy DeVault

  270. Dear Bruchard Family,

    May you feel the love surrounding and supporting you now, and may it give you strength. May your grief be leavened with the grace of wonder in the face of mystery. Love is eternal.



  271. My Dear Brendon,
    Just finished watching the video you posted. It was wonderful and moving and like the first time you spontaneously delivered it at Experts Academy I could not stop the tears. They were tears of sadness at the loss but also tears of gratitude for your Dad’s life!
    Isn’t it amazing that as parents the greatest task ( bringing our children up)we are confronted with in this life we are not trained for it? However your Dad & Mom were able to do a fantastic job of it as we can all see in you! I am sure they are very proud of it.Though I did not meet him I know I am benefitting from your Dad’s Legacy of Love, sharing & giving.
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences to you, your Mom & all your family. Your deep love for each other must make this your loss more acute. But I pray God will give you the strength to support each other through the difficult times & it will not be long before you are smiling &laughing again as you remember & share the happy memories of your Dad.
    Did he Live?- Yes, Did he Love?- Yes, deeply, Did he matter?- Certainly Yes & he will be affecting generations to come through you Brendon! Thank you for sharing,giving & love.
    To have seen you succeed following your dreams & to have passed surrounded by those he loved he would have gone to meet his maker satisfied & at Peace. He was truly Blessed.May God Rest his soul & Light perpetual Shine on him. My thoughts & Prayers are with you all. God bless you all & I wish you the very best. Stay Strong like I know you are.
    Fatou Boie-Kamara- United Kingdom (UK)

  272. Brendon (& family)

    Such a wonderful story – it is wonderful to read about your feelings and the deep admiration you have for your father. Hopefully you have inspired many of us to share how we feel about our parents before it is too late. Thank you for sharing.

    Blessings and support from Australia, we look forward to seeing you over here one day.

    Michelle Pavel

  273. Hi Brendon,
    I never spent any time with your dad, but I was there when you introduced him and your mom under the big top. It was obvious that there was love and care among you. I imagined how proud your dad and mom must have been feeling about you–what a gift you have given them to become the person you have become. There is no better gift that a child can give a parent than to become a mature, giving person, who is also capable of navigating the world successfully.

    Thanks for sharing the stories about your dad. I thank him for sharing you with the world. You are one of those bright shining lights that brighten up the world.

    Thanks for being you.

    Reggie Niles

  274. First, let me say how sad I am at your father’s passing, not only for you and your family, but for the world. You’ve probably heard about telling people who act like they are so important, high and mighty, and irreplaceable, to poke their hand in a bucket of water and look for the hole that is left when they remove their hand. Well, I believe your Dad was as fine an individual as could be found … and I believe his leaving this earth left a big hole called remembrance. Indeed, the proof is the hole he left in everyone’s heart that knew him, or knew of him.

    Today I happened to be reading about a neurological process called limbic resonance that enables people to become attuned to each others inner states. One scientist refers to it as “spontaneous emotional communication” and that we can be joined together with another person or a group of people as a “biological unit”.

    I believe it is so powerful and awesome to consider that all who have been brought together in your father’s memory, expressed as well through the mutual friendship and love for one another, are united together into one bonding expression of life force.

    Your Dad was a seminar himself, and I would love to see you take a few days escape into the wilderness in a place such as Alaska, remote Canada, the Olympic Forest, or some similiar place and reflect upon who your Dad was and what he represented. I would suggest you read some of what Chief Seattle wrote, and others as well, and see if you might create a seminar about life, what it means to us, how we might best live it, etc., and present your thoughts in a seminar to be offered next father’s day.

    There is such an over abundance of “success” book, tapes, and streams of income focus today that I believe it is crowding out the essence of what it means to be alive and in this world. In fact, the world is in such a mess even while greed and power are taunted. Your Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar stressed influence and wealth. And I keep getting bombarded with emails from big names in seminars, all suggesting how screwed up my life must be if I have not yet obtained the Midas touch.

    Your Father was a man remembered and loved by many people as evidenced by the response you have received upon his death. I personally wish I could have been as successful in life as he was, and I wish I could be surrounded in life with people like him. Please do a seminar
    based upon what you think your father would say if he was to return and share his total life experience right up to the end. I believe people want and need this kind of message.
    Consider that recently a 102 year old man, very successful in his community and worth millions, jumped off a bridge and committed suicide. We don’t need to learn how to create wealth, we need to learn to use and appreciate the wealth we are born into and to share with others.

    With tears and prayers,
    Grant Foster July 11, 12:30am

  275. Brendon

    Your Dad might not be here anymore physically but you clearly continue to live his great spirit in you. You’re an amazing son and for sure you made him so proud to the world! His legacy lives on!

    Thank you for the inspiration. Loving thoughts to your family,

    Living in a life of gratitude, abundance and purpose

  276. Dear Brendon,

    We are deeply sorry for your loss and our prayers go out to you and your family. You are an amazing soul and your fathers love and legacy will live on, through you. Thank you for sharing your dad with us, he is a beacon of hope for all fathers. God bless.

    Much Love,
    Jason and Cara

  277. Brendon,
    You are one very lucky person to have had those great moments with your dad. He seems to have been a wonderful, dedicated person and left his family with plenty of joyful and special moments to remember.
    Also, you could see it coming, you were able to say goodbye serenely, peacefully – holding hands. Death is inevitable, and when it comes in such a way it is a blessing. God has given your family a lot.
    Your dad lives on inside you and thus is immortal.
    Have a wonderful life

    God bless you

    Klaus Gehlhaar

  278. hey there Brendon!

    well, there is absolutely no need for me to repeat what has been so eloquently said in all these wonderful blog posts! What an amazing family… you Burchard guys have touched thousands.

    I remember you giving a great story at partnership seminar about camping out in the middle of winter in Montana… in your home when the utilities were cut off. You and your sibs were all excited about it because your folks made it into a cool adventure rather than an adversity… and you told us “I was raised in abundance.” I’ll always remember this story! I had so many similar experiences growing up in the U.K. 🙂
    And you gave your love to your Dad in abundance, too.

    As a mother of two small children, I know that I would be just fine going at my time, if only I could know that my family and kids were going to be alright… I’m sure your Dad felt the same way, and passed knowing that his family was going to be just fine, too… take good care of each other ( I know you are!)

    my favorite song quote of the year : “you don’t always have to hold your head higher than your heart.” (Jack Johnson :))

    I honor the place in you in which the whole universe resides. And when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are one.


    Laura 🙂

  279. Brendon and Family-

    What a beautiful Tribute to a very beautiful man. My heart and soul go out to you and your family during this time of transition.. What a journey he had and, such a gift to have a son as loving as you.

    Love N light, Timothy

  280. Blessings to you, Brendon, and to your entire family on the journey of life you are experiencing right now.

    I am currently walking a similar road of life with my mother, Agnes, and our family. Mum’s three year journey is coming to an end. What a bitter-sweet string of experiences. What an exquisite pain. I have learned so much about myself.

    As I have allowed myself to truly be present to the emotions I have felt during the course of her surgeries, specialist appointments, her CAT Scans…. I have met so many aspects of myself; have honored so many voices of my inner children, my inner daughter of all ages. Indeed, I have experienced challenges as I have witnessed my strong, capable, championing mother become the one who has needed me. I am blessed to honor that need.

    On March 30th, of this year, Mum was told that there was nothing else that the medical system could offer her. As an intuitive energy worker I, and others, have known that a physical healing in this life time was not being called for by my mother’s soul. The work I have been honored to be a part of has been emotional, mental, spiritual and energy healing for my mom and our family.

    Today, my mum agreed to have a family portrait taken with her adult children. Mum is so self conscious of her emaciated body and yet agreed to be captured in pictures for her loved ones left behind. Thank you, Mum.

    As a HUB Founding Arc Angel in Canada, I know that I will have the opportunity of sharing physical space with you in a moment of now yet to be. In this moment of now I am in our collective heart and I love you.


  281. I’m sorry to hear of your loss.
    Thank you for sharing such a personal moment.
    I am touched by your love and devotion.
    Your father sounds like he was an amazing man.
    My heart goes out to you in this time of sadness.

    All the Best

  282. What a remarkable man and a you’re a family that makes a difference. I will be visiting this memorial again because there is so much here.



  283. I felt very touched and saddened and awakened by reading about all this. My heart goes out to you friend. I hope to see you soon at one of your seminars. – Adel “Brainman” Anwar

  284. Brendan, one of the things I am sure your Dad cherished is your ability to be a true friend. To honestly share your life with so many. To not be afraid to cry. These are gifts from the bright light you saw yourself, 13 years ago! That light – God – whom you embrace. That light in which your Dad now shines! That light which now says to your Dad, “Well done, my son!”

    Two years ago I lost my Mom, and like your family we were fortunate to have been given the Time to say Goodbye. It’s a very special ocassion to watch the soul leave the body, to feel, and actually see, for that incredible moment, the love which we cherish, as it slips back into the eternal light. So what I’d like to share with you is this. Love never dies. He’s not gone Brendan; he lives, right there in your heart; always.

    Much Love to you and your family.

  285. Dear Brendon and Denise,

    I’m so sorry to hear the sad news, my prayers are with you and your family. He was the most exemplar man in the world, full of love and empathy sharing his thoughts and listening to our troubles. It is hard to imagine that he is gone today but he will always be in my memory. I pray for you and Family.

  286. Dear Brendon and family,
    In this hard days, I just want to share with you this sadness. I have opportunity in July 2007 to spend little time with your parents in Montana and it was a great time. I always remember the nice welcome. All my prayer for your Dad and be strong to support your mother. Very Sincerly.
    P.S. I’m so sorry if my English isn’t too much right.

  287. I really enjoyed getting to know your father under the big top as we all watched one of your dreams come into manifestation.

    It was a pleasure to witness the LOVE he was sending you in each moment you were speaking, the service he gave as a volunteer, the pride he had at the VIP dinner. I was standing right there when you all took that picture in Long Beach (above).

    Your father was a beautiful man. I will miss him, but I will remember him until the day that I pass. Truly, meeting him made a difference in my life…in the short 3 days we had.

    Brendon, keep up the great work you’re doing…you make us all proud. You are making a difference. You’ve taken a moment in time and transformed it into a life purpose. You’re living on purpose with a purpose and modeling the things you teach. Obviously, you don’t ask anyone to do Anything you wouldn’t do yourself.

    I send you and yours ALL of my love. You are in my heart and in my prayers. May the peace that passes all human understanding be yours.


    Keith Leon

  288. Brendan, Denise, Mom and family

    What a wonderful man Mel obvioulsy was – and how fortunate to have each of you know and learn from him and be so deeply loved by him. He has left the greatest legacy – a loving and caring and contributing family.

    God bless each of you as you draw closer to support each other and Mom.

    Cindy H.

  289. Christiane, Brendon, & Denise,

    “No great lesson ever came from profound happiness. Unfortunately, the greatest knowledge we can ever know comes from hardship. It is the human condition to suffer, forgive, and unknot the sadness of our past so the future can unfold its profound beauty…for only then can we truly find Heaven on this earth.”~from The Anglerfish

    I truly grieve for your loss…I know how much you loved him! Blessings in the future as tears become the communication of your souls’ loss.

    May this time be one of growth and love, for he will truly always be with you; forever etching your lives with his teachings. Your husband and father left his legacy in you…may you carry this with grace.

  290. Dear Brendon and Family,

    In this hard days, I just want to share with you this sadness. I have opportunity in Summer 2007 to spend little time with your parents in Montana and it was a great time. I always remember the nice welcome. All my prayer for your Dad and be strong to suport your mother.
    Sincerly. Marguerite.
    P.S. I’m so sorry if my english isn’t too much right.

  291. Brendon, your Dad lives in you and he always will. Thank you and your family for sharing. God bless you all.

  292. Though I don’t know you or your family, my thoughts are with you. My father passed away a few years back, and unlike yours, he did not settle things and so we are still trying to get things sorted with his widow (who he remarried about 15 years before passing on).
    Being a Buddhist, I will add the following: May your father go to the light and find his path and no longer be attached to this world. May he not be afraid of what comes, and may he be totally free and liberated from the life cycles.
    A candle will be lighted for him today.

    Yours kindly,

  293. Hi,
    very beautiful pics. My thoughts are with you. Remember that your dad is always by your side, even if you can´t see him.

    My deepest condolences to you and your family,


  294. Dear Brendon
    you are a true example to us all of being FULLY alive.
    Every great teacher leads by example and you really do live each day with passion.
    Nothing is a truer gift than wonderful parents. Your life is your gift of gratitude, sharing the love you were so blessed to receive from your parents, with the world.
    Thank you and may you continue to be richly blessed.
    Hilary Moore – Geneva, Switzerland

  295. Brendon,

    My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing him, but it sounds like your Dad was a great man and led a fulfilling life and raised his kids right. His legacy is significant and will live on.

    All my best,
    Logan Kugler

  296. Dear Brendan,

    I am so saddened to hear of your loss 😦

    Your dad and I only met very briefly at the Life’s Golden Ticket in LA last year, so I can’t say much about him from personal experience, but it’s obvious to me that he was a great influence and he must have been so proud of you.

    You were fortunate to have a close relationship with father like that. I still have my father, but we only meet a few times a year and hardly know what to talk about when we do.

    My condolences to you and the family.

    Odinn Sorensen
    Impact Action Team member

  297. Brendon and family,
    my deepest feelings and thoughts are with you
    from South Africa.

    …from ‘simply elsewhere’ he is still there and well.
    time will heal the wound, and greater power
    will come from you.

    warm regards

  298. Brendon,

    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. It sounds like your dad, passed on some wonderful things to you. I lost my mom, 14 years ago and I still miss her. God will help you with your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Warm Regards,
    Sue Geary

  299. Dear Brandon and family,

    Thank you for sharing your life and feelings with me. I wish you all the strength you need to cope with the passing and missing of your beloved father.

    May you all live long, healthy and succesful lives and continue to make your father proud by keeping his legacy alive.

    Big hug,


    Best wishes

  300. Hi Brendon,
    I’m truly sorry to hear about the loss of your father.
    I met him at your Long Beach event, and we had such nice conversations together about our military experience.
    We even had some email and phone conversations after the event to further share resources. He was a wonderful man, and I know he will be deeply missed.

    I also lost my mother 1 1/2 years ago, and just lost my brother a few days ago. I certainly understand your loss.

    Please know my condolences, thoughts, prayers, and blessings are with you and your family. May you find peace and comfort during this time, knowing that your father’s presence and memory will always be with you.


  301. Dear Brendon:

    My condolences to you and your family,

    I am sorry very much,

    Jorge P.

  302. Dear Brendon,

    Your work has touched my life in a special way.

    God bless your father for raising such a wonderful son.

    God bless your loved ones for being the inspiring, caring, and loving people they are.

    Love, love, love from Bremen, Germany.

  303. Mi más sentido pesimen amigo, para tí y para toda tu familia.

    Un abrazo,


  304. My deepest condoleances. Your dad seems like a unique and wonderful person, and a loving and caring father.


  305. Hi, Brendon

    Very sorry to hear the great loss of your dad and our throughts are with you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing the story with us at this particular moment and your dad’s life is beyond the is physical presence. He not only lives in your life forever so does in whom you have shared, even we have never met physically.

  306. Dear Ones:

    Focusing on your feelings this morning, I was struck by the remarkable similarity to those experienced in losing my husband
    and my mother within three week time. Hospice was wonderful
    and I am certain that you have gratitude for this great organization and the wonderful caring people that serve in this capacity.
    Trusting that you can find both solace and joy in the fact that your
    loved one passed from this dimension in peace and without pain.
    His energy has simply chaged form, but has also left an indelible impression here in out hearts and minds forever. Thank you for your tribute, it helps to heal us all. Your impact and his is awesome.
    Love, Hugs and Prayers.

  307. Deepest sympathy.

  308. Brendon,
    you are very inspiring, loving and insightful! My love and wishes to you and your family. I know because of your experiences, you know your Dad is happy and loved and living a new adventure.
    My daughter died 14 years ago, I still miss her, and yet she is with me too.
    Above all is love!
    Nan Akasha

  309. Dear Brendon,
    Thank you for sharing the tribute of your dad. I attended your Life’s Golden Ticket weekend last year in Long Beach. I remember your mom and dad being there quietly supporting, talking with this one and that one. I remember thinking that you have such nice parents. I especially remember the looks on their faces as they were watching you. Your dad was very proud of you.

    Blessings to you and your family!

  310. Brendon,

    Im so sorry to hear about you father. Just be strong in these times like what I have known you as a person. I know that your father is at peace in heaven right now and is trully proud to have a son like you. I have you in my prayers. Again, my deepest condolences to you and your family.

    my warmest regards,

  311. Dear Brendon,

    We should be happy, your Dad is with our Creator, he has seen the light of His face and has received a hug and the love of God, what a wonderful experience!!

    Your Dad finished his mission here and left, that’s great. He will be with you forever and one day you will join him again…

    All the best and all my love to you and your family.

    Arturo from Australia

  312. May god bless your Dad’s soul in heaven Brendon. By having so many remarks, I am sure that he was as popular as you if not more. Please accept my Condolences.

  313. Dear Brendon and family –
    Deepest sympathy to you all. Mel is in a better place and obviously was surrounded by love and kindness throughout his life. Thank you for sharing. Both my parents are gone (1979 and 2008), and I still miss them with all my heart. Their legacy lives on, as will your father’s. I was one of the people in the audience in California – you did an amazing job of centering and calming us. You are creating your own wonderful legacy as well.

    Much love,

  314. Dear Brandon,
    Although I am very far away from America and I have not been priviledged to attend any of your seminars but I have subscribed to your series over the mail for sometime now.
    Take heart over the transition of your Dad. He had prepared adequately for his departure after he completed his assignment. That is what matters most. The contentment he exhibited in his last days cannot be bought with money. May I just add that I hope he walked with the Lord while while on earth? The Bible says ‘mark the end of a righteous man. It is peace’.
    I am highly affected by his story and I am examinimg my own life to make corrections where necessary because a better peron has shown me the way.
    Your father has shared his gifts abroad. He has scattered his seeds. The harvest will be forever.
    You are the first fruit, along with your siblings. Reflect on his life and be challenged. God is just beginning with you.

  315. Dearest Brendon and Denise,

    I just received your email, I am lost for words at how shocking and devastating your loss is. Thank you for sharing with us such love for your dad and life. You are in my thoughts and prayers,
    Much love,

  316. Brendon & Family,

    I too held my fathers’ hand as he passed. Thank you for a very moving video.


  317. Brendon and family,
    Uncle Melvin was one of the most honorable men I know. He has been an inspiration to me since I was a child. Over the years we have not seen each other much, but have spoken by phone many times. Throughout my Navy career, Uncle Melvin was always the first one I called when I reached a major milestone. I wanted him to know how much I attributed my success to him. My heart broke this morning when I heard he had passed. There is a little of Melvin in me just as I know there is in everyone he touched, he will continue to touch others through us. Goodbye my friend and thank you for being you.
    Scott Burchard
    Jacksonville FL

  318. Dear Brendon & Burchard Family,

    I was so moved by the email announcing Mr. Burchard’s passing, and the beautiful tribute video. I could not help but weep as I shared in your sorrow.

    You are so blessed to have had such a wonderful relationship with him. There’s a line of scripture in the bible that says, “Their works do follow them.” Surely, he has left a legacy in the hearts of everyone who knew him, and he lives on in the lives of those who love him. I lost my dad when I was 21 years old. And although it’s been 33 years, seldom does a day go by that I don’t think about him, or unconciously say or do something like he would have said or done.

    God has so blessed me with a wonderful family of my own – my wife of 34 years and two phenomenal children, a 30 year old son and 24 year old daughter. Brendon, I am blessed among men that my children speak of me the way you speak of your dad. They tell me the greatest thing I ever gave them, was my time.

    What we sow into the lives of others will live and bare fruit for generations. Showing up & being present is truly one of life’s golden tickets, and a gift we can give to make a real difference in someone’s life.

    No doubt, Mr. Burchard lived, loved and made a difference.

    Blessings of Grace, Love and Peace to you and your family,


  319. Brendon-

    I am sorry to hear about the passing of your father.

    You and I met several years ago and spent about an hour talking. While I do not know you well, I did got a sense of what a good man you are. Your dad did a great job in raising you.

    He too, was a good man, as one can tell from how you write about him.

    You are the legacy he leaves behind.


  320. I which you and your family wisdom, strength and patience in this time of loss. Just wanted to add that your information really change my life positively so thanks to you and your DAD. May he rest in peace.

  321. Brendon,

    Your father was a great man as is evident by the man that you are and what he has deposited in your life…

    I pray the grace of God over you and your family at this time and I am hopefully of a world where the quality of parenting will be as great as that which you received from your dad.


    Deidre Longe

  322. Dear Brendon,

    I am a father who has lost a son every day I talk to my son he hasn’t gone far and neither has your father we are all connected and together, God bless you and your family


  323. Hi Brendon and Family
    I feel compelled to write you something.
    I met your parents at the “Lives GoldenTicket Event ” and was so surprised to find out that your Mom and Dad were both volunteers. Your Dad was such a humble man. I am not sure why but he had such an impact on my lifebut he did. Sometimes the difference we make in the world is just by showing up like your Mom and Dad did at your event. My condolonces to all who have been effected by the passing of this humble man. His legacy will be living forth thru his children. Thanks Mel and Brendon a lot has changed for me after “Lives GoldenTicket Event ”
    Willem Van Gogh

  324. Dear Brendon,

    Thinking of you. My stepfather died of the same thing. Just like that. One day he was fine, and within a year, after devastating chemo treatments, he was gone. I know your Dad is in a great place, and I know he must have been very PROUD of you and what you are doing for others. God bless and take care.

  325. God bless you. Be as happy on Earth as your Dad is in Heaven!

  326. Beloved Brother Brendon,

    It’s so thoughtful of you sharing the very essence of life about your loving father with me. I and my family join you in this moment of reflection sharing the great memoirs of a wonderful man who left a great legacy for all to see.

    Take heart, and keep faith the very fact that he finished the race of life; he kept the faith leaving his footprint on the rock of history, and has gone to rest in the bossom of his loving maker who loves him more than we all.

    I wish your family great strength at this memorable time of life. Be sure he was a victor, a successful man with her for all. And above all this” a great man is one that made positive life changing impact on others he may never meet in life such is your dad”. I strongly know that though he’s physically absent, his spirit is alive watching over the family. His going home has left a vaccuum on earth, but in God’s eternal glory your dad has gone to stay an ambassador waiting till we all meet him in the city of God.

    Let the banner of love left behind by daddy keep floating touching more lives for good. we are just on the same platform, just lost my own dad, yet to be buried. My consolation is that they left a legacy which the world will sure see manifest in us living after them.

    God bless and confort your great family now and always.

    Pastor Peter orji

  327. Dear Brandon,

    Please accept my deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father.

    My thoughts and prayers goes with your family.

    God Bless you,


  328. Brendon and Family,

    Heartfelt condolences and prayers to you all. I hope that when the angel dust settles, you will see clearly that your father lives on ~ through you. The greatest gift you can give him is to continue being the ‘you’ that he clearly helped mold with his own life’s purpose and work. His reward is you ~ be proud of that; find comfort in that. Also find comfort in the support of those around you.

    Your video is truly a gift to the world; thank you for sharing such raw personal emotions. As difficult as I know it was to put yourself out there, I also know that it was very cathartic. I truly hope you continue to allow yourself to celebrate the honor of being his son.

    Debbie Mancini-Wilson

  329. Brendon,

    My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your Dad. I know you only through the internet and your work, but can tell that your Dad must have been a great guy to instill his son with such a spirit of helpfulness and concern for others. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  330. My thoughts are with you and your family, Brendon. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man!

    Warm wishes,
    Maria Pascucci

  331. Sending my very best wishes for well-being to you and your loved ones;
    along with Gratitude for your messages!
    I also was present in San Francisco that Sunday and will forever remember the powerful feeling of all the focused attention that day.
    Your presentation of yourself and your message whether written, recorded or in person resonates deeply within me with inspiration to become the best that I can be and to share that with others, even though I was not raised within a loving family (they were more like examples of what not to become and so I’m grateful for that too!)
    Thank you for sharing your lovingly respectful personage with all of us. In so many ways, I believe you are a living example of the evolved consciousness we should all aspire toward
    and as others have already said: YOU are a living tribute to your father!
    My heart goes out to you and yours as you traverse this time of transition,
    Blessing to all of you, Christa Harrison

  332. Dear Brendon and Burchard Family

    Thank you so much for sharing your dad and husband, Mel, with all of us.

    Know that his legacy of “Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Treat people with respect. Follow your dreams.” continues to live on through the power of his wisdom, his acts of courage and life of inspiration as reflected by each of you and the people you continue to become.

    May you find the peace of his love in each moment that you remember him, hear his recordings, watch clips of him and reflect on how he was and still is present within each of you.

    May Connor and all of Mel’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren know what an inspiration Mel was to so many people – friends he met and those still to meet…

    Love and gratitude for a
    Man Who Returned With Honor,

    Semper Fi

    Barb V

  333. Dear Brendon and family members
    Sorry for the sad news. My sincerest and deepest condolensces go out to all of you. I never met your father but reading your notes and many tributes, I now know him as a great man. Life is God’s blessing but no one knows when it will end. A person is remembered by one’s good deeds. God bless him peace in heaven and courage to you all to bear his loss.
    Mississauga, Canada

  334. Dear Brendon,

    Though I do not know you or your Dad personally, when tragedy such as this strikes, my heart always goes out to the bereaved family.

    I pray that the Almighty in His mercy, gives your family and you, the consolation that you deserve and the strength to bear this loss.

    Yours in sympathy,

    Joe Isaacs

  335. Dear Brendon and family: Your father Mel beared the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, benignity,kindness, faith, gentleness, temperance. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

    My deepest prayers of spiritual strenght for you, your mother and loved ones and may the Lord bring to you all his grace and favour in a supernatural way.

    Someday we will meet and grow together.

    your friend yet to know

    Cesar Gil

  336. Brendon,

    I will be having the pleasure of being with you in September in San Francisco and it already feels like we are kindred spirits. Someone once shared with me that healing does not always mean that there is a cure.

    With this said, the gift your father left the world continues to give beyond his body. His spirit and love, which is the healing, will continue to touch everyone you touch and that ripple of love will continue to eternity.

    May the light of God surround your family and the love God enfold you and the peace of God watch over you and wherever you are, God is, all is well.


    Jack Needham

  337. Dear Brendon & Family

    Your tribute to your dad touched me so deeply that I write this with tears in my eyes, and memories of losing my own dad.

    My dad, Worth Loggins, was very much like yours. He never met a stranger…he gave and gave, and loved everyone. He brightened the world. People like your dad and mine created love, peace, and joy wherever they went.

    I deeply feel the loss of your dad, and mine. By sharing your feelings, you helped me to feel the depth of mine again. Thank you from my heart.

    I encourage all of you, and everyone who might read this, to not only keep the memory of this loved one alive, but to do something that my husband and I have learned to do with those who are only with us in spirit. We “invite our loved ones along with us” when we are doing something special, having fun, enjoying life. We often feel their presence there with us when we do.

    You have my deepest caring for losing Mel’s physical presence in your lives, and my deepest hope that you will continue to include him and invite him in everyday. I’m sending you love and blessings, and joy in having him with you in all that you do.

    Love & Blessings, Carole Bryant

  338. Brendon,

    I haven’t met you yet but I’m signed up for your upcoming course in Sept in San Francisco and very much looking forward to it. I’m very sorry to hear of your Father’s passing. My prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time of loss. A good buddy of mine had his teenage son pass away several years ago and asked if I would write a poem for his funeral. I thought it might provide you with some comfort:

    Dear Tommy
    Looking into your eyes
    Sometimes I wonder
    How our love
    Could transcend words

    While we struggled together
    Through life’s trials
    I would turn to
    The Bearer of all burdens
    To help carry this heavy load

    You are my son
    The most precious gift
    God has ever given me
    My love for you will never die
    Just like Your Father’s way up above

    I know you have gone home
    To a much better place
    Where the pain and suffering
    Of this broken world
    Transforms to everlasting joy

    Please save a place
    For me there, Tommy
    Where I can hold you
    Real close again
    And just look into your eyes

    John 3:16 – 17 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. NIV

    God bless,

    Tom Janicik

  339. Brendon,
    How wonderful that you had a great Dad, and learned from him and loved him so deeply. What a gift! I see you bringing that gift of wisdom and love to people around the world. You are an Angel on Earth, while now your father is an Angel in Heaven.

    (we met at MegaSpeaking last November in LA)

  340. Brendon, My Condolances. I also lost my Dad 2 years ago. I spent three nights in the hospital, at his bedside, and at 3AM, he started mumbling, and when I asked him who he was talking to, he said, “My Mother.” His Mom passed away when he was 5 years old. He was 93 and she was waiting for him. He passed 1 hour after that. My prayers are with you and your family. Each morning when I awaken, I look at a pic of my parents, and say, ” Good Morning, Help me through this day.” Brendon, If there is anything i can do for you, please let me know.

  341. Dear Brendon and Family,

    I send my deepest condolences to your and your family for the loss of your father. Thank you for sharing your loss with us. Your father must have been a wonderful man when we are able to see the result of his work in you. His legacy will continue to live through your work and they way that you provide a positive change in so many lives.

    May God Bless you and your family.


  342. Dear Brandon,
    My deepest condolences to you and your family for the loss of such a loving and great person. I can relate so much to what you are saying. My Mom passed away last Monday and my feelings are in turmoil. Now I am the last of the family. It feels lonely. Still we are blessed to have had them, aren’t we?

    I was at your San Francisco event. That Sunday morning was very special. You are an amazing young man Brendon – also thanks to your Dad.
    Wishing you lots of strength.

    With love and respect
    Barbara Hofmeister

  343. Brendon,
    Im so sorry to hear that and i pray for him to have a good life in heaven and i hope you could suffer this lost .
    actually i lost my parents and i could undrestand you.
    Always i respect you because you could help others to improve and enjoy their lives.

    With best respect

  344. Dear Brendon,

    i,m very sorry to hear about your dady,i know this is a difficult moment for you and yours,But i know God will help you passing through.
    This is my personal story may be it can help you during this horrible time,i was born in 1986 and my beloved mother passed a way 2 years after,i left only with daddy and with my old sister but now i,m 23 y.o. with by next year i will be having my B.B.A and i have nice job too IN AN NGO named PSI RWANDA,so you understand how God is GREAT
    I Always believe that i will see her and i want you to share with me the same dream you will see him too yuor dady is arive.
    my deepest condolences to you and yours
    john K.

  345. Brendon.

    The love and passion you bring to all your work is a reflection of the love your dad (and mom) have brought to you.

    Your dad’s spirit will continue to live through you, your kids, and through everyone who knew him.

    I for one am grateful of the gifts your dad brought into this world. His life made a difference, and you and your family are powerful proof of that.

    Our impact in this life is, in a large part measured by the love of those who knew us. Your dad in life, was loved, and that love was contagious. I have been infected with his wonderful spirit through you, and so, a part of his spirit will live in on me through and those I am able to touch as well.

    My deepest love to the family your dad has so profoundly affected. Through all our love, he will continue to live through all of us.

    With love.

    James Bond

  346. I feel your loss.

    My heart goes to you, and everyone who had the pleasure and privilege to love and be loved by Mel Burchard.

    Althought is body has perished, his soul will be forever with you.

    Ricardo Toureiro

  347. Brendon,
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  348. Greetings,
    It is always painful when someone close passes on but if we focus on giving thanks for them and their contribution and how richly they have blessed your life and how much richer your life is as a result of having being with them , then their purpose becomes bigger and the pain becomes less. All love and prayers to you and your family at this time.

  349. God is with you in this your time of need . Be strong and thankful for the time God gave you all with him.

  350. You were so blessed to have a “good man” for a father. You had the best advantages in life thanks to him. I know he’ll be missed terribly by all of you, but rest assured he’ll never be gone. He lives on in all you do, live well each and every one of you.

  351. Dear Brendon,

    I wish to give my deepest condolences to you and your family. I was lucky enough to be present at the San Francisco seminar and will always remember that moment and your speech that followed. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible moment with everyone.

    I see that a lot of your qualities and strength came from your parents. You are very lucky to have such wonderful role models, and they are lucky to have such a wonderful son.

    I know this is a time for emotions and some sorrow, but, I will always remember the joy in your face when you spoke about your Dad. Even though he was dying in a hospital at the time, you found the grace and strength to truly appreciate everything he had done in his life for both you and your family. You spoke of him with such reference and joy that you were able to lift everyone’s spirits.

    I pray that you are able to continue this expression of joy and happiness as you remember the life of such a great man.

    My deepest regards to you, Denise and all of your family,

    Patrick Yates

  352. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. Having many years ago lost my father and recently lost my mother i can understand your feelings and emotions at this present time. We are both lucky to have loved and been loved by our parents and this best thing i will always remember. May your god be with you.

    Peter Ivanis

  353. From Jay Aaron:


    My colleague Merle Singer spoke for both of us when she mentioned how much she enjoyed speaking with Mel.

    I met your dad in Long Beach, and made it a point to pull him aside and talk to him and your mom for quite a long time. I wanted to discover what kind of parents and parenting had produced such a remarkable person as yourself.

    And I discovered, of course, what a remarkable man your father was. He shared about his dedication to his country, and his devotion to his family. He exuded joy, gratitude and a sense of wonder. He cried in happiness when speaking about your achievements and your contributions, and we laughed heartily at some of the stories we shared.

    In just the brief time that he and I shared in Long Beach and then again in San Francisco, he touched my life in a profound and wonderful way. I consider this as much a gift from you as the information you have shared about your own life’s journey, and the knowledge you have shared about growing a business while/by being of great service to others and to the world in which we live.

    I had hoped to share more time with your father in person. Now, it will be in my fond memories.

    You were truly blessed, Brendon, to have Mel as your father. And to still have your Mom and the other members of your family, and your lovely and loving wife Denise.

    Your father’s kindness and his memories will live on in ways even you and your family cannot imagine, and the way in which he touched my life was one of them.

    Jay Aaron

  354. Brendon,

    I loss my father in a car accident about 7 years ago. I know how you feel and I send you all the love in the world my friend. There is no doubt that your father was proud of you and what you are doing to better this world. You are a good man Brendon Burchard. If you need anything just let me know.
    Continue to Love and Live Greatly,
    Billy & Sylvia

  355. Brendon and Family,

    My family and I send our sincerest prayers of comfort to you all during this difficult time. Brendon thank you so very much for your transparency and, for sharing your very personal and sensitive testimonial. Please know that by sharing you are indeed empowering and assisting others worldwide who are dealing with many of the same types of circumstances and your words of conviction on the Purpose of Life will truly inspire generations to come.

    Love always,

    Chris Cooper and The Coopers (Keisha and CJC II)

  356. “I Can Only Imagine”, is playing in the background as I type this.. Brendon I can imagine and understand. I lost both my parents to cancer they both died on Sept 6th, 1992 & 2007 – 15 years apart, Mom was 67, Dad was 81.

    My thoughts after I read your tribute to your Dad was to respond with the following poem:

    I Carry Your Heart With Me
    Written by: EE Cummings

    I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
    I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
    I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart I carry your heart
    (I carry it in my heart)

    Take care and be well.

    MaryLynn Bliss

  357. Brendon,
    I just finished reading about your father and watching your video. Hearing about your father’s huge heart and wisdom for life, and watching how it has now come through you, was a gift for us all.
    Thank you for sharing some of his spirit with us.
    His legacy continues.
    Please accept my deepest condolences to you and your family.

  358. Hi, Brendon! I just read your email about the passing of your dad, and my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this time. I know what that feels like because I lost my dad May 29, 2004, and I still miss him today!
    I also just watched your video of Life and it was very inspiring!
    I thought that I would list here for you two of my brief synopsis of motivational speeches that I am working on. One is titled, “Life Lessons Learned – The Five L’s to Really Living Life”, and the other one is titled, “You Are What You Think”.
    Take Care! HAND – “Have A Nice Day!” In Christian Love, Jerry Loney

  359. Dear Brendon,

    You and your family are in my prayers.
    I met your dad last year at your Life’s Golden Ticket seminar. He was a wonderful man and it was beautiful to see how you all supported each other. Your family is a great inspiration.

    Much Love,


  360. Dear Brendon,

    You are a lucky man and you and your family are truly blessed to have had the opportunity to spend the precious time together during your dad’s final days.

    It was a pleasure and a source of inspiration to see how you conducted yourself during these difficult days – you were always present, you were passionate and compassionate. I am sure your dad is in a good place smiling and cheering you on at every step.

    My deepest condolences to you and the entire Burchard family.

    Sudhir Chadalavada

  361. Our prayers and LOVE go out to you and your family. It was so nice to read the love and celebration for your father’s life. He is smiling from heaven upon all of you and waiting for when God calls you home and he will be there to take you to your final home so that you can walk on the GOLDEN streets of heaven and return your GOLDEN ticket for some one else to use 🙂 With love and support, JK

  362. You are right Brendon–love and enjoy your loved ones every day. Time is short. God bless you and your family as you say “good bye” to Dad and know that he is in a greater place than we can ever imagine. Blessings, Joan Clout-Kruse

  363. Brendon,

    To leave this world peacefully, with your family by your side, is sublime gift in our final moments. I am sorry you lost your wonderful father and happy that his spirit lives on in the lives he touched and the children he and your mother brought into this world. May his many blessings continue to follow you for all your days.

    With love,

    Stephen Josephs

  364. Brendon,with light,love,harmony,and blessings I bring my heart to you and your family, a heart filled with joy as it enjoys a warm embrace with your Dad. There is no need for words beacuse your father rests in your heart. As I share with you and your family a prayer of thankfulness for a beautiful being and a loving spirit I say to my brother the wind who now cradles lovingly a son..Thank you for opening my heart to this beautiful man. Blessings to all.
    Hector Parra.

  365. Dear Brendon & Family,

    Our love and prayers go out to you and your family as you transition into this new phase of life and prepare to celebrate the life of a truly extraordinary man.

    In the words of the late Dr. Norman Cousins, “The great tragedy of life is not death itself, but rather what dies within us while we live.”

    We join you in the celebration of a man whose life was clearly dedicated to living, loving and giving. We also look forward to getting to know Mel through the extraordinary legacy he leaves in you and your family.

    Much love,
    Pam & Chris

  366. Brendon Burchard and Family:

    I am very sorry for your loss. Mel Burchard sounded like an amazing man whom anyone would love. Thank you for sharing both of your stories, and for always being a guiding light for me and for others so that we may learn to live our lives to the fullest like you do.

    Best wishes for peace and happiness,
    Jane Marsh

  367. Brendon,

    I am with you in this moments of remembrance and love, I wish you keep giving to the world all what your heart it was made for, the seeds that your Dad and Mom place on your heart and soul they were lucky to see growing through the years you have been becoming the man you are. I do not know you personally but I can feel the sincerity of your words, to wrote about your Dad and share with all of us the beauty of your live along with him.
    Remember always him with his beautiful smile, the power of a great man and the tenderness of his arms hugging you.

    My deepest condolences and love to you and all your family.

    Gabriel Sanchez-Viveros

  368. Hi Brendon –

    Being the spiritual being you are I’m sure you know and feel both the beauty of life and death, especially after your life experience many years back. I know right now your dad is shouting out to you “I’m Here”, to remind you to always be present, live every moment with absolute passion, and to give to others the way you do every day of your life.

    I saw you speak back in April at the UBMS in Vegas. It was the first time I had been introduced to you and your work. I knew from the moment you took the stage that you were a special individual, willing to do what ever it takes to get things done.

    You are a strong and beautiful person and I’m sure that much of this is due to the upbringing you had from both your father and mother. Your father’s love will now live on through you and your family and I know that you will do all you can possibly due to make that love shine on.

    From the love of my family to yours,
    Zachary –

  369. Brendon,

    My prayers and sympathies go out to you and your family! I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. When I first met you at the Impact event in Philadelphia I said to my friend Walt that you where different and there was something about you that I connected with. Your passion for life, for helping others and for being there to help your students. You are very genuine. Then I was fortunate enough to be invited to your Long Beach event and to take part in one of your dream events, along with the rest of the Impact team. I not only got to know you better but I got to meet your friends and family. I admired these special people who are linked with you and I realized where you get a part of who you are. I always thought it was just the car crash, which I understand helped intensify that fire, but I saw more when I had the opportunity to speak with your Dad, as well as the rest of your friends. In talking with your Dad I saw the way he shined with pride toward you and looked like he was definitely enjoying being a part of the ride. Family has always been very important to me and I honor you and the special relation you keep with the important people in your life. You and your family are definitely blessed to have had your Dad in your life.
    My prayers go out to you and your family. I wanted to also say thank you for being a part of my life and showing me how to make a difference in helping other families!

    With love and respect,
    Ron Dilbert

  370. So sorry to hear about your dad. I know he will be dearly missed. I belong to Quilts of Valor and I will make a quilt in his name to be dedicated to a wounded soldier. He will still bring sunshine to someone in need.
    God Bless

  371. Greetings from New Zealand.
    My sincere condolences for the loss of a loved family member. While I didn’t know your dad personally, the pain of the loss of a special soul is something felt.
    Caring for loved ones in their last days is a very special time for all.
    The closeness of sharing in those last moments, the inner-ness of having a greater understanding of a life beyond the earthly realm.
    The shedding of a chrysalis like state, to the freedom of wings to soar towards that which has been promised to us all. everlasting life.

    This is a favoured saying in our Maori language to you and your family…
    Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui
    Be strong, be brave, be of stout heart

    Arohanui (love)
    Wikitoria (Victoria)

  372. Dear Brendon and Family,

    I had the pleasure of meeting your parents at the Big Tent Event and spent quite some time with your Mother and Father, both of whom were delightful and I was very touched by them. Your father always had a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. Together, we had some serious fun bantering about this and that throughout the whole event as I had been a volunteer. I will miss him. I send you, your mother, Denise and the whole family my warmest heartfelt thoughts during this time. And to your father…”So you wanted to leave this soon, huh? Fine then. Go ahead, have fun without us, until we join you that is, but don’t forget, nudge, nudge, we’ll be bantering again, so sharpen your wits you rascal! I miss you already.”

  373. Hello, Brendon-

    You are a wonderful light in these trying times… your dad must have done a loooot of things right. And surely was very proud of the man you are.
    All the things you admire and love in your father are living in you… and being selflessly shared with the rest of us!

    Bless you in this transition and in all you do.

    Keith deBolt
    Ken McArthur’s Impact Action Team.

  374. Brother Brendon,

    You’ve already done your dad the greatest honor possible and that is to give without expecting anything in return, to become (and be) a great man, celebrate his life and death with dignity and respect, and grow, live and share your amazing gifts and talents with the world.

    Clearly, he was a proud and happy man.

    You’re one of the good ones.

    My thoughts and condolences to your family.

    Here’s to Mel – and to a long and prosperous life of giving back with eternal gratitude.

    Your friend,
    Mike Koenigs

  375. Dear Brendan and family, Wrapping you all in Love & Light as you continue to celebrate Mel and move through your grief. I think you’ll agree, that your Dad, in spirit, is ‘more alive’ now, expanding consciousness in more creative ways and still loving all of you from a different perspective. You are all blessed to have, and continue to love deeply along your journeys.
    Brendan, I am looking forward to meeting you at your September seminar.
    Blessings to all of you!
    Suzette Foster

  376. My sympathy is extended to you and your family and may your treasure memories of him comfort you and your family to give you the inspiration to follow in his footsteps

  377. Dear Brendon,
    Thank you so much for keeping us informed about your Dad. It just so happens I was at a memorial service this morning for a friend’s Dad who died a few days ago. It reminded me of being at my Dad’s memorial service Dec 2007. It meant a lot to me to have friends attend the service and pay tribute to my Dad, even though they didn’t really know him. That was really special. Something I did to keep my Dad present in my life was to write down a list of ‘Dad-isms’ – typical things my Dad said or did that were just soooo Dad. :O)That list and some pics are on the table next to my bed. I look through them every once in awhile just to help me remember and make me smile.

    I’m glad you have lots of wonderful memories to choose from.

    Paula Dirkes

  378. Brendon,
    Your tribute to your “Dad” touched my heart. Your Dad’s memory is something you will have forever. He must have been an incredibly person as he passed than onto you.
    My deepest sympathy to you and your family,

  379. Burchards,

    I was lucky enough to be with your family for some of the highlights of the past few years…College Success Bootcamp and Brendon and Denise’s wedding. Mel was a second Dad to many and treated me as part of the family. Montana will miss him as will I. He was a true inspiration, I hope my spirit can burn as bright and last as long as his.

    Jeff Buszmann

  380. My wife and I are very saddened by the loss of your father. Our sincerest condolences go to you and your family. When someone we are connected to dies, part of the sadness is that we were not touched by that person. I am sorry that I never got to meet your father, or experience his spirit in person.

    My father died suddenly 40 years ago, when he was 69 years old, in Israel. My brothers and I had no time to prepare for his death or to help him transition. After his funeral, and the services, where hundreds of people showed up, I awoke to the realization that what matters is who we touch, and not what we do. The day before father’s day, a friend of mine, who was 61, and with 2 sons, died suddenly while playing golf with his son, who graduated HS the following week. Likewise, a church-full turnout was evidence again that, who we are is who we touch. And the fact that death can come at any moment, made me aware again that we must be here fully and live fully, every moment of our life.

    Even though we never met your father in person, we are very blessed to have met you in SF last month. It is obvious that he truly was a special man, because who you are and who you touch is a testament to his spirit, and his words of ““Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Treat people with respect. Follow your dreams.” will live on forever, as long as you and the people you touch pass it on.

    Watching the “Purpose of Life” video was especially poignant to us, since we were there that day, and experienced your incredible Present-ness in person. Until we rise to the level you challenged us that week in SF, we will watch that video every morning and count our blessings for being alive, being here and being unique.
    Thank you and God bless you, your family and your father.

    Raphael & Kathryn

  381. I am so sorry about your loss. He sounds like a wonderful man. I don’t think love ever dies , he will remain alive in the hearts of everyone who knew him & by the love & lessons he taught . God Bless.
    Sending peace & blessings, Debi

  382. Brendon,

    To have a man of such inspiration leading your family is special and unique. After hearing of the way your father lived it is with great joy and optimism that I have your family and the world.

    Just when we are tired of hearing about bad people, then a person of such character and love is displayed for the world and we are all give hope.

    Thank you for sharing your father with us. All my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


  383. Brendon,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your dad sounds like he was an incredible man and one of the greatest ways for you and your family to feel comfort from his loss is in keeping his memory alive. Keep saying his phrases, picturing his gestures and applying the wisdom he’s shared with you as you approach each new day. With what I know of you, I’m sure it made your dad proud to say that you were his son.

    With deepest regards for you and your family,

  384. Hey Brendon,

    Shaaaaaazzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaam to ya!

    My deepest condolences to you and your beautiful family. Great to see you are there for one another. It’s so inspirational to see you discovering the indelible gifts from the journey with your Dad. I love the meanings you’ve drawn from it all. And I love your Dad’s simple, yet wise words on living.

    I can relate, as recently I lost my Uncle B, who lived as well as he knew how. I debated canceling my trip to your much-anticipated Leadership conference in SD to spend ample time with my family, and out of respect for my Uncle. When I truly contemplated it, I knew my Uncle B would only want me to do what is best for me, and that he had already embraced what was ahead for him.

    Also, I remembered in SF you describing your Dad was ill, and you’d spent time with him, yet you had a commitment to your students at EA. You knew both you and he wanted you out doing what you love: serving and growing.

    It was that balance of Presence and Faith you shared that connected with me. Not to mention, how you successfully initiated a collective calm in the room at the event on Sunday. So, I decided to continue my plans and flew out the day of services, after supporting my family for the weekend.

    I truly thank you and loved our time shared in SD, as I continue to discover a more empowering meaning.

    Brendon, thanks for being real, for being you. You rock!


    peace, love +energy,

  385. You have my deepest feelings. My mother died with the same illness, but it took her longer and that was painful.
    My dad died of pancreatic cancer, this was a blow.
    Knowing they no longer hurt and are in a better place is a great comfort. Imagining them there in the peace and beauty with no cares is a great feeling.
    I hope your family can reach a feeling of solitude for him.

  386. My wife and I are very saddened by the loss of your father. Our sincerest condolences go to you and your family. When someone we are connected to dies, part of the sadness is that we were not touched by that person. I am sorry that I never got to meet your father, or experience his spirit in person.
    My father died suddenly 40 years ago, when he was 69 years old, in Israel. My brothers and I had not time to prepare for his death or to help him transition. After his funeral, and the services, where hundreds of people showed up, I awoke to the realization that what matters is who we touch, and not what we do. The day before father’s day, a friend of mine, who was 61, and with 2 sons, died suddenly while playing golf with his son, who graduated HS the following week. Likewise, church-full turnout was evidence again that, who we are is who we touch.
    Even though we never met your father in person, we are very blessed to have met you in SF last month. It is obvious that he truly was a special man, because who you are and who you touch is a testament to his spirit, and his words of ““Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Treat people with respect. Follow your dreams.” will live on forever, as long as you and the people you touch pass it on.
    Watching the “Purpose of Life” video was especially poignant to us, since we were there that day, and experienced your incredible Present-ness in person. Until we rise to the level you challenged us that week in SF, we will watch that video every morning and count our blessings for being alive, being here and being unique.
    Thank you and God bless you, your family and your father.
    Raphael & Kathryn

  387. Brendon,
    I’m sorry you lost your father, your friend. My father too is a huge mentor in my life and I can’t imagine losing him. So I’m an saddened by this and I wish you peace and your family peace. I thank you for all the things you have done and the true purpose you instill in each of us. Your father, I know, is very PROUD of you. Thank you again.

    Steven Le

  388. Brendon and Family,

    Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt message and tribute to your father. As a gift to all of us, it also serves as a wonderful gift to him and to the memory of what stood for, what he was and I believe still is.

    May you find peace and strength in the memories and values he left behind as a legacy for you.

    With kind thoughts,

  389. Dear Brendan,

    I know of you through HUB and want to say I am truly sorry for your loss. He accomplished two great things in his lifetime – one, to become his authentic self, and two, to have you and help you do the same. I know you will miss him, but also that you will pass on a bit of him with everything you teach and every person you interact with.


  390. Dear Brendon,
    How amazing of you to set up this beautiful site in honor of your dad, so soon after he passed. Though of course his death was untimely, I’m sure it makes you and your family smile to think of the full and exemplary life he led, and how he saw his ideals passed on to you. You know his heart sang when he shared your successes, like at the circus tent event. And he knew you were well on your way to making more big dreams come true. How proud he must have been to see you go from ‘camping out’ at home to ‘living out loud’ and generously inspiring others – like me – along the way. My dad died when I was 20, so I understand the void it leaves. But I do believe the people we love are always looking out for us from behind a cloud. 🙂 Warm thoughts and comforting wishes are being sent from the bottom of my heart, to you and your family.

  391. My sympathy and love goes out to you and your family. It is indeed true how important it is to be of much service to family/friends and neighbors near and far. May God continue to comfort and protect over your family at this time. Thanks so much for sharing your personal/professional journey with us. Be well and take good care of yourselves….


  392. Brendon,

    continue with strength for your family and know your father must be proud of you. I thank you for sharing your sorrow as I feel blessed hearing your story, your dad was one special man – the world could do with many as wise, caring and hard working as he was. Please continue to share his teachings and be comforted now he is at rest.

    God bless you and all your family, warm wishes


  393. Brendon and Family,

    Ken McArthur shared the news via Twitter. I’m so sorry for your loss. I only got to meet your Mom and Dad once, at your “LGT Under the Big Top” event in Long Beach, CA last year. I was impressed with how they both worked at your seminar; your Dad was “leading the charge” with clean-up efforts in the tents afterwards. I spoke with both of them briefly, and thanked them for bringing you, Brendon, to us!

    They *smiled.* We took a picture together; I don’t know who snapped the photo or even where it is now, but I was delighted to see them seeing YOU as you delivered your dream event under the Big Top. That short encounter with both your Mom and Dad made a lasting impression on me; and everything you wrote in your blog post above makes perfect sense. My thoughts and prayers are with you…

    It was a pleasure making their acquaintance, if only for a short time. You’re making me think of my own family, too.
    I’m signing off to call home right now Brendon. God Bless.

    Your Dad… Lived. He Loved. He Mattered.

    Cheri Sigmon

    Washington, DC

  394. Dear Brandon,
    My heart feels for you and your family right now. What a gift you gave your dad being with him right to the end. That would make such a very big difference not being alone to face the most amazing transition I can think of.
    My dad has cancer too. This year has been a rollar coaster fir me as a result. If my dad leaves as peacefully as your dad did I will be grateful. Thank-you for sharing this special time with all of us. You will be in my prayers.

  395. Hi Brendon

    My sincere condolences to you and your family on your sad loss. I lost my dad when I was two and then my step father 5 years ago and it is a very difficult time for you all. Be strong. I proud to have the same name as your dad, even though Im a girl.

    Bye for now
    Mel Primus and family

  396. Bendon:

    Hearing about your dad’s illness left me sad and angry. As you know I have been a soldier in the fight against blood cancer with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training for over 5 years.

    When Jim and I spoke with you last, I was greatful for the honor of being allowed to add your dad to the list of names on my back of my triathlon race jersey… Team Kohos member #133 Mel Burchard.

    His name will be caried with honor and dignity. His spirit will keep me safe and push me through the water and accross the roads of each race. There are no accidents! While I have completed 20 triathlons… this October I decided to run my very first marathon with Team in Training… you guesed it “The Marine Corp Marathon”! Semper Fi!

    Your dad is a role model to me. You talk about living your life every day and I tell everyone I know to embrace their ability to have impact on the lives of other around them. While I never met Mel Burchard, his impact is felt by me on through the people who remain.

    Please extend my thoughts to your Mom and the rest of your family and look forward to seeing you next month with Jim at the Strong Man Academy.

    With love

    Howard Kohos

    Tri-ing to win the battle against Blood Cancer

  397. Brendon and family,

    I’m glad I was there at Experts Academy to hear those words live. I absolutely could feel how much love you and your dad shared. After reading your tribute, I got an even clearer picture of your beautiful family life. Since there was nothing left unsaid, then you are at peace with your faith and loving memories. After losing both of my parents to cancer about 10 years ago, I can honestly say that love lives forever!

    You are living proof that he lived, he loved and he mattered more than words could ever say. He will always be with you.

    With love,
    Bonnie Patterino

  398. Brandon – I am touched by your loving thoughts of your father and all he meant to you and the rest of your family. Your success is in direct correlation to the success of having such an amazing father. I’m sure he’s smiling down on you and feels every loving sentiment. My heart goes out to you in hoping you know that he will always be with you in everything you do and see. My best wishes, Sharyn

  399. Dear Brendon and family,
    We send our deepest sympathy to your entire family. Although you have lost someone dear to you, those of us who believe in eternal life know that it’s just a new beginning for you father. Thank you for sharing so many good memories of him with all of us. My husband and I especially appreciate him for his service to our country. Terry is a 27 year veteran of the Air Force.
    Continue to do all the things you do to change people’s lives and leave a legacy your father will be proud of.
    God bless you,
    Terry and Deborah Shaw

  400. Brendon-
    It’s tough. My parents both recently passed away within 10 days of each other. It leaves a huge void in your life. A book that really helped me is “Life After Life” by Raymond Moody. And another terrific, comforting book is “Unfinished Business” by James Van Praagh. The first is a little more mainstream. But both validate one’s belief that passing is a transition to a place of higher energy. But it’s still really hard. Be gentle with yourself.

  401. Brendon – Such a moving — and completely unbiased! — tribute from a loving son. Except that my dad died of pancreatic cancer one month after he was diagnosed 6 years ago, your summary sounds like exactly what we went through. My dad was a good guy, too, and I would like you to know that having spent the time with your dad while under the hospice care will be something that you will look back on and be VERY glad that you did. Even though you were obviously close all your life, you will look back and always see those last weeks as a very special time.

  402. Brendon, you have touched so many hearts and lives with your wisdom and words over the years. I know your dad is proud of you. My sympathy and love go out to you and your family.
    Donna Bochow

  403. Dear Brendon and family,
    There are only 2 things in life, love and love. Our evolution is counting on it. Your Father, Bless his soul, knew this. You are the expression of his heart’s desire, personified and evolved. He did his bit…. now the rest is up to you.
    When next you meet, you’ll recognize him by that special twinkle in his eye…. and your soul will recognize his.
    God Bless you and yours….

  404. Bless your heart! May the following comfort you and your family…


    Do not stand at my grave and weep…
    I am not there…
    I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow…
    I am the diamond glints of snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripening grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awake in the morning’s hush,
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    of quiet birds in circling flight.
    I am the soft star at night.
    Do not stand at my grave
    and cry…
    I am not there…
    I did not die.

    Brendon, thank you for all you have shared…

  405. Hi Brendon
    I’m really sorry your dad not around you physically, but I’m 100% sure that spiritually always withe you and look after you or your family.From your talk as I heard your uplifting fantastic or incredible talk it cheering more human being that lost there loved one or dad. you also changed my entire life view, about human and generally how to be alive.your dad is the most remarkable men on earth I believe your are wonderful son too.How ever even if you loos a part of you a lot of family, friends and more people how ever lestneing your talk about your dad they can see he is shining through you. don’t ever forgat that’ God blass you and your family. From Amaha Australia

  406. […] A Tribute to Dad « Brendon Burchard's BlogHe was a nice gentle man until it came down to playing racquetball; he would mop up the floor with me, but I sure learned a lot and loved every minute. Mel you will be missed; but you will always be loved. Semper Fi! … […]

  407. It was a beautiful video, thank-you for sharing it. My father died (82 years old) on May 26th surrounded by sons and daughters and our loving mother. It still is very painful and I miss him so much thank-you for sharing your thoughts during your father’s illness, it is comforting to know we will survive and come through this and thank-ful we were blessed with such a loving father.

  408. Brendon

    My deepest sympathies to you and your family at the loss of your father. Although very difficult, you were blessed to be able to spend his last moments with him and to share his love.

    God bless you and your family always.

  409. Brendon and family,

    Even though I do not know you personally, I wanted to take a minute to say how sorry I am for the loss of your dad. My father will be gone from us 5 years this August 6th so I completely understand the pain and emptiness your family is feeling. Please trust that your dad was blessed as you all were to have him in your life. Now he is at complete peace looking down on each of you, smiling and protecting you.

    May God’s peace be with all of you at this difficult time in your father’s memory.

    With deepest sympathies,

    Cami Raimo
    YMCA of Greater Richmond
    Richmond Virginia

  410. Brendon and family,

    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and about your family. At Experts Academy it was so amazing to hear you talk about your dad, and to see the kind of presence and strength you had throughout the weekend even though your dad was battling leukemia. You have an amazing gift, clearly in part due to your amazing parents! Thank you for sharing it with the world.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family as you process this loss and transition in your lives.

  411. Dear Bendon,

    I was so touched by your tribute to your dad. It is clear that there was so much love there.

    I know that you and your family have shared many memorable moments together. I hope that these help you know and in the future. Please accept my sincere condences.

    Barrie Brett

  412. Dear Brendon,

    I am so sorry for your family’s loss. Your Dad was clearly a good man to have raised such a wonderful family. I want to thank him– and you– for the inspiration and work you have done for so many people.

    I was one of the speakers at Ken McArthur’s Impact Boot Camp and was on his Impact Action Team where we all appeared on your Life’s Golden Ticket Big Top stage (I narrated our video, too!). While there I had the chance to see your parents in action. I could tell it was a very proud and happy time for them.

    I can only imagine your family’s sense of loss. Although he went much too soon, the way your father passed –surrounded by the people he loved most –is the most beautiful and peaceful way for anyone to end this life and move onto the next.

    May God bless you & your loved ones.
    With deepest sympathies,
    Felicia Slattery

  413. Brendon,

    My condolences to you and your family. Prayers will continue asking God to give comfort to all of you and to remember the good moments that you had.


  414. Brendon,
    You are an inspiration to my life at just the right time. (I’m A Thankful Expert Academy Graduate!)

    I am so grateful to your presence on the planet. Your internal-felt-peace as well as your loving-longing-letting go in this time of your father’s return to pure spirit has been amazing to feel from a distance. I thank your father and mother for their role in being the river bank of your youth, I thank your family for their role in supporting this transition for you and I thank you for, well, you!

  415. Please forgive me for writing to you this way. I am unable to
    write on the site you asked us to because my web tv won’t let me.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so sorry you
    lost your father. Your tribute brought tears to my eyes. He certainly sounded like a wonderful man and you are who you are because of him. You have helped a lot of people and I think that relects on his love for
    you. I will never forget reading “Life’s Golden Ticket” and I recommend to many people. Please take care. I know this is a very difficult time.
    Linda Swanick

  416. TO THOSE I LOVE ~
    When I am gone, release me, let me go
    I have so many things to see and do
    You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears
    Be Happy that we had so many years.
    I gave You my Love. You can only guess
    How much You gave to Me in Happiness.
    I Thank You for the Love You have shown
    But now it’s time I traveled on alone.
    So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must
    Then let your grief be Comforted by Trust.
    It’s only for a while that we must part
    So Bless the Memories with Your Heart.
    I won’t be far away, for life goes on
    So if You Need Me, call and I will come
    Though you can’t see or touch me, I’ll be near
    And if you Listen with your Heart, you’ll Hear
    All of My Love around You soft and clear.
    And then, when You must come this way alone
    I’ll Greet You with a Smile, and Welcome You Home.

    God Bless You and Your Family Brendon ~
    Much Love Cindi ~

  417. Brendon,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know that my prayers are with you and your family.

    His Blessings.

    Reggie Lavong

  418. Burchards-

    For more than 20 years now, your family has always been a light in my life. I believe that at the heart of every amazing family is a loving father and husband. Mel was just that and more.

    There’s no doubt that life is now different and the world has lost a truly good man. However, may you all take great joy and pride in knowing (and never forgetting) that the legacy that Mel left behind is one of love and honor! I know his legacy will live on in all of you. 🙂

    On a more personal note, I would like to say that I am so thankful for the love that Mel has shown me over the years. You will never understand how much this meant to me, especially when I was younger. Your amazing husband and father accepted me just as I was and gave me support and guidance when I needed it the most. (Sounds a lot like the things a father does for his children.) Mel was a father figure for me that I am forever grateful. I will never forget the warmth that I felt in his presence, nor will I forget his laugh. Mel had such an awesome sense of humor and a trademark laugh never to be forgotten. 🙂

    I know this is a hard time for all of you, but I know you will find comfort in the arms of our Lord, and in each other. May you count it all joy for the time you were able to spend with Mel.

    Chris, Bryan, Brendon (Denise), Helen (Adam), and Dave- I love all of you as family. May your light only shine brighter and may your love only grow stronger. May you all continue to honor the life and legacy of Mel Burchard…

    – Jason and Candy

  419. Brendon:
    You are a wonderful tribute to your Dad. My Mother left quickly and unexpectedly, and be aware that the coming months are to be used for a special grieving process that will be particular to you. Embrace it as you have embraced your life thus far!
    You are on my prayer list now and always,

  420. Brendon,

    This is Golam chowdhury, may be you will still remember me ,a guy from Bangladesh, I met personally to you and also communicated with you through email few times. May be you will remember that I was planning to open a book store with all those helpful books,that can change people’s lives. Yes, finally I opened that store at the city of La Crescenta, CA. (website not fully done yet). But you can see that physical book store’s picture at OnlyHelpfulBooks.Com

    Today when I was working at my store and was checking my email, I found out from a email from Ken Arthur that your Dad passed away. I saw your last week’s Video too. I read your whole expression in your email about your beloved dad. I pray for him. I share my feelings with you in your this hard time for your dad.
    Your speech in the last week’s video is great. Again I pray for your such a nice dad and for your family.

    With Best wishes
    Golam Chowdhury

    P.S. By the way let me know How I can keep some of your
    that “lIfe’s Golden Ticket” books in my store. Thanks

  421. Brendon;
    My condolences to you and your family. I know what it fills like to loose your father. I lost mine 4 years ago. I will always miss him. But I never forgot how he influenced my life and the life of others. …

    I am rambling. I guess what I am saying is – you too, are making a big impact on the world. I love your approach and your message. As I try to apply it to my own projects, I am trying to help others as well.

    LuAnn Buechler, CMP
    (we met originally at the TLC)

  422. Brendon
    Thank you so much for sharing this tribute of your Dad with us, and allowing us to celebrate his life with you. I wish you and your family the best in getting through these sad days ahead and know you will miss him dearly.
    Nina Leavins

  423. I too understand that it’s not an easy thing to have to
    endure, but endure we must and strive for the ideals
    he left us. I remember my never really had much time
    for us 16 but his words of advise though few have
    stayed with me and guided me. He passed at 82 and
    I am now 67.
    So please continue your good work. I look forward to
    your emails.

  424. Brendon,

    My heart reaches out to you and your family! The transition between life and after-life is always an emotional experience. Your Dad was fortunate that he was able to have everyone he loved most with him during this time!

    You have honored your Parents with this tribute!

    May the Lord keep All of You in His Hands &
    May All of You keep the Lord in your Hearts!


  425. hey cuz i love you and miss you and wish i was there but my prayers are with you call me when you can

  426. Dear Brendon,
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you especially a father. My father passed away just a few months ago and I still feel his loss deeply, but they wnts us to continue to do geat things as you are doing.
    My condolences to you and your family. The photo tells a beautiful story. Keep it up. I look forward to receiving your emails.
    Joanne Edwards

  427. Brendon, I went through what you did actually on Mothers Day this year. I watched my mom take her last breaths while all of us kids and our father was at our side. She was 64 years old and also passed away from cancer. It was Multiple Myeloma or bone cancer. She dealt with a lot from Bi Polar disorder to Dimensia but it never made her waiver in her faith or her happiness. She always had a smile. I know that is why I have always had a great attitude. I tell myself every day that I am going to live life to my fullest. I know that we are here for a very short time and a person with a great attitude just has a great day every day no matter what obstacles happen. Your family is in my family’s prayers. You inspire many and Keep spreading the gift that God gave you.

  428. Brendon, you and your Dad were both lucky to have each other. And you KNOW, he’ll always be there in your life…close your eyes and you can even talk to him!

    Mych love,

  429. Brendon,

    Both Kevin and I want to express our condolences to you and your family. Your Father sounds like a remarkable man! Please let us know if you or your family need anything from us. We were thinking that your family is here in Great Falls. Take Care and God Bless.

    Kevin and Ami Koehmstedt

  430. I’m sorry to hear about your dad demised. I truly feel “you”. My condolences to you and everyone at home. 2 years ago, I lost my mom due to terminal stage stomach cancer. She did not make it as she gave up fighting.

    I also knew she was trying to please us during the tough time. Imagine seeing her everyday going thru the pain and have sleepless night. Not able to go for chemo but just last chance of alternative medicine. She probably not strong with her sickness, but she’s strong for her children, that for sure.

    I know Dad could not accept it but he is learning to live his life well. Just as you mentioned, take care your mom. As for me, I’ll take care my dad as long as he live.

    Take good care yourself. I look forward participate your seminar someday.

    Desmond Sim
    Change Agent
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  431. Mel was an incredibly loving father to his family, his children’s friends, and the many many people he took the time to talk with and touch in a way we don’t often see. He impacted those who knew him well as well as people he just met. He instilled an immense family bond with his wife, children, and his ‘married-in’ children as if they were his own.

    Mel always made me feel like a welcome member of the family and was joyous to have me as an addition. I will always remember the things he wrote in cards (birthday, Christmas, thank you’s, congratulations, etc.). His messages were always succinct and powerfully stated words of advice for a fulfilling life and marriage. They reflected a sense of pride he had in his children and his life. He did everything with integrity, simplicity, and thoughtfulness. We will still be able to hear his laugh in our heads and his words and wishes in our hearts, knowing he has not gone far and will always be with us.

    With much love!

  432. Hi Brendon, I do not know you or your dad personally. I got to know about you and your work after a friend recommended me your book Life’s Golden Ticket 2 months ago, I finished it in a stretch. Sending you and your family my warmest thought from Singapore. Thank you for sharing your tribute to your Dad. Blessings …


  433. Dear Brandon & Family,

    My deepest condolence on your major loss. May you and your family find peace in this moment. I know your dad is very proud to live and see all the success in your life. May his soul BE in peace.

    Yours sincerely
    Sandra Choy

  434. My heart goes out to you and your family. Having lost my dad in December, I would love to be able to offer some sage advice but know that the pain is only lessened by the knowledge that I am living a life that would have made him proud of me. I would love to encourage anyone to become part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program to both stay healthy and raise money for a cure for these frightening diseases. Contact a local chapter. Our group raised $1.4 million dollars in May from our Hike for Discovery to the Grand Canyon.
    Lots of love to you and your family.
    Terri Bolton

  435. Brendon, my friend…
    I never met your father, but I can imagine the extraordinary person he must have been because of the man he raised you to be.

    I felt your Dad’s presence with us on that day in San Francisco, and I know he must have been so proud of you and the difference that you are making in the world.

    Know that you and your family are in my heart and in my prayers. Life is so precious, and love never ends…

  436. Brendon:
    I’m really sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. Continue to cherish the great moments you had together.

    May God comfort you and your family as you go through this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Yvonne Mitto & Family

  437. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring. I never met your dad – but your life and contribution is a wonderful tribute to his role and influence in your life. God bless his soul; God bless you and your family.

  438. Brendon:
    I am really sorry for your Dad´s lose, Be sure he is in my prayers,

    may God bless you,

    Rodrigo Sepulveda

  439. Brendon, You are a wonderful soul and I am very much sure your Dad is a great soul too. I am pretty much sure he is very much happy there and loves you. We all love you!

  440. I am sorry for your loss. But from reading his story, I’m glad to hear what a blessing he was while with us and how comforting it is to know that there is another angel looking out for all of us.

    With sympathy,

    Even Fable

  441. Thank you, Brendon for sharing about your dad. What an amazing spirit and person he seemed to be 🙂 As you’ve shared about him, I feel how much you love and adore him. It’s rare that I hear about a dad who was really there for his family, and his family being so there for him and each other. Wow, how profoundly beautiful. It’s incredible and inspiring what is possible when people are truly showing up, as themselves, for each other. He’s leaving a special legacy all his own, what an honor! What a blessing! Sending muchos hugs and love in your father’s honor today. A big salute! 🙂 Love, Christiene

  442. Hi Brendon,
    I’m sorry for your loss, and grateful for your lovely tribute. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
    Leslea Wolf

  443. Hi Brendon

    I might not know you personally, but, I`m trully sorry to hear about your dad.

    Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family.

    Simiso Zikhali
    South Africa

  444. Dear Burchard Family,

    We are so saddened to hear of your loss. We have heard Brendon talk about his father so fondly when telling stories over the years. Last year we had the pleasure of meeting Mel at Brendon and Denise’s wedding and we quickly saw that he was a very down-to-earth, warm and thoughtful person. Whenever we saw him that weekend he was so friendly and filled with joy.

    We hope the love and support of your family and friends as well as your many wonderful memories of Mel helps to bring you comfort and peace during this difficult time. You are in our thoughts.

    Much peace and love to you,
    Michelle & Tom Huljev

  445. Dear Brendon, Denise and Family

    Heartfelt sympathy on your great loss.
    Your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  446. Dear Brendon,

    … thinking of you and your family with deepest sympathy. Please know that many caring thoughts & prayers are with you & your family during this difficult time. I am enclosing a Bible passage that brought comfort when my dad passed away.

    ~Nikkola Foster

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
    For everything there is a season,
    And a time for every matter under heaven:
    A time to be born, and a time to die;
    A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
    A time to kill, and a time to heal;
    A time to break down, and a time to build up;
    A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
    A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
    A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
    A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
    A time to seek, and a time to lose;
    A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
    A time to tear, and a time to sew;
    A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
    A time to love, and a time to hate,
    A time for war, and a time for peace.

  447. thank you for shaing this

  448. Dear Brendon & Burchard family,
    I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your father and wish you all comfort during this time. Thank you for sharing your memories and time with us. He sounds like such a wonderful man, and I was happy that I got to meet him at your & Denise’s wedding. I especially remember him being a great dancer and sensed he was someone who enjoyed and lived life fully. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family and loved ones. Wishing you peace and blessings.

  449. I have very little prior knowledge of your work and family and have been touched to hear and read some of your father’s story – May God continue bless & touch all of you in the way your father has…

    I recently asked my father to record some wisdom access points for my young son Zak from his life and times and wondered if you would be willing to make available those of the 30 questions you asked your father that you felt I could share with mine?

    God Bless


  450. i am sorry . my prayers are for you in this difficult time.
    take courage knowing that God is with you and that you still here for a purpose and a task only you can do and that your dad believe in you and left this world with satisfaction of seeing your life fullfil.
    God bless

  451. Brendon,
    I lost my dad on July 14, 1989 and tomorrow, It will be 20 years that I, quite frankly, lost my best friend!
    Since that time not a day goes by without thinking of him while many things throughout the course of a day trigger a GREAT memory about him and the many good deeds he did throughout his life.
    I still have my mom and I am blessed in that respect, but there is a VOID that will always be felt.
    I feel your pain, believe me, but knowing how great a man, person, father, grandfather and husband your dad was helps to ease the pain.
    I hope for many years to come that each day something, someone triggers a fond memory about your Dad. That is the ultimate compliment to someone in LIFE — and then after their passing!
    My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family during these trying times.

  452. Brendon,

    My heart goes out to you and your family. Although I haven’t met you personally, I was touched in many ways by your seminars.

    Thank you for sharing your Dad’s life with us. He was a great man, and his spirit shines in you.


  453. so sorry to hear of your dad…my deepest sympithys go out to you and ur family. love and peace…angie

  454. I am very sorry for you and your families loss, but just as appreciative for your sharing it in such a public fashion. In doing so you show us all a great example of how to celebrate life, value our time on this planet, and how to mourn with great dignity and pride. Thank you and God bless you and your family, my prayers are with you.

  455. Brandon – What a wonderful legacy your father left to all who knew and loved him. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts and for inviting all of us to respond. Although I didn’t meet your dad, it’s so apparant that he made a huge difference in your life and in the lives of so many others. He ceratinly led by example and was obviously so proud of you. I find it especially comforting that he was around to see your success and share in the joy you have brought to many people around the globe. Through you and your family, his life and legacy lives strong.
    Sending you lots of hugs from Cincinnati, OH,

  456. I celebrate with you because you were given a treasure in the form of a devoted, committed, supportive man who was proud of his roles in your lives as husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, cousin, friend. He lived and celebrated life with you and because of you. In my travels I have learned that a man so special is rare. You had a diamond who produced and cultivated future gems to be shared with the world. What a legacy!!!

    I empathize because I had a grandmother who had the exact same diagnosis in May of 2007. She was able to celebrate her 65th wedding anniversary with my grandfather and family before she said good bye the following week in August of 2007. She too had been active right before the diagnosis! I relived my shock and disbelif all over again as I read your email. I truley am sorry for your loss!!! However, there is comfort and hope! Your father lives on in awesome memories, and the investments he made in all of you.

    The process of saying good bye to one so precious is a challenge especially when it comes so quickly and unexpectedly…I will remember your family in my thoughts and prayers as I pray for peace, comfort and encouragement during this new chapter in all of your lives.

  457. Dear Burchard family,
    The news came to me as a shock. Accept my sympathy
    Reading the tribute I learnt he left behind him a mark of excellence that is unforgettable. May the God of comfort comfort your souls.

  458. Dear Brendon,
    thank you for sharing. My sympathy for you and your family.
    Warmly, Heinz

  459. Brendon,

    We met briefly at the Ultimate Business Mastery Summit in Vegas. I was touched by your story then and even more so now after reading this. You are truly an authentic man. Thank you for sharing with us about your father and what your family is going through. My thoughts and prayers are with your father and you and your family as you begin to heal.

    Peace and love to you all,

    Neal Tricarico

  460. Hi Brendon,
    I can feel the sense of loss that your family may be going through at the moment. I truly comiserate with you and at the same time rejoice for a life well spent. Your dad, sure was a graet dad any son would be proud of. The beauty of life is not just i its duration…; he finished strong and we all are proud of him.
    Pls accept my condolence. CHEERS!!!
    Lagos, Nigeria

  461. What a wonderful tribute. Truly moving!

  462. Dear Bruchard Family,

    I had the privilege of meeting and spending time with Mel at Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar. A day or two before the event, it was just the two of us sitting and preparing hundreds of name tags together. Mel shared with me stories of his family (he was so proud of all of you), of his time in the military, and of his excitement and pride of just being there at the event. He definitely made me laugh, and he was so authentic. Most of all he shared his spirit, his laughter, his smile and his sparkle with me.

    I am very grateful to have spent those moments with him and for what he so generously shared with me and everyone he touched.

    My thoughts & prayers are with you all.

    Much love,
    Kristy Hall

  463. Thank you so much for sharing your story about your Dad…I am so sorry for your family. It is devastating to lose a loved one. My 2 boys and I lost my husband. Your Dad sounded like a WONDERFUL man. I feel for your Mother, it hurts so much. But “this too shall pass” – it takes a very long time, and you don’t think you will ever feel anything again, but you do. I never thought I would either. I believe my husband gives the boys & I sunsets and sunrises to remind us of his love. Maybe your Dad will do that for your family. I will pray for you all to have peace and comfort very soon, God is so good.

  464. Helen and family –
    We are all so sorry for your great loss. Helen, your Dad was always so warm and inviting to us. I can recall walking the kids by your parents house with their big stroller and your Dad insisted we come in, stroller and all. So up the steps and into the living room we all went. He was just so kind. And of course both your parents kept offering food and drinks. Such a small thing I know but he didn’t care that the stroller with kids in it was heavy or that it wouldn’t really fit through the door or that the living room was full of breakables. He just welcomed us all. On walks since your parents have been in Vegas more I would look at their house and wonder when they’d be back. Now I will look at the front door and think what a loss it is to all who knew your Dad that we won’t see his smiling face saying “want to come in?”. I hope time eases the loss for you all and the great memories stay alive in your hearts. -Alicia and family

  465. Brendon, I wish you and your family my heartfelt condolences. I saw your posts on twitter through your struggles dealing with your father’s illness. I pray that God gives you and your family the strength to get through. Even though I don’t personally know you, I am sure that your father was a man that was extremely influential in your life and it shows that he and your mom did a tremendous job in raising you and supporting you in “life’s golden ticket” and even though his time on this earth was not as long as you would hope it to be, i know that you cherished every moment and felt privileged and honored to have a father like him. Let that be your comfort…

  466. Brendon,

    Please accept my sincerest sympathy in the passing of your father. Having just experineced the passing of my father in April, I feel the hole in your heart, my dear friend. May God’s blessings, guidance and peace be with you and your entire family. Our prayers are with you!

    With compassion,


  467. Hello Brendon.

    Thank you for sharing with me your utmost difficult days in your life.

    My best wishes to your Mom, you and the entire family.

    A loss of a parent is difficult and heavy.

    We must appreciate our parents and show them our love by sharing with them as much Time as we can.

    One can see the true and genuine love your Dad had for his family.

    This is the legacy that will continue to give you strength and kindness to go on.

    good luck

    blessings to everyone

    Ana Weber

  468. I met your Dad many years ago here in Great Falls as a Physical Therpist. There just was something so familiar about him, and come to find out he was the Driver’s Examiner that gave me my license so mannnny years ago in Dillon. I knew I would never forget his as I almost hit a parked car as I was parking, but he passed me anyway. He spoke often of his family.. always updated me on what his kids were up to. Sometimes you really never know how proud your parents are of you until you hear it from someone else.. and he was so proud of his kids and family. He is someone I will never forget. You are all in my heart and prayers

  469. Burchard Family,
    We are so sorry for your loss and each of you are in my prayers. Mel is in a great place now and may that be of comfort to you. When I started dating Bob and getting to know his friends, each of you became my friends and close to my heart. Mel was always welcoming and made everyone feel at home. I always enjoyed listening to his stories and he entertained us all of the time, that must be where Brendan gets his gift of gab from. 🙂 Bryan, you are truley on of the best friends a girl could ask for and I am always here for you. Chris, I am sorry that you have lost Mel, but know he is always with you. You are in our prayers and if you need ANYTHING please let us know. Bob will continue to keep an eye on the house. Helen, Connor is beatuiful and I know his Grandpa will live on through him! Big shoes for the only grandkid, but I am sure he is up to the task. 🙂 We love you all and are thinking of you.
    Love, Andrea

  470. Dearest Brendon & the Burchard Family,

    It was a difficult email to read, hearing about the loss of your Dad, knowing how much he means to you. I offer you and the entire Burchard family my deepest condolences.

    I too have an ill father. He has spent too many years suffering from a disease that has stripped him of his life. I can’t even begin to imagine writing the email you wrote. What you created here is not only an amazing tribute to your Dad but also serves as a great reminder “to light up and show up everyday and not take our moments for granted”.

    It’s clear what an incredible man your Dad was and his influence on you as a man, as a contributor, and as a story telling teacher.

    It seems that in his passing – life has come full circle and you’re honoring and paying tribute to him for all the wonderful things that molded you into the man you are today. He has definitely left here answering “YES” to your 3 questions. Did I live? Did I Love? Did I matter?

    And although he can’t physically answer “I’m hereee”, he really is still here – living in and through you and your family and resting gently in your hearts forever.

    You have always been an amazing friend. Thank you for being you, being strong and continuing to be inspiring even in this time of loss.

    It has been a great honor to share in the celebration of life of the amazing man you call Dad!

    Wishing you and your family find peace and comfort in the love and support of your family and friends.

    All my love,
    Sheila Mielcarek

  471. God Bless you and your family

  472. Dear Brendon,

    Your dad could leave no greater tribute than the family he created. You made him so proud to be your dad. As your family now begins to bravely move forward one wobbly step at a time try to remember that even if one of you is in heaven and the others on earth, your love for one another will never die. When I hear you speak of him I am so touched by your love for him and so inspired. Thank you for sharing about your wonderful dad with us. He will always be with you.

    Take care,

  473. Brendon and family I was sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Mercedes L. Garcia, Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles.

  474. Brendon,

    May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you now and in the days ahead.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    David Hancock

  475. Brendon,

    My heart dropped when I read your email. It has taken me a few days to come back and write my condolences. I know it is difficult and numbing at a time like this. There are many things, wonderful sentiments, that fellow loved ones and friends offer during a tragedy such as this. Words of wisdom, spirituality and advice. I remember getting frustrated with all of that, even though it was out of the goodness of peoples’ hearts, and sometimes I look back now and am appreciative. But I know that I needed to just heal my own way. You and your family will all heal in your own way and in your own time. The pain will ease away and what you will have are the warm, beautiful memories of your dad. It will catch you off guard but there will be times when you will see his face in your own reflection, smell him, hear his laughter, remember particular moments and so much more. He will never leave you and no one can take your memories. But you can share him with others through your stories and your own love.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers my fun-loving friend. May peace hold and keep you calm.


  476. Brendon & Family:

    It is with sadness to hear of Mel’s passing. It’s a blessing to see how you and your family are united together with GOD and that your hearts are filled with love. Brendon, once I commented to you that were all here and pass eachother in many ways, nothing you didn’t already know. Sometimes theres a reason, or a season or a lifetime.

    I met your Dad at your super seminar and I’d like to share that moment with you. It was eairly Saturday morning, we had just met and intorduced ourselves, I was commenting on the good raisins he and your mom gave you.

    At that moment an older womem approached very upset that she had to pay for parking and just keep going on and on about how aweful that was. She didn’t have any money. Anyway, we calmed her down, I walked her out to her car and was preparing to pay for her parking when your dad ran out and wanted to pay. I told him I already took care of it. While that was solved the women walked away still mumbling how aweful that was. Your father and I just looked at eachother knowing that know matter what that poor women was probably going to miss the day completly.

    Looking at eachother, our hearts connected we grab eachothers hands, closed our eyes and quitly together said a prayer and sent some positive energy to that women, in hopes that she’ll get what she came for. Later that day your dad found me to repay me for the parking saying I had to take it, I laughed said no thank you and thought WOW they just don’t make them like this much anymore.

    Your Dad and I shared a reason. I am blessed to have shared that moment with your Dad. I think of it often and will carry it with me for the rest of my days.
    Thank you Mel… Your life is still alive in the hearts of many and you leave so so much.

    With love,

    David, Kacey and the kids

  477. Brendon,
    I feel so blessed that you shared your Dad with us.
    Thank YOU.
    Sheila Tourond

  478. Helen, Chris and family,

    So sorry to hear of Mel passing – just read it in the Great Falls tribune. May God comfort you all during this difficult time.

    Shawn Strunk

  479. May God continue to bless you, this time might be hard but remember that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save our soul and he is at the right hand of the father praying for each of you. Take comfort in the joy of having the time spent with your parents and the gift that God gave you which I believe was loving parents, that is so often forgotten. If you continue to remember he will always be with you. This time here is short but Oh when you meet again it will be eternity for those who believe. May God bless you and keep all of you.

  480. What an awesome tribute to Mel….It has been a pleasure reading about a different side of his life than I knew. Mel was my supervisor for the State of Montana for about 4 years. If every I had a question or concern, Mel always took the time for me…I always felt like he “was in my corner”. He was very knowledgeable and VERY professional about anything that pertained to our jobs. Your dad took GREAT pride in his job…he was excellent at what he did.

    I have to tell you that whenever he called..he would say “Good Morning Happy Person!!….” and Joyce and I would laaaaugh…

    Even now…almost every day of my life…I talk to my sister…and first thing I say is…..”Good Morning happy person !!” and we laaaaaaugh…haha..

    I loved your dad…he was an awesome supervisor and moreover….a fantastic friend. He will be greatly missed.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you all that God will bring you peace….Mel left a forever impression on so many people….in a good way…isn’t that what life is about?

  481. Brandon,

    I really felt the passion you have for your DAD through the message you just conveyed. Many people that stop breathing die, but your dad is not one of them. Physically you may never see him again, but I know you’ll always feel him. When you were at the right hand of your dad at whatever point you let go of his hand, you walked away with the spirit of him still in you.

    Everything that he is/was you are. It’s such a blessings to continue the lives of those who have gone on before us. Many people have never met your dad before, but he will forever live on through you and your family. To see you stand before a crowd moments after your fathers last breath and speak with such passion, speaks volumes within itself about your faith. The wisdom of your father is one that has penetrated the hearts and minds of everyone who has, or will read or listen to your message.

    I pray that God’s blessings will forever remain with you and your family. If we allow ourselves to see, whenever we lose something close to us, God gives us an opportunity to gain something greater. Weather that’s a greater appreciation of what we learned from what’s no longer there or something that’s come to replace it. However, your dad can never be replaced with anything. He is the standard, model, and example for all of us to follow.

    I thank you for sharing this personal opportunity with us. You have truly put the business aside and allowed us into your heart. Your family is an outstanding display of what many of us wish our own families were comprised of. I will end this here before it becomes a book, but I wanted you to know how much I personally appreciated you sharing this opportunity!

    Blessings to you and your family,
    Chris Cannon

  482. Brenden and Family,

    I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your father. I know what an impact he had on the person you are today. How sudden and shocking, I am terribly sorry. I will be in contact with you to send me personal sympathy.


  483. My heart goes out to you and your family. The loss of a parent is a major life-shifting event. I hope my parents never grow old and never die, it’s a thought I try to avoid as I too have a close family. But I know he’d be so proud of everything you have achieved and more importantly the man you are. You’re very lucky to have such an incredible family and any time together we have is such a gift.

    If you need anything, please call.

    Your friend,
    Stefanie Hartman

  484. Dear Brendon Burchard,
    I am so sorry to hear about the loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  485. Dear Brendon and Family,

    We are so sorry about your Dad’s passing. We always know that life will end one day, but when it happens it is always a shock and heartache. Time heels all wounds. Just remember that energy never dies. A body dies but energy never dies. Everyone and everything in the world is energy. Your dad is with all of you forever. His energy is always present in his children, grandchildren, his wife. It is also in all the things that he loved. It is in everything that he created. So your Dad is always with you. Let that be of comfort to all of you.

    With all our love,

    Agata @ Gary Giglio

  486. Dear Brandon:
    I was not sure why I received this email today or if we had ever met, but after reading your email and watching your inspiring video I knew that this was truly my confirmation for today. I too, had a wonderful and supportive father. Who one day was parked in front of my house dropping something off to my family and the next hour was dead. When he was in front of my house I assumed that I didn’t have to go out and speak to him personally because I would see him later, and later was too late.

    Please keep inspiring people to live right now to the fullest. Remind people to love as ofter as they can and as much as they can today, because tomorrow is truly suddenly dimenished in a flash.

    God bless you and your family through your times of sorry. Sincere Regards,

    Carena M. Phillips, GCDF

  487. Brendon,
    I understand how much you love your dad, and am thinking about you at this time. Your dad flunked me in my first driving test, which I always thought was funny. Later, it only took a couple times being around him to know he was a really good guy. I know you and your family will miss him so much. His spirit will live on in you.
    My best to you and your family – wish I could give you a hug.

  488. Dear Brendon and Family,

    The passing of a blessed soul is time for celebration.

    I’ve experienced it. When my mom was ready to pass on, I would hear within me her voice: ‘celebrate’. When overcome by grief in the weeks that followed I would always hear ‘celebrate’ within me. Over the years she has continued to talk to me on the inner plane. I’ve learned that life continues and that we’re watched from above.

    Maybe, you’ll receive signals from your Dad, too.

    Love to you and your family,

    Christel B. D’Agostino

  489. Dear Brendon & family,

    I’m a fan of your work and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful tribute of your father with the world. Your written words about your dad and your video on the purpose of life is very inspiring. I believe that the purpose of my life is to inspire people to find IT, live IT and give IT away. What is IT – getting to the heart of what matters most. You emulate my purpose and I appreciate all that you do to inspire us to be fully alive to the moments and people that matter most to us. I look forward to learning more from you and to sharing with you more about what I’m doing to help others tribute those who matter most to them like you did with your dad.

    Janae Bower from Minnesota

  490. My thoughts are with you and your family. Here is a poem that has been passed through my family for years that brought us comfort when my aunt died in a motor cycle accident.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep;
    I am not there. I do not sleep.
    I am a thousands winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning’s hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there. I did not die.

  491. Condolences and God’s blessings.

    Mark Jacobs

  492. Brendon. I met you briefly at the San Francisco event at dinner, but I am looking forward to getting to know you better through the Empire Group. I admired your composure and dedication for always being “present” with your audience at the San Francisco Experts Academy even though your heart was heavy with the news of your father. Please accept my condolences. I am so sorry for your loss. Karen Rossi

  493. God Bless you and your family. -And by the way, you are a good man.

  494. May the memories held deep within your heart help to soothe your sprite at this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Bloneva Greene-Williams
    Turks & Caicos

  495. Brandon sorry to hear about your dad,
    and thank you so much for sharing that. It’s truly inspiring and from reading your tribute and watching the video I owe alot to my dad and mom.
    your family are in my prayers at this hard time.

  496. Dear Burchard Family,

    Just a random person who picked up the email from Brendon, but I’ve been touched by you and your loss. My prayers are with you.

  497. To Brendon and Denise and the Burchard family,

    To know Brendon is to also know Mel

    Many qualities I love about Brendon are reflected in who Mel was.

    I am thrilled to have had the pleasure and privilege to spend time with Mel at Brendon’s Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar.

    Mel was so proud (rightfully so) of his son and his spirits were amazingly high. We set up chairs, built things together and much more. He did whatever needed to be done and he did it with a smile.

    I cherished that time with Mel and I will never forget it.

    Vania, my wife, was also at Brendon’s event and when I told her about Mel’s passing she was sad to hear it. She remembered spending quality time with Mel at Brendon’s event and he had an impact on her too.

    It’s clear to me that everyone Mel touched, just like Brendon, was left with a new sense of happiness that wasn’t there before.

    Mel was a truly special person. His spirit and love still lives on through his family and everyone he came in contact with like us.

    Mel, rest in peace and continue to spread your love to everyone you meet in heaven. They’re blessed to have you.

    To the Burchard family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and thank you for who you are and what you do.

    with Love and Passion,

    Manny, Vania and Daniel Goldman.

  498. Dear Brendon

    Aligned in soul and heart I recognize that your Dad is moving forward into the light, This step on his journey is allowing him to reach his next level of Oneness and unlimited Love on the other side.

    Two years ago my dad transcended into the light, At first I felt devastated, in time I realize that he is in my heart always, I rejoice sending him oneness blessings frequently.

    My wishes for Oneness Blessings for you and your dear family.

    To receive intentional Oneness Blessings please contact me anytime you need to.

    Javier Vera DMD, FAACDC
    The Soul of Giving
    (323) 325-2611

  499. What a beautiful tribute to your dad, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Coleen Link

  500. Words can’t express what you all must be going through. The memory I have of Mr. Burchard is doing my drivers test and how everyone thought he was soooo hard, well when he found out I was Jeff’s little sister, boy I didn’t know if I had it good or bad! He was sooo funny that by the end of my test I forgot I was taking a test. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all! Please Helen get in touch. Would love to hear from you! Take care all Burchard Family!
    God Bless,
    April Kottke (Beattie)

  501. Our love, prayers and sympathy go out to your family. May all the memories that you cherish bring you peace at this time. You are all in our thoughts and prayers in this difficult transition.

    Love The Entire Ries Family

  502. Thanks Brendon,

    Thank you for sharing and giving all you are to us. Through you we can give more and be more in each and every present moment! Our thoughts are with you and your loving family.

    Your friend,
    Mark McCurdy

  503. Brendan,

    I was deeply saddened to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Lean on your friends for strength, and always remember how much you are cared about.

    With sympathy,

  504. Dear Brendon,

    Thank you for this beautiful site. Knowing you has given me a glimpse of knowing your Dad, a wonderful man who has left an extraordinary legacy.

    I am so lucky to know of him and learn the wisdom he passes on through you.

    Ann McIndoo

  505. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Brendon, you are truly your father’s son. Thank you for all your insight. May God continue to bless and watch over you.

  506. hi Brendon
    I thank you for letting us know ,may God give you comfort and peace in your hearts , i pray that all will be well with your family and from your father we learn how to live life and thank you and God bless you and i am praying for you and family .
    Linet Ayuko (lyn )

  507. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have been praying for your father since you mentioned him at the Expert’s Academy. May God’s hands be upon all of you.



  508. Dear Brendon and Family,
    May God bless you all as we remember your loving father’s life. We continue to feel his love through you and your family. Take care.
    Love and Blessings,

  509. It was such a shock to open the Great Falls Tribune yesterday and read of Mel’s passing. He was such a great man. I knew him during the years I worked at Anaconda Hills Golf Course in Great Falls, Montana. He would walk in to the clubhouse with a smile and always made time to visit before and after he finished his round of golf. He was such an inspiration and will be greatly missed.

  510. Hi Brendon,

    IYou are great! Hope you find solace and love in so many outpourings of prayers.

    You and yours will be in my prayers as well.

  511. Dear Brendon,

    I feel deeply for your loss. Having just watched my mother cross over, I ‘feel’ the hurt, the emptyness and the grief which you and your loved ones must be experiencing. I hope you take comfort in the beauty, the love, the strength and so much more that your father has given. I believe that the losses and the grief are cloaked blessings, for they provide us with an remarkable opportunity to grow and transform.

    With love wishing you and your loved ones strength, harmony and warmth.

    Ashna Forestia

  512. Hello Sir, you have my deepest condolences. My heart is full of you and your family,my thoughts are towards you and my prayers are always with you.Though your Dad has gone to be with the Lord,I want you to know that his impact and selfless service to humanity shall always be remembered.
    Thank you also for how you have blessed my life.in ways you can hardly imagine. may you live to not only fill your fathers shoes but to surpass him in impacting more people.more grace.
    Calvin Lawan Amekwe

  513. Dear Brendon,

    I am so sorry to hear about your father. What a great gift to have such a wonderful relationship with your dad.

    My prayers are with you and your loved ones.

    With love,

    Laura van den Berg

  514. From Holland I send you my condolances.

    Yet when I hear or read that people have had such a beautiful relationship with their parents I also add: “Congratulations for having had the privilege to have such good parents. (When my father passed away and the coffin was lowered I realized that nothing left my life, and after my mother passed away I realized that it was such a relieve that she was gone!) So that is why I always say congratulations for having been blessed with such great parents, who have made sure that you as a family are closely knit by love and respect!

    May God continue to bless you!!


  515. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

  516. We are so sorry to hear about Mel’s passing. He was always so good to us. He gave us Christmas gifts and paid us to watch his dogs whenever he needed, and we loved it. Your entire family was so welcoming to us in your home. We were truly blessed to have known him. Take care & god bless.

    Micaela & Kyle Brandt
    2912 4th Ave S

  517. So sorry for your loss, but one thing struck me when reading your post … “Be yourself. Be honest. Do your best. Treat people with respect. Follow your dreams.”

    The job of a dad is to instill solid values and help their children learn about life “the right way”. While I didn’t know your dad, I can honestly say that there is no one I’ve met who typifies those principles more than you, Brendon. You live them every day, and I have witnessed them several times in our interactions.

    While this time is one of remembering and mourning, just remember that your father lives with you in all you do and those you interact with. There is no greater tribute than that!

    Much love, Brian R.

  518. Dear Brendon,

    the love you have for your Dad is touching my heart and others too. This love will forever stay with you and guide you. What a gift. I am shure that your father is proud of you and will be with you no matter what.

    Im honored to know you and that you shared your feelings and experiences. All the best to you and your family.
    God bless you.

  519. Dear Burchard Family,

    I am sorry to hear of your recent loss with you dad, father n law, husband, grandfather and best friend. Thank you for sharing with us about his life and what a role he played in your everyday lives. Being from Montana myself, I believe we share that family always comes first and is the center. In memory of your dad, I will go on and donate to the Lady of the Rockies. May his memories live on eternally. My sincere thoughts are with you and prayers,
    Most Sincerely, Suzie Seefried
    Junior Achievement of the Inland Northwest

  520. You are truly an instrument, a person who continuosly realizes his gifts, talents, and purpose. Thank you for being so much more than your dad ever expected. I never knew your dad, but knowing you has made a huge positive impact on my life. I know my father is my biggest hero and also one of my biggest fans. Brendon, your father is looking down on you, will always be a part of you, and you will continue to change the world, one day, one person, one thought, and one positve action at a time. GOD BLESS YOU and your family.
    Robert Young

  521. Brendon and family and friends –

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I have been thinking of all of you since Expert’s Academy. As I mentioned at the Saturday dinner, my father also had leukemia and as it turns out, it was also AML. I realize what it takes to face those circumstances and what that kind of diagnosis does to families. Sunday morning was very moving and a day I will always remember. In fact, I wrote an article about my experience of watching you have a parallel life experience. I know the courage it takes to watch a father face AML.

    I pray for peace and sweet memories of your Dad – for you and your family at this time.

    Take special care,

  522. Dear Brendon,

    We met you at UMBS in Las Vegas in March. My wife is an adoption lawyer and I write children’s books. I was so inspired by what you shared, both in your talk, to me personally in the hallway, that I immediately began communicating with Make-A-Wish Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network. They, of course, are interested in working with me. But let me also say, as a former U.S. Marine myself, that your Dad served with the finest—and from the way you seem to have turned out—he gave you his best! Semper Fi!

    Rich and Terri Odom

  523. Brendon, Denise and all of Brendon’s family

    I offer my condolences and deepest sympathy for your profound loss of Mel – clearly a great man and an inspiration for many. Brendon, his values and words are alive and vibrant – and will remain so – as they continue to be expressed by you and how you live your life . . . a great model for so many of us. His life inspires us as you share your memories of your father.

    What a blessing and a gift your father was. I feel grateful and honored to know you and to know your father through you.

    With my warmest thoughts for your health and well-being and the same for Denise and the rest of your family.


  524. Brendon,
    We’ve kept in touch ever since our chance meeting on a plane flight a few years back. I never had the chance to meet your dad but given your energy, empathy and wit I can imagine he was a fantastic man. I’m very sorry to hear about your loss.
    My thoughts are with you and your family,

  525. I remember the first (and only) time I had the honor of meeting your dad. It was at your wedding, and the weather wasn’t exactly chilly, so I was seeking refuge under a shade tree, drinking some cucumber-scented water, as was he.

    The two of us remarked on the fact that we shared a hairstyle, and talked for a few minutes. I didn’t really know very many other people at the wedding, so I was grateful to have anyone at all to bond with. It wasn’t until the end of the conversation, when I asked him his name that he even mentioned he was the father of the groom– and I imagine it was that sort of self-effacing, quiet, matter-of-fact strength that will be one of the things he’ll be most remembered for.

    I can’t even comprehend the scale of your loss, but know that you, and your father, will be in my prayers.

    Much Love,

  526. Dear Brendon,
    It’s impossible to imagine your Dad could be more proud of the person/family you are. I sense the greatest Light and Peace beaming to your family, and I’m certain it is radiating right from him. How lovely to have met you, all, in this tribute. I think it made a healing place for everyone around their folks, and it would be just like you to be healing us all as you journey. Thank you for including everyone, we all appreciate you so much.

    Blessings and Appreciation,

  527. Dear Mel,

    I had the opportunity to meet you once, under the big top last September in Long Beach, where you were volunteering for your son’s big dream come true event!

    I loved your energy: a perfect mix of compassion, kindness and power. And how great that you were the for Brandon’s wild, fun and amazing dream 🙂 I could see where he got that childlike wonder from…

    Through his passionate work, your son Brandon has helped me more than he knows. I discovered of your son’s extraordinary work thorugh my friend and mentor, Chris Howard. After the Ultimate Business Seminar last July and then the Big Top here in LA, I drove up to SF and took the Partnership Seminar the weekend that you had first been admitted to the hospital. While Brandon had not slept in 72hours, he was extraordinary with us. The workshop was another success!

    Where Brandon’s work and guidance has taken me is beyond words (just yesterday I was invited to the general assembly of the United Nations in NY this coming September). Holy Cannoli!!

    Thank you, Mel, for gifting Brandon to the planet. Your spirit lives on through him, your star shines brightly and your life leaves a priceless legacy of global contribution.

    Grateful for gifting us Brandon.
    Always remembering you,
    Pina De Rosa – Los Angeles

  528. May you and your family continue to be blest with loving memories of you Dad, and may you know that his greatest pleasure was known to him duing his last days with family surrounding him.

  529. Hi Brandon!
    I know the emotions that I felt when my dad passed away as long as you can reflect on all the lessons he helped you learn, coupled with those special moments that shaped your life you will know you’re blessed. That is the best gift anyone can leave as a part of themselves. Based on the guy I met in Vegas a couple of months ago I can say your dad did a great job as a father, husband, friend and mentor while passing through that thing we call life.
    God Bless and my prayers are with you.

  530. May time heal your heart and bring wonderful memories of your dad day after day. Our thoughts are with you as you proceed on this next year and go through each new moment, tradition and holiday that will bring you sorrow and happiness as you think about your dad.

    Take the time to enjoy your loved ones.

  531. Dear Burchard family

    I was sadden to see Mel’s obituary in the paper yesterday. I had the honor of working with him at the Driver’s Services office in Great Falls. After he retired we all missed his laugh that would fill the entire office even when his door was closed. He made everyone he met feel that they were the most important person he saw that day. A gentleman to the core, he never walked out a door ahead of a lady.
    The best memory I have of him was when he found out that my disabled son played golf for Special Olympics and brought him 2 egg cartons of his cherished golf balls. He always talked golf with him when he saw him and gave him a few pointers.
    Mel will be missed by all who had the privilage to know him.

    I pray God’s peace & comfort on you.


  532. Dear Brendon,

    My heartfelt condolences to you. You seem to have a LOVELY family. I truely believe your Dad is still around, just that the body, which is like a ‘Box’ has disappeared.

    Please take care and I do hope our paths cross once again.


  533. Hi Brandon,
    My heart felt condolenses to you and your family. Although we met breifly through Key Leader I have read and have been inspired by your words. Even though I did not know your dad, the fruit does not fall far from the tree, so I can imagine that he was a special person.
    We just recently lost my Father-in-law and do feel your grief.
    All my best to you and your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Peter Tudisco

  534. Brendon & Family,

    Our prayers and healing energy goes out to you during this difficult time.

    May you remember all the beautiful memories you had together, and all the wisdom given.

    It has been almost 10 years since losing our dad. We would never have believed that time heals the heartache but it does. You remember how he impacted your life and shaped you to become the person you are today. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry. That is life.

    Each day as you look up at the sky know that he is smiling down on you and is with you at all times. You are blessed.

    God bless you and your family,
    Arlene & Cathy

  535. Brendon & Family,

    Our prayers and healing energy goes out to you during this difficult time.

    May you remember all the beautiful memories you had together, and all the wisdom given.

    It has been almost 10 years since losing our dad. We would never have believed that time heals the heartache but it does. You remember how he impacted your life and shaped you to become the person you are today. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry. That is life.

    Each day as you look up at the sky, know that he is smiling down on you and is with you at all times. You are blessed.

    God bless you and your family,
    Arlene & Cathy

  536. Brendon:
    I am truly sorry for the loss of your father. Your love and tribute to him is very inspiring and touching to all who see it. It seems that your father lived a wonderful life and gave the best of himself to his children and to those who loved him best. I am sending you my deepest and most heart felt condolenscences.
    Your friend,

  537. Dear Brendon,

    Sorry to hear that your dad lost this fight.

    Great to see how you create this trubute page. I met you in San Francisco last June, and found out that you are a very special man, and you show this now over again.

    I wish you and your family all the best and we speak later.

    Stefan Dettmer
    The Netherlands

  538. Brendon,

    My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. I am truly grateful for your courage, inspiration, and love in this world, Brendon. If your father was anything like you, he was one amazing man!

    Marci Shimoff

  539. Thank you for sharing you, your dad’s and family’s presence. Life is precious and awesome. Live it, love it and enjoy it!

    Take care, my thoughts are with you.



  540. Although I didn’t know Mel personally, I feel I do have a sense of who he was and the gift he was to the world through knowing his son, Brendon. I see his principles and his values in action in the next generation. When my dad passed away I was comforted by knowing that others stood with me in remembering the many ways he was a gift to his family and the world. Mel’s legacy lives in on your hearts and we are all connected in this sharing of life’s inevitable losses, but more importantly, in our sharing of love.

  541. Brendon, there is nothing I can say that wil make the pain go away; only faith in God and time wil ease it.

    What I can say is that you were enormously lucky to have had what was obviously a warm and loving relationship with a man who was not just your father, but a deeply connected human being. I never had that with my father, so I can tell you that it is important for you to hold on to those memories and cherish them. Your life would be less without them; and will be much more because you have them.



  542. Dear Brendon,

    We wanted to share the story of the Butterfly with you and your beautiful family in hopes that it will light upon you and grace you with its beauty, courage and strength…

    A Butterfly ~

    lights beside us like a sunbeam

    and for a brief moment

    its glory and beauty belong to the world

    but then it flies again

    and though we wish it could have stayed……

    we feel lucky

    to have Seen it.
    Brendon, we are each truly blessed to “see” and “be seen.” Your father is, as far as we can tell, one of the most “seen,” respected and truly loved men that have graced this world and although we never had the chance to personally meet him, know his blessing to you and all the millions of lives he has touched through you, have created a light that can never be extinguished.

    We are with you all ways and sending you our prayers, love and Joy in celebration of who your father is and always will be.

    With Deep Respect,

    ~ Alex Carroll & Kimberly Ludwig

  543. Bryan and I spent a LOT of time together during our middle school and high school years. Everytime I was invited over to his house, Mel was there with a huge welcoming smile and a warm “Hello Andy, how are you today?” every single time. But the thing I remember most was the patience this gentleman had. Bryan and I spent ridiculous amounts of time playing basket ball in the alley of their house as there was a basketball hoop attached to the garage. I can’t even begin to count the number of times Bryan and I were shooting hoops and Mel would drive up the alley, wait for us to finish a shot and get out of the way, before he would drive his car into the garage. Doing that a few times seems like no big deal, but if you could add up the number of hours we must have made poor Mel wait in his car over the years, probably tired from work and hungry for dinner, the patience this man had was something that I don’t know I could match today. It’s those simple memories that can make an ordinary man into something extraordinary in the lives of those who were blessed to know him and lucky enough to be touched by his kindness.

  544. Hello good friend,

    Brendon, my heart and my prayers go out to you and your family dude. When I looked on your facebook and saw the blog, I didn’t want to believe it man. It seems just like yesterday, me and Mr. Mel were talking for hours outside of the tent for the seminar in Long Beach. We were out there working and talking for hours about everything dude. Your father inspired me, motivated me, made me laugh, and encouraged me in less than two days. The man is, was, and forever will be GREAT!!! I pray for you, your mother, and your family during this time of your life. I wish your mother the best!

    Man let me know if you want to talk about anything my brother, or pray! Take care good friend and brother.

    Minister Timothy Brown

  545. Brendon:
    Lynn and I are so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like your father was an absolutely amazing person and I would have loved to have met and spoke with him. You have a wonderful insight on life at such a young age. I’m positive he was very proud of you for that, along with your tremendous successes.

    I was called back early from Europe last Wednesday because my 84 year old mother who lived in Orlando died unexpectedly so I know your pain. I know they are in a better place.

    Take care my friend,

    Larry and Lynn Powalisz

  546. Dear Brendon —

    You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. It’s ironic that the closer we are to our family, the harder it is to lose one of our dear ones — happiness and pain being two sides of the same coin. I’m sure the love you, your mom, and your brothers and sister share are making this time, if not easier, at least more endurable.

    Not having the privilege of knowing your dad except through you, your words about him give such a clear sense of the great and good man he was. You are who you are because of him, and there no greater tribute a father could wish for. And how wonderful that he was able to see you shine so brightly before he left!

    My heart is with you, Denise, your mom, and the rest of your family. I wish that your memories of your dad and the good wishes of many of your friends will hold you up and keep you going — just as your dad would wish.

    Semper Fi — with love, Vicki

  547. Dear Brendon,

    I am very sorry for the loss of your father.

    I understand that he was very important to you and your family.

    I wish you the best for everyone of you.


    Thomas Bignier.

  548. Your tribute gave me a good insight to Mel’s life. I only really knew him when he was my regional manager with the Department of Justice, Driver’s Services. He was always jolly, usually had a good joke to tell and professional. One of my favorite memories of Mel was his reply to most of my questions, “If you will remember, we got a memo on that”. Then he would go on and answer my question. It is obvious that he will truly be missed. God’s blessings to you and your family.
    Joyce Harrison, Dillon, MT

  549. A wonderful your dad left you and now you are able to carry it on with some very fond memories. I had the opportunity to meet and talk with your dad as he shared stories about his family. (have pictures and will send at later date) I remember feeling impressed about how he emphasized the importance of his family and showing the proudness as he expressed the unique qualities of each one of his children. It can be seen that your dad truly enjoyed and shared the gift of life.

    Brendon, continue sharing the gft your father gave you.


  550. Brendon, Denise & Family,

    I only recently met your father at your wedding but in the short time that I spent with him it was apparent that he was an incredible man. I remember how sweet he was, his kind words and his warm smile… he made everyone feel so welcome as if they were a part of the family.

    He may have left this earth, but he left behind an amazing legacy! May his memory live in your hearts forever.

    Lots of Love,

  551. Your dad sounded like one real cool person. You and your family must feel very proud. You have done a very loving tribute for him. I am sorry to hear of his passing.

  552. Brendon:
    I am a future client of yours. I am just getting to know your work through your email broadcasts and your JV partners.

    A couple of days ago I got your email about your Dad’s passing. I was very touched. Even though I do not know you or your Dad, I decided to write a note on this board. Your sentiments are very touching and your inspirational video is very honest and from the heart.

    I believe that it will be great to work with someone with such level of openess and integrity.

    I pray you and your family Peace, Love, strength and most of all, beautiful memories of your Dad.



  553. Hi Brendon,

    My condolences for the loss of your father to you and your family. Having lost both of my parents to illness I know how the sorrow pierces your heart and leaves a space that only time can heal. You are such a shining spirit in the world and every time you touch your audience and clients a bit of your father continues to grace this world through you.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Debbie Bermont

  554. Dear Brendon,

    My deepest condolences to you and your family. May you feel the warmth of God’s love and find comfort in the many wonderful memories of your dad. Thank you for sharing your beautiful tribute to him.

    Take good care,

    T.C. Coleman

  555. Dear Brendon and family,

    We were so saddened to hear of your father’s passing. We had the opportunity to meet Mel and your mother at the Big Tent, and he was so proud of you he seemed fit to burst.

    There wasn’t a dry eye in our house when Sue read your tribute to Mel out loud. The world has lost a great soul and even as we mourn his passing we celebrate his life and the wonderful legacy he has left behind in his actions and his offspring.

    We will now move forward doing our best to take his advice to “follow your dreams.”

    Thank you Mel, and thank you Brendon for sharing your father with us.

    ~Kevin and Sue Kiser

  556. Mr. Burchard,
    My condolence to you and your family. I recently lost my father so I can relate to what you are going through. Stay strong, I think your father would have thought of no other way for you to act. I hope the best for you.

    Rod Jordan

  557. Brendon,

    I was at the May seminar just after you learned of your dad’s illness. Knowing that you were awaiting further news from back home, I was amazed at how fully present you were with the group of people who had come from all over the world to attend.

    I did not have the good fortune of meeting your dad, but I did have the great good fortune of attending your seminar and meeting you. I believe that you are a living testament to the wonderful character of your father. You were truly blessed to have each other and your family is blessed that you all know what is really important in life. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

    You may want to check in with Marika Z who attended the May seminar. She is working on a project to help families cope emotionally when a loved one receives a cancer diagnosis. I think Marika’s and your life experiences have some synergy in this area and together you could help a lot of people.

    Thank you for all that you do–for living, for loving, and for making a difference in the lives of so many people.


    Jenny P

  558. Dear Friends. More like, Dear family. I am writing to not only send my respects to the family, but to tell you all what Mel ment to me. The past 16 years I go to know Mel not only as a friend’s father, but as a personal friend. I will miss calling the Burchard house and having a 2-3 minute conversation before asking for Bryan, Brendan, or Helen. These conversations were fun and I know it brought Mel and me to be closer. I know that the relationship with Mel and I was a great one, and if he were to ask me for anything I would do what ever I could to help him, and his family out. After I grew up and started my family, The conversations got to be minimal, but the look on his face lite up when he saw my children was priceless. I will miss that. I will miss the time when Bryan and I wanted to BBQ the the back yard and for some reson Mel got mad at us for trying to start a fire in a BBQ hooked up to the natural gas line(Which was hooked to the house.) Bryan was so mad cause all he wanted was a BBQ burger. I will remember the time at my wedding that Mel and Chris danced the night away. I saw the gleem in his eye when he and Chris danced. I wish I could dance like that, and I will remember that for the rest of my life. I will miss him for all that he did for us growing up, hell he gave me my driver’s test. Now I don’t know about you, but when you know someone you say hello? Well, “I say hello”, and Mel goes “How are you Mr. Costantino?”, and I’m thinking, “I go to this guy’s house and he doesn’t know me?” That night I picked up Bryan to go out, and Mel says, How are you Jaime.” To Mel I will miss you…

    Respect, I must add this because my family are Marines. I respect the fact that this man could’ve died in Vietnam, but didn’t. The stories that he told me were stories that are not told in schools. This was the real deal, and Repect is not a given. IT IS EARNED! While writing I must pause for a moment of silence…I take my hat off and salute a soldier that will never be forgotten. Mel, my friend, I pray for your family and for you may you rest in peace, and THANK YOU!!! If your Family needs anything call.

    Brendan Costantino

  559. Dear Brendon,
    Our hearts go out to you and your family. It sounds like your father was a very special soul, and clearly he imparted that to you too. What joy for you all that he was a part of your lives. Thank you for sharing him with us. Take care.
    Yael & Eliav

  560. Dear Brendon,

    My prayers are with you and your family. You touch souls and clearly you got that gift from a special man. I wish you much strength and more courage than you already have. May you continue to carry on Dad’s legacy and continue to inspire and incite passion in all of those you meet. If you need to talk, give me a call.

  561. Brendon,

    We are so sorry for the loss of your father. We will continue to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

    Lanton, Lori, Margaret and Landry Lee

  562. Dear Brendon, Denise and the Burchard Family,

    Your father sounds like he was an incredible man of wisdom, honor and integrity. The values which he imparted to you are so beautiful and timeless. Learning about him from your email is a gift. I am so sorry that it is due to his passing.

    Just recently two people in our lives, one very young, one old, have been challenged with leukemia. We support those charities you listed (thank you for doing so as well), and have some understanding of what you went through. Same as your Dad, my uncle was fit as a fiddle, and got the diagnosis…..

    Losing a father, and one so dear and close, must be one of the hardest experiences this life affords. My heart goes out to you all.

    Wishing you love, strength and acceptance; and the wonderful task of carrying on your father’s incredible legacy, which, Brendon, you have been doing through your work, teaching others to find creative ways to give, as your father did, in every way throughout his life.

    Thanks for letting me, a relatively unknown person to you, into your personal life, and the lessons that your father’s life can teach.

    Please forgive the lateness of this response. You are on my personal email list, a list which sometimes, due to the fast-moving nature of our lives, gets pushed to the back of the “check list” for weeks. My guess is that your Dad would check his personal email more, and sometimes let the business one, go.

    Thanks Brendon.

    May all of the gifts which your Dad gave to you, remain at the forefront of your heart and mind, always.

    Rebecca Rothstein

  563. Brendon, having held my dad’s hand at his passing, I somewhat appreciate the depth of emotion you are certainly feeling. Being close to someone, and having them go on to other dimensions, is great for them, and leaves us with also a different dimension.

    Please take time for yourself, take time with those that you love, and you never know how long we have. I appreciate your continued giving at NSA at such a close time, know my prayers are with you and your family, and know if I can offer anything, please simply ask.

    God Bless your Dad for touching all those that he did, and thank you for carrying on, and caring on!

    John Meluso CSP

  564. Brendon – A man of faith and great courage you are. Your
    dad must be smiling upon you, for the awesome tribute you
    have given him. To you and your tremendous family, Keep
    The Faith, Stay Strong, Be Encouraged, You Are Not Alone.
    My prayer for you and your family is that you be,do,and have, all that God created you to be,do,and have for your
    benefit and His Glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  565. Brendon,

    I’m sending love to you and your family during this challenging time. I know words cannot do much to ease the pain of loss but I offer this poem to remind us all of our ultimate fate so that we can get our priorities straight:

    This life shall soon be over
    The bodies of today, so animated
    Serving new life forms in various ways

    What was once so important
    In one motion, waves upon the shore
    Washed away into oblivion

    A smile or a frown
    Melt into one
    Leaving only a flower

  566. Hi Brendon,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I appreciated your generosity at NSA in Phoenix as well as your kind words about my dad’s passing.


  567. To the Burchard Family,
    While attending the Experts Academy in May, it was obvious the love your family shared with your father. You honored him by serving us fully and being present throughout the weekend. That’s just what he would have wanted you to do.
    Your work will always be a testament to him. Continue to fight the good fight.
    May the Good Lord continue to bless and look out for your family. Thank you for sharing your father with all of us.

    Ed DiGenova

  568. Brendan, Your wonderful and loving Father lives on with and through you. Thank you for sharing him with the world. I didn’t know him, although I felt his loving spirit as I read your loving devotion on this page. You are sharing this gift (the gift of love and honor) with everyone in the world. Thank you for doing so. My Mom passed away last Fall from cancer. She had a diagnosis that was grim, and within months of receiving the news she was not going to make it, she passed on. We miss her every day, as I’m sure you will miss your Dad every day and remember the fond memories in our hearts forever.
    with warmth, love and appreciation,
    Peggy McColl

  569. I’m real sorry to hear about Mel – he was a real nice fellow and I enjoyed meeting him at the Toledo pad. Stay strong. eric r

  570. Dear Brendon,

    I am very sorry to hear of you and your families loss. I was gladdened to read what a great man he was, and in your inherent strengths, still is. May your grief be lifted in the warm glow of his memory.


  571. To the Burchard family-
    I was very sad to hear the passing of Mel. My Dad and Mom were at my house the night Annette told us. We reminised about our years in Montana, had some laughs and more than a few long moments of silence. He was stern but fair, demanded respect but very compassionate, and was a fine mentor to a young boy like I was. He was a true patriate that our nation owes a debt of gratitude. He will be missed. He was a fine man. I was blessed to have known him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Michael Pelzer

  572. We just met at the NSA convention a few days ago. Your genuine love for people and courage amazed me then and now I now where you got it from – what a champion your father was. I send you and your family love and prayers during this time.

  573. Dear Brendon,

    I wish for you that these many days since your Dad’s transition have become a little easier.

    I know on a deep level that those tugs at your heart, emotions, and flitting snapshots of passing memory visions do bring even greater richness to the lives that you touch.

    Your Father clearly was an elegant gentleman with a powerful sense of leadership to have brought you into this world with the Soul Purpose and passion that you so magnificently share with all of us.

    I am so very sorry for your loss, the shock, and the absence. I wish for you a softening of the ache with time and an accelerated gathering of thunderous love that I am convinced your will impart into your world.

    Blessings And Peace,

  574. Brendon,
    We met at the NSA conference last week. You are a very special person to have choosen to be present for all of us. I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Thank you for you inspiring words on the video. I understand . . . .


  575. Brendon,
    After reading this I now know it was your Dad who passed the gift of passion on to you.

    One thing about a pure spirit, it penetrates through every pore within your soul and your video just did that to me.

    Right now, it is only one moment at a time for you and your family. Thank God for the gift of time!

    Crying and Time are Healing Tools.

    We come to a crossroad when we lose a loved one.
    I too crossed a rough one.

    I lost my only child in a car accident. We grew up together. I gave birth to him at twelve years old.

    So you see, today, I know that God uses all circumstances for his glory.

    Last week, Please believe I felt you as you unfolded your story at NSA. As you witnessed about your miracle; your second chance to taste this wonderful gift, the only thing that really matters…the Breath!

    You must now continue to breathe for such a powerful man, your Dad!
    God sees your efforts Brendon; needed strength will be supplied to you and your family.

    And I my brother, well, I will keep all of you lifted in prayer.

    Finding Joy Inside of the Pain!
    Cheryl Rich

  576. Dear Brendon and Family,

    My heart resonates with you, having been likewise blessed with a wonderful father who passed away nine years ago. You were very lucky to have been with yours during his passing.

    You clearly have a close and fabulous family, and through your sadness, I wish you much joy as you celebrate Mel’s life and his gifts to all of you and the world.

    With love and gratitude,

  577. Brendan,
    I was away on vacation when I read your note about your Dad. I am on your distribution list, and so we’ve never met. I wanted to email you as I so very touched by your tribute to your Dad. You have a lovely family Brendan, and your father obviously did his job very well in raising you. I wish you and your family all the best,

  578. May each day bring you comfort and strength in knowing that your Dad is forever in your heart and in the hearts of your familly and friends.

  579. Brendon,
    So absolutely sorry about the loss of your dad! I recall the great moments my familly and I spent with your wonderful mom and dad at the College Success Boot Camp in Florida. He was one of the most positive and upbeat person I have ever met. He made us laugh continuously and he even drew all kinds of funny faces to let us laugh even more. In addition to making us laugh, he imparted words of wisdom to us which we truly appreciated and needed. He mentioned how proud he was of his children, he especially referred to the Boot Camp and said how proud he and your mom were of your accomplishments. I am not sure if anyone could have been more proud or could have had a bigger smile than Mr.Burchard did and I am sure continued to have. This is just a snap shot of the greatness of a very special man who touched many lives. God bless you and your family!

  580. Dear Brendon,
    I was so sorry to read of the passing of your father. I can only imagine the loss. My deepest sympathy is with you.

  581. Dear Brendon,

    Thank you for sharing so much about your father and your family. From your description, I know he was an incredible man and role model. From your writing, I can tell that you followed his advice.

    Be yourself- Since we met, I have enjoyed your sincerity.
    Be honest- You said you would try to visit New England.
    Do your best- You worked your schedule to make it happen.
    Treat people with respect- You were kind to all in RI
    Follow your dreams- Only you can answer that one. 🙂

    My condolences to you and your family.

    Your friend,
    -John Maihos
    Immediate Past Governor
    New England District of Kiwanis

  582. Dear Brendon,

    I was so saddened to read your letter about your Father’s passing. I know it is a mythic loss. I met your Father at your big tent event in Long Beach last year. He shared his warmth and humor with me, and beamed as he spoke of how proud he is of you. He was a bright light.

    I want to share with you a blessing I wrote a few years ago.

    I wrote it for a friend and mentor who taught me a
    tremendous amount about facing death with acceptance, grace, courage and curiosity. As she was dying, friends in her circle were invited to send love letters that would honor her life and bless her crossing over. I asked my Self, “what gift can I give Mary at this time?” and this
    blessing came.

    I share it with you now, and hold you and your family in my heart.

    with love,


    a blessing for crossing over…
    a blessing for our beloved dead…

    may you fly
    may you soar
    may the mystery embrace you
    crossing through this mythic door

    may you fly
    may you soar
    may you glide across the waters
    to a welcome distant shore

    may you fly
    may you soar
    may you gather round with elders
    who have long since gone before

    may you fly
    may you soar
    may you visit us often
    as wisdom’s soft whisper and laughter’s loud roar

    may you fly


  583. Brendon, your decision to share some of your dad’s qualities and his contributions to the lives of others is so very much appreciated. Thanks for giving me a chance to be inspired by Mr. Burchard through the stories and pictures you posted. I am so sorry for your family’s loss.

    Of course, the sweet memories of him will keep you all uplifted and inspired.

    Susan Mayes-Smith (seminar alum)

  584. Dear Chris and family, I want to extend my sincere sympathy to you all. As I was reading in the Great Falls Tribune this a.m. I noticed the obituary. I am so sorry. When I spoke to you last, you were looking so forward to your retirement and your move to Vegas, how fast things can change. I know you and your family have only great memories, these and God’s strength will carry you through. I’m so sorry.
    My thoughts and prayers,
    Lil Baker
    Conrad, Mt.

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